It's a common misconception that quantum-producing creatures are a form of acceleration. They aren't. Devourers/Pests take two turns before they break even, and the other creatures break even at the end of the turn they are summoned. After that, they are just creature-pillars. Gnome Gemfinder is the worst of the five quantum creatures (Gnome, Damsel, Brimstone, Devourer, RoL), so it sees pretty much no play, apart from a weird fractal stall with Gemfinders or something. Damsels and Brimstones, on the other hand, are very good at shaving your opponent's health while providing quanta towards your bigger threats. They are much better than pillars or towers in this respect. Of course, the existence of SoG in upped play means that players are required to attack with large swarms of bigger creatures, or a few REALLY big creatures (i.e. Golem/Destroyer), leaving no place to use these little creatures.