
1. BOSS: Which submission had the best interpretation of how Elements works as a world?

Submission #1
8 (20.5%)
Submission #2
4 (10.3%)
Submission #3
5 (12.8%)
Submission #4
13 (33.3%)
Submission #5
6 (15.4%)
Submission #6
3 (7.7%)

Total Members Voted: 39

Voting closed: September 22, 2012, 02:32:43 am


2. CARD DESIGNER: Which submission had the best creature card idea based on an emotion?

Submission #1
16 (37.2%)
Submission #2
7 (16.3%)
Submission #3
6 (14%)
Submission #4
4 (9.3%)
Submission #5
4 (9.3%)
Submission #6
6 (14%)

Total Members Voted: 43

Voting closed: September 22, 2012, 02:33:42 am


3. DECKBUILDING: Which submission had the best deck based on an inspiring quote?

Submission #1
9 (23.1%)
Submission #2
2 (5.1%)
Submission #3
15 (38.5%)
Submission #4
3 (7.7%)
Submission #5
6 (15.4%)
Submission #6
4 (10.3%)

Total Members Voted: 39

Voting closed: September 22, 2012, 02:34:10 am


4. ARTIST: Which submission had the best card art for an existing card moved to a new element?

Submission #1
14 (33.3%)
Submission #2
4 (9.5%)
Submission #3
5 (11.9%)
Submission #4
1 (2.4%)
Submission #5
13 (31%)
Submission #6
5 (11.9%)

Total Members Voted: 42

Voting closed: September 22, 2012, 02:35:01 am


5. WRITER: Which submission had the best poem about one of the elements?

Submission #1
4 (10.3%)
Submission #2
6 (15.4%)
Submission #3
5 (12.8%)
Submission #4
8 (20.5%)
Submission #5
1 (2.6%)
Submission #6
15 (38.5%)

Total Members Voted: 39

Voting closed: September 22, 2012, 02:35:37 am


6. OFF-TOPICKER: Which submission had the best lyrics for the Elements theme?

Submission #1
3 (8.8%)
Submission #2
6 (17.6%)
Submission #3
9 (26.5%)
Submission #4
16 (47.1%)

Total Members Voted: 34

Voting closed: September 22, 2012, 02:36:31 am


7. FORUM EXPERT: Which submission was the best idea for a Tool?

Submission #1
2 (5.7%)
Submission #2
13 (37.1%)
Submission #3
6 (17.1%)
Submission #4
6 (17.1%)
Submission #5
2 (5.7%)
Submission #6
6 (17.1%)

Total Members Voted: 35

Voting closed: September 22, 2012, 02:36:01 am


Offline UTAlanTopic starter

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Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« on: September 15, 2012, 02:30:24 am »
Deadline: Time is up!

Spoiler for Submissions:
Spoiler for Submission #1:
Unlike elements the game the actual world of elements isn't constrained by hands or cards. These have been introduced to limit the vast expense of elementals' powers to something us mortals can comprehend.

Where we see a mark of a certain element, a majestic being that is an elemental is represented, radiating with their elements power, as is represented by the mark generating quanta.
    Where we see pillar cards elementals draw forth upon the power of it's respective element by creating a connection with this element to themselves, a connection materialized as a pillar, from which elemental power flows through the elemental.
    Spells are much more intuitive though, they are cast by an elemental just as in the game, although them being instant does not respect the effort it takes for such a spell to be cast, even by being a mighty as elementals.
    Permanents are objects, floating around the elemental, possibly resting on the ground. Although one might be surprised at a permanent like "Nightfall" being destroyable it's really not all that surprising when you think about it as an object that causes this state to be destroyed, rather than the nightfall itself.
    And finally there are creatures... brittle and instantly summoned as cards in the game they are more of an army of the elemental, an army resting at the home base. In order to summon forth this army the elemental draws upon that elements power. Although manipulation within the game seems trivial and all creatures equal, those originating from your "card pool" are the one's whose essence does not go lost regardless of whether or not they die, they are rematerialized after the battle to fight for their master once more.

