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Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1247992#msg1247992
« on: October 04, 2016, 09:49:32 pm »

I'm Niels, a beginning pixel artist. I do a bunch of different stuff, mainly related to different games and fandoms. Some time ago I discovered this wonderful game and, long story short, got addicted to it (didn't we all? =D).

One day I decided to actually draw something element-related, but couldn't actually choose the subject, as there wasn't actually many things to begin with. Of course, there are cards and all, but, honestly, I'm not vrt, nor I claim to be as good as anyone who did absolutely amazing job on card art thus far.

But then I saw False Gods.

Don't get me wrong, those are really tough, and the amount of times they kicked my butt is quite large, but somehow, i got inspired by them. I started to draw FGs based on their decks and image that I would have about them. Some of the FGs ended up decent, some weren't as pretty, but all FGs so far and in future are going to be posted here.

Also, as part of my general practice, I may take suggestions on non-FG decks such as Ghostmare. Just PM me and I'll try my best to draw any deck you desire

Now, if anyone can't see my pictures due to the problems with imgur and what not, you can always use either my ultraimg page or my tumblr page (which actually contains more things than EtG fan-art).

And now that introduction is done, here comes the FGs. Enjoy

 :death Scorpio, the False God of Deep Seas and Poison :death

Spoiler for Hidden:

Have you wondered why even the strongest Water elementals are afraid of deepest parts of the ocean? Scorpio is reason they're trembling in fear. You should be too.

This is my first work on False God, so it might look a bit rough.
I always find kinda funny that despite the name, Scorpio doesn't have any scorpions in his deck, instead being filled with different water creatures. I do understand that main point of Scorpio as a deck is being poisonous all the way, but none-the-less, it's just funny. (Despite Scorpio being not as much of a scorpion as I'd want him to be, but i did add him a chest pattern of a purple scorpion)

I've improved Scorpio recently, so I guess that doesn't matter. I actually really like how Scorpio 2.0 ended up, even though it terrifies me. But then again, have you seen the things that live in deepest part of our oceans? It's scary, so Scorpio, as Leader of all those things should be scarier than them all, right?

Spoiler for Old version:

 :time Paradox, the False Deity of Time Anomalies :time

Spoiler for Hidden:

Feeling something's off, except nothing is? Found out you can tell someone's replics before they even say them? Be careful, Paradox may already laid its eye on you.

For this FG i simply decided to combine cards that Paradox is based on, which are Deja Vu, Electrum Hourglass and Blessings. Then i just added his weapon and shield. The result image is, well, paradoxical enough to be The Paradox we all know and love.

 :entropy Chaos Lord, the False God of Evolution :entropy

Spoiler for Hidden:

Look at all the creatures in our world. Every single one, from smallest photons to biggest dragons come from the hands of Chaos Lord

This one was a tough one to draw. Mostly because Chaos Lord is based on mutations. "How's that makes it difficult to draw?" You ask. Because the only creature that is connected to mutations is green, which is opposite color of the element. >_<

That being said, it still looks rather nice. Contrasts do play well, at least in my opinion.

 :life Ferox, the False God of Life :life

Spoiler for Hidden:

Natural life isn't good nor bad. It's fair, providing equal chances to all the links of its chain. Life is fair. Life's King, however, isn't.

As someone who played MonoLife Deck for a really long time, I can really relate to Ferox.
Even though the deck of FG isn't built exclusively around reptiles, most of Ferox' creatures are actually reptiles, and so I decided to make Ferox one big reptile.

Another thing about him - fern-like spine and armsprouts. As you know, Ferox uses Leaf Dragons ans Rays of Light as some sort of booster, which inspired me to add those in. It sort of represents Ferox being not only FG of animal life, but plantlife as well.

 :darkness Jezebel, the False Goddess and the Mother of Nymphs :darkness

Spoiler for Hidden:

Did they really think, they could make Her illicit forever?

I don't know why, but I especially like Jezebel as a False Goddess (It's probably 'cause she's one of four FGs that actually has a backstory, which, credit to Essence, is really great). The design of this lovely lady is simple - draw a Nymph in a dress with gradient (which in MS paint take ages to do) and some different colored bits to represent twelve types of nymphs she's capable of creating, then give her a veil (Cloak) and a Vampire Dagger (not sure why it's floating, though). I'd say, Jezzy ended up as quite gorgeous lady.

