Maybe because some decks don't carry CC or may not have enough of it unless you have a tendency to run , , , or .
I think you mean or . All of those elements can use CC. remember that we are talking of hp-dependant CC, so forget about and ... Not a big deal anyways.
the thing about arctic squid is that it's a rare. and rare cards are supposed to be generally better than regular ones. as far as squid is concerned it is not quite powerful enough to live up to it's standards.
While the squid needs a buff, rare creatures are not supposed to be generally better. The only reason rare weapons are often used is because "other" weapons are terrible, not because rare weapons are overpowered. True, I feel that this thread can be a bit pushed by the fact that it is a rare...
Whatever, CC isn't THAT much of a deal, most rushes don't pack CC and they are the most relevant cases, when the opponent has more creatures.
Also, it's a spell on a stick, it should be weak, high-costed or copy a weak spell (it's weak, and med-costed, copying a strong spell).
Maybe it could make use of a buff, but I don't know.
Killybob. In both the buff and nerf sections, there are threads that you are supposed to read before posting.
SG thoughtfully stickied them, so they would always be at the top of the page.
It was also thoughtfully named 'READ THIS FIRST' in all caps, just so it would grab your attention.
It may have helped that I've referenced it, linked it, or even quoted it on many of your posts here.
This forum section is for posting card buffing suggestions.
Here's what you do:
1. Pick a card that you think is weak and needs buffing (you can only pick ones that haven't been already picked)
2. Start a new topic where you include a picture of that card and a short explanation on why you think this card needs a buff, and how it should be buffed.
3. Add a poll that says something like: "How do you think this card should be buffed?". Poll options could look something like this:
- "The card is perfect. It should NOT be buffed".
- "The card needs a minor buff -> *insert buff here"
- "The card needs a medium buff -> *insert buff here"
- "The card needs a major buff -> *insert buff here"
- "The card should be totally changed or removed from the game
Ths applies for both the buff and nerf sections. If you are in the nerf section, feel free to change those options to nerf rather than buff.
I'm only doing this because of repeated posts whch do not follow the trend. Please don't be discourgaged from posting in this section because of some uptight guy with some life symbols, discussion here is valued and appreciated. However, if you would like to make a permanent home in the Buff/Nerf section, we would appreciate it if you would wipe your feet at the door.
im sorry i don't quite follow what i did wrong. if it's the lack of picture your talking about then my explanation is that the computer i have does not handle implanting images very well. if it is something else i did wrong please specify. anyway what ever i did i'll try to rectify.
Pl0x change the poll, it's too "meh, I did a poll".
And maybe DD meant that well looking, detailed, explicit threads have a higher success rate in this section. Maybe you could make a clean up in the OP (original post).