Although the actual game knows turns within which one acts they do not even closely represent the elemental world, faster elementals have a clear advantage and don't just wait for their opponent to make a move, creatures also just attack the opposing elemental whenever the opportunity arises. Those small little frogs with high attack? They simply get the opportunity to attack more often.

Spoiler for Submission #2:
Elements happens on a planet that acts as a gate between two dimensions. The first is a dimension similar to ours, while the other one is where energy dominates. This planet does not follow a specific orbit because of the huge power shifts that happen on it.
This planet has a pure energy core, where some of it leaks in the form of bubbles through the matter, and may catch some impurities along its path. If the bubble of energy catches enough impurities, it shatters into smaller bubbles called quanta. Quanta are not volatile; instead, they have some bounds between them and matter. These bounds are made by a substance called gluent, that can be of three types. One is matter-quantum, the other two are quantum-quantum. There are twelve types of quanta, although only nine are found on the planet. The type of quanta depends on the impurities. The three types of quanta not found on the planet are Aether, Time and Entropy quanta. While Entropy quanta are simply bubbles that didn't become impure enough before reaching the surface of the planet, and lost some energy along the way. Aether quantas are of what the dimensional gate is made. The gate can be passed at any time and in any place on the planet. Time quanta will be explained later. The most abundant quanta type are Water, Air and Earth, while the least common are Fire and Life.

If many bubbles of energy come in contact with each other while being pure enough, they form a blob of energy. This blob will proceed to reach the surface, possibly catching more impurities. This blob is an elemental. Elementals are thus impure energy, and the impurities they collected upon their ascent make them able to have characteristics of the quanta forms, and free to shift between them. Elementals can survive for a long time, only between the two dimensions, where they can summon things from either parallel. To summon both offensive and defensive creations, a bigger amount of energy than the elemental usually can collect is needed. The extra energy needed comes from quanta. The quanta-accumulating process is called "refining". During this collecting of quanta, the elemental can both produce quanta on its own and use catalysts to get quanta. The catalyzers appear in the form of pillars, often attracting only one specific quantum. The catalyzer can be anything, but some catalyzers work better, e.g. Amethyst for Entropy Quanta. Time quanta are produced in specific factories made of various catalyzers, that draw different quantas to them, which colliding will generate different quanta. While Time Factories are specialized in producing Time Quanta this way, Quantum Pillar use similar drawing mechanics, but the quanta are collected before they collide.

After quanta are collected in a sufficient amount, creatures from the matter world and spells from the energy world can be summoned through the consumption of the collected quanta. Allowing these elementals to manipulate the seen and the unseen to do one's bidding.

Spoiler for Submission #3:
The arena was wild. The third battle that day had just finished and the audience was hungry for more. Elementals of every nationality had turned up to watch the games; bringing along their own pets in the hope they would be one of the chosen to compete.

Divine Glory was the False God chosen as the commentator for this tournament. She was supposed to be standing alone in the commentator's pit, but several male Elementals, mostly Fire, had already climbed their way to her side.

"And now, confident that he will be the one to defeat our champion, Wasiliase, let us welcome our next challenger, Rukavi!"

The audience roared as a charming Aether Elemental stepped into the arena, a heavy grin on his face while he proudly
showed off his Mindgate necklace.

Then Wasiliase marched out, holding his bottles of poison. He walked to the middle of the arena to meet Rukavi, breathing heavily on the Elemental's face.

"Let's do this", Wasiliase muttered.

Divine Glory took the Electrum coin from her pocket and with a flick of her wrist was able to call out,

"And it looks like Rukavi will start this match!"

The crowd cheered as Rukavi started setting out his Aether pillars.