 :lightDivine Glory, the False Goddess of Sunsets and Wars :light

Spoiler for Hidden:

You took so long to build your empire. Would be a shame if someone would snap her fingers and your wonder would go down

Where do I even begin... Divine Glory, being as simple as she is, took me way too much time. Mostly because of misunderstanding on my part - I couldn't figure out the gender. Even the wiki uses two pronounces (he/him as well as she/her). Add to this complete lack of sentient creatures to represent Glory. Even her brother has someone to build an image around. It's not surprising that i (kinda) got this only on second try.

Never-the-less, I'm happy with this result.

Spoiler for First version:

 :darkness Decay, the False God of Corruption :darkness

Spoiler for Hidden:

We are lucky to live now, in the Age of Prosperity. There's just one problem, lying deep in the shadows, waiting for the Light to go out and to The Feast of Darkness to begin.

Decay wasn't that much of a challenge, if I may speak honestly. I mean, come on, it's just a Giant Alpha-Worm with Dusk Mantle and Electrocutor. I do like the idea of the FG, though.

 :life Elidnis, the False Goddess of Swamps and Marshes :life

Spoiler for Hidden:

Marshes can be dangerous. Many people have been lost there. It's better for them to be lost, because sometimes people stay in the swamps forever, and you definitely wouldn't want to join them

When I firstly tried to imagine what Elidnis should look like, I came up with something similar to vrt's Forest Spectre. But that isn't fair, is it? So I had to make something different. So I drew a lovely lady with leaf dress (I don't know why, but I couldn't imagine Elidnis without it) and Jade Staff. And as much as it was effective, it wasn't effective enough. So i added wings, 'cause wings are cool and they matched the idea of Elidnis being a FG of Swamp Spectres.

 :rainbow Rainbow, the False God of Balance :rainbow

Spoiler for Hidden:

People are unsure whether Rainbow caused imbalance in our world by leaving or imbalance in our world caused Rainbow to give up. The only thing they know is that Rainbow is longer there to hold our world. And it starts to fall apart.

Rainbow. If I'd know just how much trouble would this guy give to me... >.<
I honestly never expected Rainbow to be that difficult to draw. But it was. It really was tricky. Rainbow, being a FG that's composed of eleven different elements, took a long time and a bunch of heads to process his image just because of the color diversity. That being said, I really like how Rainbow turned out. And I also like the idea of not drawing rainbow FG any time soon.

As a FG, Rainbow has a whole lot of different control spells. But as a sorta-kinda-not-really-chinese dragon, he doesn't have hands to cast them, only wings, that can occasionally steal stuff. So, how does he uses the stuff? Breath. In almost every fantasy related fandom there is dragon(s) that can breath out fire/lightning/acid/magic/memes(What? Never seeing meme-breathing dragon?), so I thought, that making Rainbow breath out his spells would play out just as nicely. However, there was something I missed - dragons, especially those without paws, can't shoot bows, even magical ones. This thing would've completely ruined my work, if it wasn't for people in the chat, that suggested me drawing not the EE as we know it, but making it actual pendant with eye of eagle inside it. I liked that idea before and I especially like it now, since, well, weapon form of EE would look really weird comparing to its pendant form.

Special thanks to Basman-1453, Lunaris, and bunch of other people who helped me with the idea. You're incredible.

 :gravity Obliterator, the False God of Caves and Miners :gravity

Spoiler for Hidden:

Nobody knows what, who or when created Obliterator, but when He was created, He made sure that the whole world would know of His Arrival

Making a pile of grey stones look interesting while not messy was quite a challenge, even if the pile of stones is floating and humanoid-shaped. So, I added some chiseled pyrite armor, as well as put some chisel on the shield. Speaking of shield, I couldn't for the life of me make Diamond Shield look somewhat compatible with Obliterator, so I ended up using Titanium Shield instead. The result is fairly good, although I may redo him in the future.

