CURATOR COMMENT-Capitalize the words, 'Creature' and 'Spell' in the TYPE section of your tables (All cards)
-Capitalize the words, 'Fire' and 'Aether', in the ELEMENT section of your tables (All cards)
-Leave the ATK|HP section of the table blank if the card is not a creature (For your Atom Bomb cards - do not use the phrase 'N/A')
-For all the ART areas that you put the word, 'Me', in there, replace it with your actual name (just for clarity purposes)
-Try to capitalize the words in your card ideas, or at least at the beginning of your cards:
Atom Bomb - both cards (Old):
"inflicts 20 damages to the
opponent and 2 damage to
all the creatures in play. effected
creature might get mutate"
A simple fix here and there...
Atom Bomb - both cards (New):
"Inflicts 20 damage to the
opponent and 2 damage to
all creatures in play. Affected
creature might get mutated."
Atom - both cards (Old):
:dismantling :loses
-3|-3 and generate 1 proton,
1 electron and 1 neutron. might
cast atom blast"
You switched the highlighted words, 'electron' and 'proton' within the table. Also, 'losing' a stat value of '-3|-3' is a double negative, meaning that you're just gaining +3|+3. I'm guessing you meant to say they lose 3 attack power & 3 HP, correct? If so...
Atom - both cards (New): "
Atom loses +3|+3. Generate 1
electron, 1 proton, and 1 neutron.
May also cast Atom Bomb."
This way, Atom Blast is shortened to the correct term as well.
That said, these are A LOT of card ideas in a post, but I suppose since these all are generated from Atom, then it's okay to have them all in one topic. ^^;;; These TEXT fixes can all be done before you resubmit this to the Crucible - if you need help fixing the tables (since you have over 9 of them in a post), I can assist you in trying to reword and adjust your card wording as necessary nawikipedia.