Name: Laxaderp
Favored Teams: If elements actually mattered,
. But they don't, so whoever has the most kickass people on said team.
Favored Roles: Deckbuilder, Card designer/off topicker
Timezone (GMT): GMT-5
Usually Online: Whenever needed, especially on weekends
Portfolio: What this?
- [Role 1] : Swag
- [Role 2] : Yolo
- [Role 3] : Bitch Swerve
Why I would make a good Brawl member:
I'm super active when I need to be, and I have gifs of bewbers (just have to save the most impressive ones for the gravilla). Also, as to deckbuilding, I actually do make good decks, I'm just greedy and don't post them. Also, I speed build everything (haven't had a word document with decks for the past 6 months now), so I'm a boss at procrastination.