 :air Fire Queen, the False Goddess of Fire, Queen and Mother of Firefly Swarms. Current Queen of False Gods :air

Spoiler for Hidden:

With Jezebel being slain, The Throne of The False Gods was taken by strong and brash Fire Queen. It was the first moment of the Millennium of Tyranny

Sometime ago I tried my first EtG fanart of ordinary unupped FFQ. It was awful. Since then I've walked a long road of practicing, drew a good amount of characters and pictures, until it came down to this. My final test of how much I improved from before...
I'm still awful. =P
Still, I think, Fire Queen came out looking fairly good.

 :light Dark Matter, the False God of Celestial Bodies :light

Spoiler for Hidden:

If you look at the night sky, you may not always see the moon. You may not even see stars. But you will always be greeted by black void, the realm of Dark Matter

My first idea of Dark Matter was to make him look bulky and sturdy as someone who represents two of the sturdiest elements in game - Gravity and Light. But then I thought of different way of picturing DM, mainly because of difference in his deck strategy: Dark Matter relies on black holes more than Light's force or Gravity's sturdiness. And who knows the most about black holes? Scientists, which Dark Matter immediately became.

He also has his two weapons: Morning Glory (Although I think that Morning Star would be a better suited name just 'cause of space-kinda theme) in his hand and Titan on the back.

P. S. It's kinda weird, but DM's weapons are actually equal in terms of damage output and quantum cost. Did anyone else noticed that? o.o

 :time Lionheart, the False God and Ancient Warlord of Eternal Army :time

Spoiler for Hidden:

There were a King, a Pope, a Council and a Warlord. King passed away, so did Pope and every Council member. But Warlord keeps his eternal crusade to reclaim the Holy Land, and nothing can stop him

Lionheart was really unusual God to draw. It mostly was the fact that Lionheart had to combine some bits and pieces of medieval crusader as well as parts that were given by "kings of the past" and "powerful spellcasters" as legacy of Egypt. Resulting image came out odd, but what else can one expect from Egyptian Crusader?

 :light Miracle, the False God of Sunrise, Peace and Wonders :light

Spoiler for Hidden:

True Wonder can never be took down.

For some strange reason, when I started to construct a concept for False Gods, I couldn't help but make Divine Glory and Miracle relatives, siblings, in particular. I don't know the exact reason why my mind went into that path, but it played better, than one could've expect.

Note: Miracle's wings aren't biological component of FG's body, they made out of Peace Essence, which, basically, is Miracle's main source of power. And yes, both of siblings can fly: While Miracle uses his Peace Essence, Divine Glory can just lift herself up just like she would make her swords levitate.

 :darkness Serket, the False God of Death, Loss and Sorrow :darkness

Spoiler for Hidden:

His beloved Nymph left Him with nothing but a vial of poison. Of course, eventually, she will come back. Until then... Serket has got a world to conquer.

Serket is rather confusing god in general. He had two completely different possibilities: Egyptian Goddess of... A lot of things, most importantly scorpions and healing, or False God of Death with a tragic story written by thatnewguy. That being said, I decided to stick around the tale, as the names may not be always accurate. Take Hermes as an example.

Serket's story on the wiki tells about the man who was already dead, so I decided to make Serket something among the line of undead warrior by removing pieces of flesh and revealing bones here and there. Serket's chestpiece has a scorpion emblem kinda like one Scorpio used to have. Serket also carries to Arsenics, a vile of poison from the story and his cloak.

Upd: Serket now has tails!

 :earth Hermes, the False God of destruction, King of Lava Golems :earth

Spoiler for Hidden:

Want to know reason Hermes is so feared among elementals? People believe that every time a volcano erupts, Hermes will be there to lead the eruption to cause more damage, incinerating all who wasn't quick enough to flee. The worst part about this rumor? It isn't a rumor

I honestly don't know what to say other than this: If volcano seems familiar to you, then you must be subscribed to my tumblr page, cause I uploaded there another artwork, but related to Bionicle, not EtG. It featured volcano made with the similar technique, which, overall, made both volcanoes look similar.

Hermes' head for some reason looks like that of a vampire, which is weird. I don't know how it ended up this way. o.o

Update: For some reason ultraimg.com just doesn't wanna work with Hermes. So here's a different link for those that can't see imgur images: http://puu.sh/sfMFy.png

 :time Destiny, the False Goddess of Fate, Luck and Birth :time

Spoiler for Hidden:

One person can easily change someone's day, sometimes even end it. Imagine that kind of power being given to cruel being. Afraid? It's just a matter of a simple question: How cruel Lady Luck can get?