"Starting off the game with 4 Aether pillars, those pillars are going to slow him down majorly in the crucial moments of the start of the match, let's hope he has some power behind it."

Wasiliase smiled as Rukavi signalled for the end of his turn.

"I'll show you how a real Elemental does it", he whispered, stacking out his Bone towers. He then pulled out a bottle of poison, and chucked it to his opponent.

"And Wasiliase starts off the fighting as he forces Rukavi to drink a bottle of Deadly Poison, that will not be good for him in the long run."

Rukavi was already chocking on the poison, when Wasiliase released one of his pet Flesh Recluses, and signalled for the end of his turn. The Recluse charged to the already weak opponent, and took a bite out of his arm.

"And Wasiliase's Flesh Recluse does a moderate amount of damage to Rukavi, look, you can already see him squirming with pain."

The battle continued like this; Rukavi steading himself long enough to set out another pillar, and a Mindgate, Wasiliase force-feeding Rukavi more poison, and releasing more of his Recluses, until Rukavi fell to the ground; dead.

A massive cheer erupted from the on looking audience. Their favourite had won once again.

"Wasiliase deals a final blow with a Flesh Recluse, killing Rukavi, and creating his fourth victory today! Is there no stop to this killing machine?" Divine Glory managed to announce underneath one of her visiting Fire Elementals.

The arena was wild once more as Wasiliase left to take a break, muttering to himself, "No, Divine Glory; there certainly isn't".

Spoiler for Submission #4:
The World is Elements

War has been waging amongst the Elementals for countless generations...

Many alliances were formed and dissolved over time. Even mortal enemies join together. The Time elementals pushed their hate of the Aether elementals aside and formed one of the strongest alliances the world had ever seen. The Entropy elementals, who have little respect for the Gravity elementals (most elements underrate them, as well), made up another powerful alliance. The Life elementals and the Death elementals often went against the laws of nature to form what proved to be a very frail alliance, and the latter found themselves to be much stronger on their own. When push came to shove, these elementals were quick to turn on their allies. None more so that the Darkness elementals who loved to corrupt the Crusaders of the Light elementals, by enticing them with Vampire Daggers.

No element wanted to concede another as the greatest. For a while, though, it seemed as if the Fire elementals held this honor. Their power, speed, and destruction scorched the earth from the shores of the Water elementals to the cloud cities of the Air elementals.

Just when all hope seemed lost, by what could only be described as a smite from the heavens, the Fire elementals' power was reduced greatly. No longer could they steam-roll their enemies.

It seemed as if the balance had returned to The World of Elements…..

…..though there are whispers in the mines of the Earth elementals of Shards of ancient crystals that have been found.. and the power they hold…

Only time will tell what effect this will have on the world……
Spoiler for Submission #5:
The "Elemental World"
(excerpt from the
CIA fact book 2011)

(...) The first known written historical mention of what we know  as the Elemental World dates back to the greek elemental conjurer Plato, whose list was missing several Elements but can safely assumed to be inspired from sightings of the Elemental plane. (...) Earlier interferences are suspected however, and according to some theories, the Elemental World is as old as our own.

(...) Though generally habitable, large parts of the Elemental World have to be described as hazardous due to the manifestation of various Elemental effects, such as fiery rains, lightning bolts or enptropic atmospheric changes. (...) Another constant source of danger are the wild living creatures which can be found all over the world and whose size can exceed that of similar familiar species' by far.

(...) The Elementals themselves use a primitive currency made of Electrum coins. Though the used currency is more or less the same everywhere, an organized global Trading system has not yet formed. (...) The Elemental World is rich of natural resources which occur underground, under sea and inside Elementals. There have been attempts to harvest these via RMT mining technology but as of yet, with no success.

