Users like you have made me resing the forum for a while, because it seems that sometimes vets feel the need to procrastinate on the thoroughness for pure "veteranism be"(I did not find a corresponding word from Italian but i think you understood what i mean..) and sometimes they take things very lightly, going from one extreme to another;
do not get me wrong, it is normal that people often speak of mathematical situations or fair use of the forum (and therefore very specific), how often, thank God, they wanna joke and light the atmosphere, but it seems that some people do not resist just be conceited and arrogant,(probably?) wishing to be putted on display(a very important thing for people who didn't understand how to REALLY "being taken seriously"[quote from ABSOL himself])lol...
P.S. I wrote here instead as an according forum-human logic of using a PM, since you also do and have done the same with me more than once(demonstrating how little worth your being diplomatic if then when it's time to really being so, you prefer to make comments off-topic and also share them with all the community), which of course gived me a certain reputation in a forum with so many who can read everything you writed and therefore not very pleasing to me, that's why i return you the favor knowing as much you like peoples approvation.
Thx god i still love this game and i love this community 'cause not everyone is lke you.
Cheers Matteo or if you prefer your childish nickname @CAPSACCUSSO