've compiled some stats about the overall behaviour of voters during Brawl. Some of these are estimates, based on the following suppositions (that are not 100% true, but that help us see the bigger picture)
- Every Brawler voted in all roles (if there are less votes than Brawlers, then I assume that only Brawlers voted)
- Every non-brawler voting used both their votes
What can be seen is that Round 1 was really popular, with the highest amount of voters. The order in which the submissions appeared seems to affect the amount of votes (as some people had suggested), with Artists getting systematically more votes and Off-Topickers and Writers getting the least votes (specially from non-brawlers). The advertising in the Forum news did increase the interest of the rest of the community, but nothing close to the votes received in Round 1.
In round 6, there were some atypical things. Firstly, the amount of brawlers using both their votes was higher, than during the rest of the Brawl and if we compare roles that had no wagers (artist, FE and writer, as

got an autowin) and roles that had wagers (combo, because of the DB part, CD and OT) we get 8.67 brawlers vs 14.33 brawlers, which probably indicates that there was some strategic voting.
Secondly, round 6 was as popular as round 1. This can either mean that the community had its interest renewed or that there were sockpuppets voting.
Neither of these explain the bizarre last minute changes of votes, as they make no sense at all, strategically speaking (maybe this can be the work of some troll trying to ruin the event, I don't know)