(...) The Elemental society is shaped by constant violence and struggle for suvival. The Elementals are loosely organized according to their elemental identity. In irregular intevals, these groups rot together and go on a marauding spree throughout the World. The last surviving individual will usually crown itself as the "Grand Master" who is supposed to serve as a role model for other Elementals, until he is dispatched. (...) A significant number of Elementals live their lives as outcasts from the rest of society. They are brandished by other Elementals with a Level which signifies their infamy, and are often hunted down by them for sport or training.

(...) In recent years, the Elemental world has gained some small popularity as a target for tourists, adventurers and glory seekers. (...) Other occurences where the Elemental world interfered with our World, such as the supposed influencation of ancient Egyptian culture by Time Elementals, are highly speculative.

Spoiler for Submission #6:
    I arise, no longer burdened by the shackles of my past and devoid of forborne anticipation.  Countless nights have I sat awake, crying as I watched the wyrms gracefully dive through the night sky, jealous of their unrestrained freedom.  Countless days have I shouted in anger at the void, comforted only by the cold, emotionless stares of the stone-form gargoyles scattered throughout the plane.  Countless years have I remained in exile on this Plane of Darkness, due to circumstances beyond my control, watching, waiting, searching for the opportune moment to take back what is rightfully mine.
    I was only a boy when he arrived.  I can still hear the countess screams from that day, suspended in time within my mind.  In the center of my town on the plane of air, next to the cloudhatchery, where the Azure Dragons of the skyknights were raised, the air began to twist and warp.  A purple portal formed within the torn space, and a humanoid shape began to materialize, flanked by several materializing fallen druids.  He wore an adamantium brestplate that was adorned with bits of flesh, and exuded a dark, wispy smoke whenever he exhaled.  Within the grasp of his skeleton-like hands was a rotwood staff in his left, capped with a large glowing orb, and a glowing, jagged purple sword on his right, encased in an aura not unlike the portal he just walked through.  His eyes were naught but glowing cinders, burning with a purple fire beneath a black helmet with three gigantic horns sprouting from each side.
    "I am the oncoming storm.  I am the ebony void.  I am the Chaos Lord," he bellowed.  "I will break you!"  With those ominous words, Chaos lord pointed his staff at my mother.  The sky around him grew dark, as the orb on the head of the staff emitted a flash, and a brilliant purple beam jolted from the orb into the chest of my mother.  She looked at me with tear-filled eyes of longing and regret, as her body began to morph and twist.  As the beam released its clutch on my mother I looked over to where she stood, but in her place, there was now a gnarled, grotesque abomination.
    What killed me every day for the next decade, is the fact that my mother is still alive out there, somewhere, only what made her my mother is now dead; all cognizance, logic, and wisdom, gone.  All seemed lost...until now.  My kinsmen and I have received news of the 12 shards of power, forged in the heart of the Firestrand by the Gods of yore.  These shards have been scattered, one on each plane, and if we find them, we will have the combined power and might to defeat Chaos Lord and banish him to the netherealm from whence he came.  I am an elemental.  I will defeat the False God, I will save my mother, and I will take back the land that is mine!

Spoiler for Submissions:
Spoiler for Submission #1:
Uses your opponent's quanta to summon this card.
N = Your opponent's creature with the highest attack.
Uses your opponent's quanta to summon this card.
N = Your opponent's creature with the highest attack.

Envy: The desire to have for oneself something possessed by another.
You.. have.. what.. I.. want!
The cost for this card comes from your opponent. When summoned the quanta is chosen at random from your opponent's various quanta pools. Also, the attack for this creature is equal to your opponent's creature with the highest attack. (For instance: if, when summoned, your opponent has a Maxwell's Demon and an Abomination on the field, then this creature will have the stats: 5/0.)
Denial and Envy on one card!
Forum Brawl #1 - Round 4 - Card Designer Task

Spoiler for Submission #2:
3 :life
Zest gains +1|+0 for every successful attack. This bonus is applied at the end of your turn.
3 :life
Zeal gains +2|+0 for every successful attack. This bonus is applied at the end of your turn.