Destiny was probably least recognizable False Goddess to play against. Literally, I couldn't remember a single fight against her, except for time when I defeated her. That's weird. o.o

Drawing Destiny was pretty easy, the only difficulty was to resist putting Destiny into bunny onesie. =D
Still, I like her appearance.

 :air Neptune, the False God of the World Ocean and Polar islands :air

Spoiler for Hidden:

General opposite of Hermes, Neptune is cold as Arctic itself. Before Neptune became a False God, he was the bane of any ocean traveler Neptune would come across. Now he's a False God, however, and wants to be the bane of our world

Surprised seeing an octopus-man representing Neptune? I was too, but some gears clacked on the idea of making Neptune octopus-man instead of mermaid. It mostly was Scorpio already resembling a mermaid (maybe not exactly a mermaid one'd expect, but still). It was also the fact that Neptune uses his ice powers and Arctic Squids as main CC, along side Shockwaves and what not, so Neptune was designed as a giant Squid

 :gravity Osiris, the False God of the Afterlife and Funerals :gravity

Spoiler for Hidden:

Once a God of Plantlife, Osiris was struck down by his own bloodline Seth. Even avenged and rebuilt, Osiris still could claim his old title no longer. Osiris became False God of Afterlife for his true title was lost with his death

Look at what we have here! Osiris, my favorite god from entire Egypt mythology! I loved drawing this guy.

Oddly enough, Osiris ended up looking distant for the most part from Lionheart. And I'm actually glad, cause every FG has to be different and unique. Despite stating that I would go with in-game appearance of those FGs that have their counterpart in existing mythologies(Serket, Hecate, Hermes and so on), I put a lot of things from actual Egyptian Osiris, which ended up looking great.

 :death Incarnate, the False God of the Plagues, Darkness and Moon :death

Spoiler for Hidden:

In the darkest woods filled with hollow trees and scavenged graves, one can find two things: Incarnate and death. One usually comes with the other

Since Incarnate has a lot of retroviruses and bloodsuckers and what not, I firstly decided to make him a plague doctor. But then... wings happened? Because vampire? And a dagger? I... don't really know what happened.

 :fire Octane, the False God of Explosions and Gas Forests:fire

Spoiler for Hidden:

Want to drop your smoking habit? Ask Octane to help. He's literally the most effective way to help you to get rid of it.

Remade Octane cuz human version sucked. Snakes are way better (Ask Ferox)
That being said, the only reason Octane's snake is me not being able to draw a bird properly.

Spoiler for Old Version:

Whelp. Here we are, Octane.
Essentially, I wanted Octane to look like he's crazy, but it's kinda hard since pixel-art doesn't provide much space for emotions and what not. So, this is why we have somewhat anarchistic redhead punk, whose hair was actually burned by Octane's own explosions and playing with fire in general.

 :gravity Akebono, the False God of Gravity :gravity

Spoiler for Hidden:

Akebono? Hm, He was believed to be a powerful spirit in the strongest suit of armor crafted of hundreds of Armagio. Now He's just believed to be big, tough and scary cyclops that wants to eliminate everything. Not sure what's better for you

I should be god of References to Greek Mythology =Р

Akebono didn't came out as bulky as one would expect, BUT, for Akebono to be a good fighter, his body is supposed to be movable. Not necessarily agile, but at least moveable. Still, I really like his appearance.

 :fire Hecate, the False God of the Witchcraft and Vengeance :fire

Spoiler for Hidden:

No one likes to be forgotten, especially vengeful Goddess such as Hecate. Worst thing is - Hecate has everything to spread her vengeance across the world. And you know she will use it.

Remember me saying I should be False God of mythological references? Scratch that, cut that line out and burn it with fire, then spread the ashes over my Hecate artpiece. I mean, this is how Hecate supposed to look. And I've made some really hellish creepy demon-puppeteer-lady. I wonder what is wrong with my perception. o.o

 :aether Eternal Phoenix, the False God of Rebirth and Refinery :aether

Spoiler for Hidden:

The world is on its edge. Don't deny, it is. Eternal Phoenix, the god of refinery, decided, that it's time to rebuild our world and turn it better place. Unfortunately for us, to build a better world, He needs to get rid of the old one and lay the foundation on its ashes. That's how phoenixes would do it, don't you agree?

