Is it just me or would this significantly overshadow Mummy as a Death midhitter?
Unupped, no. Upped, yes.
It does in terms of stats, but remember, if you don't do something with it, then it dies in 3 turns or so, and gets more fragile in the proccess.
In mono: 4|6|8&death trigger => 18 damage + death trigger for 4
+ 1 card
In duo: 4|5|6|7|8&death trigger => 30 damage + death trigger + 4 +1|-1 counters for 4
+ 4
+ 1 card
I would suggest strengthening the mono usage and weakening the duo usage slightly.
Having 2X+1 hp when it gains 2 fire counters per turn was wise.
Thankyou for the comments.
I feel that there are several good cards which are only strong whith more elements involved. I gues this is the benfit you get for comitting into another element.
You are right in that this feels a bit weak in a mono, but honestly, I have no idea about improving it without disbalancing the whole card.
Isn't Cristopher Moeler a very famous Magic: The Gathering artist? Just asking...
Anyway, I think you're UP, dear Ascabi44. I always viewed you as a broken card with 9|9 stats and 4
playing cost! 
Yes, he is. I got my avatar from one of his MtG cards, Cultbrand Cinder.
And thank you for your compliment, but I'm not that broken

But I try to be versatile. Also, I always try to include *something* in my rushes to make them less one-dimensional. Just like this card.