Synergy with momentum and adrenaline. Show your fanatical zeal with these creatures that get stronger every turn!

Spoiler for Submission #3:
4 :light
3 | 5
All of your creatures with less attack than this card gain
5 :light
5 | 5
All of your creatures with less attack than this card gain


Triggers when played and when you play a creature.

"More helpful than all wisdom is one draught of simple human pity that will not forsake us."
    - George Eliot


Spoiler for Submission #4:
Wolf Cub
If you play Wolf Cub seven times, it will upgrade.
Wolf Familiar
:life: Deal 2 damage to a card that damaged you last turn.
If you play Wolf Familiar fifty-five times, it will upgrade.
Sylvan Guardian
Intimidate: Creatures attacking you get -2/-0.
 :life :life :life: Devour a creature that damaged you last turn.

The card embodies the emotion of Friendship.
The more often you play with your Wolf, the stronger he will grow and the more willing he is to protect you.
You can see how often you played a Wolf already from a small counter on the card that is visible in the deck screen and in-game.
Wolf Familiar and Sylvan Guardian cannot be obtained by upgrading, the only way to get them is to play with them.
Replaying it after it got rewound or playing copies of it (e.g. via Fractal) does not count.

Spoiler for Submission #5:
Cruel Overseer
4 :darkness
:darkness :darkness :darkness Sadism: Target ally takes 4 damage and is stunned 1 turn. Overlord gains +3|+1 and heals up to 3 hp.
Cruel Overlord
4 :darkness
:darkness :darkness :darkness Sadism: Target ally takes 4 damage and is stunned 1 turn. Overlord gains +3|+1 and heals up to 3 hp.

-No artwork allowed in brawl submissions
I envision this monstrosity as a pot-bellied ogre / troll like creature with a massive darkness-sheathed thorn studded whip, all decked out in polished black armor with spiked shoulder pads and gauntlets… Cackaling madly as he whips his pathetic underlings for amusement, channeling their misery into power for himself.
As evident in the card and ability names, the emotion(s) being portrayed here are Cruelty and Schadenfreude (sadism)
Round 4 Brawl Submission

Spoiler for Submission #6:
5 :darkness
4 | 6
Suffering: Whenever a creature is targeted, it takes one damage.
6 :darkness
6 | 8
Suffering: Whenever a creature is targeted, it takes one damage.



Anguis.  Anguish.  See what I did there?

It's a wordplay on Anguis, a legless lizard, which is different from a snake, and Anguish, feeling of mental or emotional pain and suffering.

Well, I approached it with the ability having very minimal effect to the cost, seeing as it required an outside elements to be useful since Darkness' CC already deals damage [Siphon Life, Parasite's Infection]

I needed to make it somewhat bulky, since Anguis affects itself.

Suffering does stack.
Forum Brawl

Spoiler for Submissions:
Spoiler for Submission #1:

    For to win one hundred victories in one hundred battles is not the acme of skill. To subdue the enemy without fighting is the acme of skill.

Art of War - Sun Tzu

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 77c 77c 77c 77i 77i 7ai 7ai 7ai 7dk 7dk 7dk 7go 7go 7go 7k2 7k2 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7n7 7n7 7n7 7ti 7ti 80a 80a 80a 8pq

Let your rapidity be that of the wind
your compactness that of the forest.
In raiding and plundering be like fire,
in immovability like a mountain.
Let your plans be dark and impenetrable as night, and
when you move, fall like a thunderbolt.

Spoiler for Submission #2:
Quote: "Bowties are cool." - The Eleventh Doctor (Matt Smith, from the drama Doctor Who)

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
4ve 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6u3 6u3 71d 74b 74b 74b 77a 7ap 7ap 7dr 7gv 7gv 7gv 7k3 7k3 7k3 7k4 7k4 7k4 7q1 8pl

Presenting! Sir Oty, Sir Flayer, and Sir Tower. Sir Quantum Tower. Along with classy attire, there's some red and white wine too (Rage Pot and Luciferin).