I expected Eternal Phoenix to be like fiery version of Decay, but I couldn't figure how to draw fractalled phoenix. Then EP turned into this thing with six flaming wings. Hope you like him

I may or may not revisit him later on

Spoiler for Old Version:

 :death Morte, the False God of Scavenging and the Undead :death

Spoiler for Hidden:

Do you believe in afterlife of any sorts? Do you think your soul will get eternal peace? Sad to say, but it's not how this works. After your death, every single soul goes to Morte himself, while his condors chew on your dead body.

Nyeh heh heh! We have some spooky scary skeleton! Mainly, this fellow is inspired by the one and only Papyrus, but there's also traces of lego action figures. Overall, the FG looks great, IMO. Especially the rib cage. I love how it worked out. *-*

The purpleish blob is supposed to be Plague spell. I also have Morte hold his Arsenic-bone spear simply because just Arsenic would kinda look puny in hands of this undead titan.

 :entropy Dream Catcher, the False Goddess of Control :entropy

Spoiler for Hidden:

Dream Catcher is believed to be the Nymph of Control. What does she control, you ask? Everything. On every your trick, she would come up with five and there's nothing you can do other than give up. Well, at least, that's crowd's belief. That being said, Dream Catcher didn't prove otherwise.

Well, that wasn't fun. Never drawing rainbows ever again. =\

Second version of Dream Catcher looks much better than her 1001-armed predecessor. I may settle for this image, though I'm not really sure whether I'm gonna keep it for DC or not. I mean, I probably can do better. Just need to find a proper idea.

Rainbow kimono was surprisingly a good choice to represent the rainbowness of Dream Catcher (though, kimono only show 9 elements. Tenth, Darkness is showed by DC's hair). Also, now that I don't have additional 8 pairs of arms, it left me enough space to add butterfly wings to represnt Butterfly Effect. I did keep the theme of Nymph with legs and face of Abomination.

Spoiler for Old Version:

Dream Catcher was tough. Finding a good looking way to balance 10 elements that wouldn't include drawing a snake (check out my Rainbow) is tough in itself, but I actually went even stupider and decided it would be a great idea to make Catcher humanoid. Catcher ended up looking nothing like somewhat decent False Goddess, but a colorful mess with a little domination on the pink color. If someone has any suggestion on how to redraw DC into a decent FG-being, I will make it as soon as possible.

The main Idea was to draw DC as Purple Nymph, cause it's the most hair-tearing way for CC that she has. The legs were inspired by the fact that DC has a lot of abominations and what not. DC also has a wooden mask similar to mine, with which I'm covering my shame right now. because her face was supposed to be abomination-y too. 1001 arms situation was inspired by Indian deities that have just about same amount of arms. Only it looked somewhat decent >.<

 :water JCJ Proposal: Leviathan, the False God of Storms and Oceanic Hurricanes :water

Spoiler for Hidden:

Leviathan, the False God of Wrecked ships, wasn't always a giant amphibian. People say, Leviathan was a famous pirate, known for being a bane of anyone, who would come across. Anyone mortal, that is. One day brave fool challenged a God. Leviathan lost battle and was cursed to become a beast.

First of, this FG doesn't exist in game. The deck was created by JonathanCrazyJ personally for me. You see, out of 29 FGs we have currently in EtG, not a single god uses Mark of Water. So I asked JCJ to make one, just to be fair to Water Element. The deck is
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
77i 77i 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 78q 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gm 7gp 7gp 7gs 7gs 7gs 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7t6 7tf 7tf 7tf 7tf 7tf 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 8pp

The main concept was kinda inspired by the myths of actual leviathan and Norse creature Jormungand, a snake so large, it could wrap around planet Earth. My Leviathan is not as big, of course, but he's still rather large. Of course, the big boy needs a big toy, so he also carries a huge Poseidon (which he also is able to use, unlike rest of water FG. Credit to JCJ yet again). Overall, I really like how everything turned out.

