I'm new to this forum, having played the game but never discussing it.
Being a high school student, it's my final semester before graduating to university - I'm scrambling to build a portfolio that would land me into a good program after my interviews. I just happened to create a Gravity-themed card on a whim, thinking about how the Gravity deck didn't have any cards that were particularly 'heavy' other than Armagio.
Behemoth Turtle (name subject to change)

Painting process for those who are interested:
Edit: now with annotations
The turtle's crest powers its near impenetrable armor, but makes its shell extremely heavy. The turtle crawls over land, crushing and deforming everything in its wake.Making the art, I didn't really think about what the card's abilities would be at all - I just thought it would look cool with a Gravity crest and Armagio-style armor.
Not sure if this was the appropriate place to post this, but any advice would be appreciated!