Credit to Vrt, Shattari, and Shrink respectively. [BRAWLMASTER'S NOTE: The credit is for the 3 images, unrelated to who submitted this entry.]

Spoiler for Submission #3:
It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light
~Aristotle Onassis~
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
5lc 6s2 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jp 7jq 7jq 7k1 7kc 7ti 7ti 7ti 7ti 7ti 7ti 7to 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 7um 8pq

The world is veiled in a cloak of darkness. No light is able to beam through. But don't give up, because those who must endure the darkest days, often are the first to find the rays of light.
The Light Elemental (based off the mark) is trapped in darkness. The Dark Pendulums are the first cards to hit the board. Any Rays of Light played are quickly shoved under a Cloak of darkness. Eventually, however, the Light does shine through and the Light Dragons, Light Nymph, and Morning Glory beam their glorious Light. Sometimes, though, it does take a little Focus.  ;)

Spoiler for Submission #4:
"Everything before the but, is bulls&@%" urban saying, unknown origin.

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
55l 625 6u8 6u8 6u8 6ua 6ua 6ua 6ua 6ua 718 718 718 718 718 718 71a 71a 71a 71b 71b 71b 71b 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 72i 8pj

Spoiler for if you dont get it yet:
Everything before the but(terfly) is bull(saphire charger) #$%@(censored).
The literal meaning of the quote portrayed in this deck.
Deck is partly upped so the deck image fits the sentence.

Spoiler for Submission #5:
"I fear not an army of lions lead by a sheep. Rather, I fear an army of sheep lead by a lion."
~Nae Cernaianu

March of the Blue Queen

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6rq 6s6 6s6 7ms 7ms 7ms 7ms 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7n0 7n3 7n3 7n3 7n3 7n3 7n5 7n9 7n9 7oe 7oe 7oe 7oe 8pr

Once upon a time a war started, almost every single creature were shot down, except for five female lions, the queens of the jungle; their kids; and the flies.

Armed with a shield and a bow they were ready to come back to battle, with some tactics of attacking and with the freedom in their minds, letting them beat any opponent, with a shield or not.

Spoiler for Submission #6:
"When in doubt, take more time."
- John Zimmerman

Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
Deck import code : [Select]
6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rq 6rq 6rq 7k2 7k2 7k2 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7k6 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q5 7q7 7q7 7qc 7qc 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 80d 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 81q 8pq

Spoiler for Submissions:
Spoiler for Submission #1:
Let's give fate egg an element befitting of its randomness!

Spoiler for Submission #2:
Remade Card: Vampire King | Vampire King
Spoiler for Original Card:

Spoiler for New Card Art:

Vampire King
8 :death
:darkness :darkness: Spawn,
Generate a Minor Vampire.
Damage dealt by Vampire King is returned to you as healing.
Vampire King
8 :death
:darkness :darkness :darkness :darkness: Spawn,
Generate a Vampire.
Damage dealt by Vampire King is returned to you as healing.

I though about FFQ and how would she be changed if she was of another element. I realised than a remake of her shouldn't generate Fireflies but another kind of creature, matching her new element. Fascinated by the idea of a vampire-spamming creature, I decided to give birth to the Vampire King!
 Vampire King  is for Death and Darkness what Firefly Queen is for Life and Air; a creatutre with an off-element ability than generates smaller critters. The cost, element and ability were modified to match the new card. More specifically, FFQ's new version is male ('King' instead of 'Queen'), it has the same stats (3|7), a Spawn active ability (instead of Firefly active ability) and an extra passive life-draining ability (it can't be lobotomised). His cost is in :death (instead of :air) and increased by 2 :death in order to balance his life-draining passive ability. His Spawn cost 2 :darkness unupped and 4 :darkness upped (instead of 2 :life in both unupped/upped FFQ) in order to balance the difference between the Minor Vampire and Vampire creatures.
 Vampire King doesn't drink blood or something, he just drains living energy from his victims, much like Vampires. However, he is an undead human, unlike original Vampires that are bat-like living creatures (hence his :death playing cost), but he can call through the power of darkness in order to summon his smaller 'cousins' under his command (hence his :darkness ability cost).