 :aether Gemini, the False Deity of Links between the Worlds :aether

Spoiler for Hidden:

There was only one thing that looked more alien than Gemini. The madmen crashed it with their power of Gravity and teleported the remains away

While not directly copying the Twin Universe card, I was strongly inspired by the art on it, even to the point where I couldn't imagine Gemini look somewhat different. The only problem the eye: I wanted Gemini to look weird, but putting two eyes seem kinda orthodoxal, so I stick to only one.

Also, I made Gemini's crown look a little unusual. I felt like making Gemini's crown more like gravity-pulled golden crown Roman Emperors used to wear would just fit better. Enjoy!

 :fire Graviton, the False God of Plasma and Pressure :fire

Spoiler for Hidden:

Forged in the depths of the planetary core, Graviton burns with an unstoppable flame!

Credits to Aves for the Graviton's Lore. I couldn't think of it myself, so the good sir helped me. Show him some love for me. c:

The concept of Graviton was pretty simple - draw a Gravton Firemaster, but buffed and godlike. I mean, that's what firstly would come to anyone's mind, isn't it?

I did add some special features, though. Fiery head and red-silver Lance were one of them. Overall, I like the artwork in the end.

 :time Seism, the False God of Avalanches. King of Graboids :time

Spoiler for Hidden:

"Hm, this looks too accurate to be made nearby creatures," said chief archaeologist to his co-workers, pointing at the giant statue of insectoid creature. Then happened something: A hit of a pickaxe, a fallen stalactite, maybe even something as small as loud sneeze. Either way, the granite shell cracked, revealing its monstrous content... Seism was awoken after millennial dream

The remake of Seism turned out looking more like a dinosaur-kind of creature than pokemon, which is something I personally would wnat out of a false god that supposed to represnt the ancient underground spiecies. Also, that tail is supposed to act as the cause of ultimate butthurt the Earthquakes.

Spoiler for Old Version:

Weird, huh? Everyone, including me, was expecting a beast like no other, the Alpha-Graboid, the FG of earthquakes and whatever. What did we get? An oversized pokemon. I mean, come on. This thing doesn't look terrifying, it looks cute. I'm pretty sure, that group of archaeologists died because of the cuteness overload. >.<
I'm redoing this one after New Year, along with other FGs I don't feel satisfied with.

 :aether ValerianFlame Proposal: Drekuth, The False God of Machinery :aether

Spoiler for Hidden:

Drekuth was once a mighty inventor, using machine after machine to his own efficiency. However, once he stumbled onto a new hypothesis, chronokinesis, he began working immediately. However, there was one crucial flaw in his time machine; he could not avert the imbalances of time. Due to his naive pursuits, he caused many paradoxes, and learned how to control them. With this newfound power, his ability to use machinery effectively skyrocketed, and he joined the False Gods.

Whelp. I messed it up, cuz about half-way through the thing I drew Drekuth as a machine, despite the fact that ValerianFlame (the man behind this particular FG) mentioned Drekuth being human.

Also, this is another custom FG. The image is provided down below. Credit to ValerianFlame (and me, I added Farenheits)
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dg 7dm 7dm 7dm 7dn 7dn 7dr 7dr 7dr 7f2 7f2 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gn 7gn 7gn 7gn 7go 7go 7go 7go 7gp 7gq 7gq 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 7h2 80b 80b 80b 8pu

 :gravity DoctorC Proposal: Cassandra, The False Goddess of Inspiration and Art :gravity

Spoiler for Hidden:

It is rare that someone as flawed as an ordinary elemental can create a creature of divine purity. Miracles happen, however, and one of them resulted in ancient bard brothers creating a muse of angelic look and bright spirit. Little muse then was raised by brothers and taught in ways of art and peace. Years have passed and so did Cassandra's fathers, but the muse herself still spreads joy and bright ideas to this day.

Another custom thingy I made, this time completely on my own. I just really liked the idea of having Angels paired with Acceleration. Then I thought that it'd be cool to combine the deck with my Cassy's image, and here we are.

Note, that Cassy is a peaceful little cookie (as much as FG can be) and doesn't want to have any control measures against her opponent. She also doesn't have a weapon for that reason. That being said, she's surprisingly fast at making great deals of damage.

