Name: Rutarete
Favored Teams:
(If Flying Air Pigs is to return though, it takes first priority
Favored Roles: Deckbuilder, Card Designer, Writer
Timezone (GMT): -8
Usually Online: mildly active, but in about a month, when the semester ends, I'll have all the time I need,
- [Role 1] : Deck Portfolio
- [Role 2] : CIA Portfolio
Why I would make a good Brawl member: I will bring creativity/wacky ideas to the team. As for being online, I've become more of a lurker than a poster - but I'm constantly lurking, so you could say I'm nearly always on. Last brawl, I was the Deckbuilder for Team Air/ Flying Air Pigs, so you can see a few of the decks I've actually posted to the forum there.