The deck:

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
74a 74a 74a 74i 74i 74i 74i 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jt 7ju 7ju 7ju 7ju 7ju 7jv 7jv 7jv 7k2 7k2 7k2 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 7la 808 808 808 80b 80b 80b 8pl

Next one:
So, now what? We ran out of the Gods to draw, didn't we? Well, fear not! For there will be more things to post, I can assure you. I'm gonna be working on some smaller projects for this wonderful forum. Thanks for accepting me as a part of this big family c:
« Last Edit: January 10, 2018, 06:41:14 am by DoctorC »
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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1247993#msg1247993
« Reply #1 on: October 04, 2016, 09:56:37 pm »


awesome project

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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1247994#msg1247994
« Reply #2 on: October 04, 2016, 10:00:07 pm »
Oh my gawd these are brilliant! where did you draw these?
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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1247995#msg1247995
« Reply #3 on: October 04, 2016, 10:20:43 pm »


awesome project

Oh my gawd these are brilliant! where did you draw these?

Thanks. c: I appreciate your comments.

I draw in ordinary MS paint.
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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1248048#msg1248048
« Reply #4 on: October 05, 2016, 12:25:38 pm »
dat paradox and dat chaos lord...
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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1248049#msg1248049
« Reply #5 on: October 05, 2016, 01:16:52 pm »
dat paradox and dat chaos lord...

Thanks! c:
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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1248073#msg1248073
« Reply #6 on: October 05, 2016, 06:25:51 pm »
I personally use imgur.
Doesn't require an account, and images last a long time (forever?).

I was going to comment on how I especially like scorpio,
but honestly, I like all of them.
Somehow, the transparent parts of chaos lords made me like it slightly less.
also, I'd personally not put the crowns above their heads like this.
note that this is really nitpicking, because there is nothing bigger to criticize, thats how awesome it is.

What tool do you use to make these?
be quick- time is quanta.

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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1248078#msg1248078
« Reply #7 on: October 05, 2016, 08:58:02 pm »
What tool do you use to make these?

Thousands of hours in MS-Paint :silly:
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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1248081#msg1248081
« Reply #8 on: October 05, 2016, 09:19:29 pm »
I like to imagine these artworks for bosses in space shooter type of games (e.g: Space Impact, a mobile game for old Nokias). The artwork for Scorpio also reminds me a bit of the Shadow Folk, from the Deep Sleep series. So yeah, they are pretty good. I'd gladly fight them in a real game. ;)
And we keep driving into the night
It's a late goodbye, such a late goodbye...

~ Platinum Quest ~

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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1248104#msg1248104
« Reply #9 on: October 06, 2016, 07:53:51 am »
I personally use imgur.
Doesn't require an account, and images last a long time (forever?).

I was going to comment on how I especially like scorpio,
but honestly, I like all of them.
Somehow, the transparent parts of chaos lords made me like it slightly less.
also, I'd personally not put the crowns above their heads like this.
note that this is really nitpicking, because there is nothing bigger to criticize, thats how awesome it is.

What tool do you use to make these?

Thanks, I'll try imgur.
Transparent parts on Chaos Lord are different non-entropy spells, such as explosions or congeals
About crowns: I didn't really think of a way to show their power as FGs other than giving them those crowns.
Thanks for your comment c:

And yeah,
Thousands of hours in MS-Paint :silly:
It's not as long, of course, I'd say a hundred or so =D

I like to imagine these artworks for bosses in space shooter type of games (e.g: Space Impact, a mobile game for old Nokias). The artwork for Scorpio also reminds me a bit of the Shadow Folk, from the Deep Sleep series. So yeah, they are pretty good. I'd gladly fight them in a real game. ;)

That's actually funny, 'cause I actually played Deep Sleep series (which is fantastic), but I didn't even see the similarity between the two characters. Honestly, I just didn't know what to put as Scorpio's head (ProSkillz), so that's what I ended up with. Still, I appreciate your comment. c:
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  • Pixelated Elementals
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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1248126#msg1248126
« Reply #10 on: October 06, 2016, 06:07:24 pm »
I added Jezebel to the first post. I suggest checking her out.
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Re: Pixelated False Gods https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=63283.msg1248127#msg1248127
« Reply #11 on: October 06, 2016, 06:15:49 pm »
dat Jezebel... :o
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