 Vampire King once was a mortal human monarch who made a pact with Incarnate in order to gain immortality. However, that immortality came with a price. The King had to become, through a ritual, the most powerful undead creature in the land. He would gain immortality through becoming an undead, but he had to repay Incarnate for his services. The King offered a chest with 10,000 Electrum in it, however the god rejected the offer. Money wasn't what the Dark False God needed. He desired living energy, so he sent his puppet along with his lesser vampires to gather it from humans.
 It is said that the Vampire King has repaid Incarnate's debt and now commands his own kingdom full of Vampires and other horrors. However, other rumours suggest Incarnate has tricked the King into becoming his slave eternally. As a result, he still roams every dark corner of the world attacking any living being, unlucky enough to cross his path, at an eternal struggle to repay his debt. A debt signed with the King's own blood, a debt that can't be erased, a debt so lagre that it can't be repaid...
Brawl Artist #4

Spoiler for Submission #3:
Guardian[Arch]Angel turned Entropy!

Spoiler for Disfigured Angel:

Spoiler for Silly Pixelated Entropy Cards:

Spoiler for Submission #4:
Lava golem -> Ice Golem

Large image:

Spoiler for Submission #5:

Spoiler for Submission #6:

Card: [Preferred]

Sacrifice target creature and absorb 4 quanta from your opponent and return equal :darkness to you.

Sacrifice target creature and absorb 6 quanta from your opponent and return equal :darkness to you.



If Immolation | Cremation was :darkness?  Well, this is our take, since it's changing elements and requires a bit more of a thematic change as well.

Essentially a rewording of Devourer | Pest, except for burst quanta drain and generation.
Forum Brawl

Spoiler for Submissions:
Spoiler for Submission #1:
Spark is the best card.
This is haiku, by the way.
Spark is pretty cool.

I use Spark a lot.
It's good with Immolation.
So, vote for me please.

Spoiler for Submission #2:
The clock rings once; time hurries on, sparing no one, leaving no survivors.
Forever moving forwards, never staying still, never stopping, never resting.
Except when it doesn't. When someone stops it, halts it. When an Elemental uses their powers to cease to movement of time.
Time manipulation. It can stop events from ever having happened. It can recreate events back into existence.
The strongest of the Elements. Immobility. Tranquility. Perpetually. To manipulate the universe around it.
Six rings on the clock. Distant memories surround us. Past recollections and future duplications.
Will the event happen? What will be produced? Will it be repeated? Will it be undone?
Hurry, hurry! We must speed this up, lest we become backwashed! We can be prealerted, provided we can secure speed.
The power of procrastination. Set upon foes, to stop their progress, while we march onwards.
Hidden in the ancient sands, relics lay. Powerful kings of immortal lands with forever servants. Once almighty, and then time came...
The night dies down. The tranquil rest return. Time again has conquered all.
The twelve strike at midnight rings out throughout. Time waits for no one.

Spoiler for Submission #3:
:darkness        :darkness        :darkness        :darkness        :darkness        :darkness

Cold is the land where no light e'er reach'd
A dark land ruled by vampires and ghouls
Forevermore in dusk; all light is quench'd
by sinners' hands and spirits without souls.

Throughout the land tenndrils of shadow creep,
And daylight slowly is diminished,
A cloaked figure reaches out one dark hand,
Many dark deeds forever finished.

Creatures feed off each other to survive.
Though dignity and honour still are kept,
'Tis slight of hand used to maintain one's pride,
And drain every last morsal of life left.

'Twas misdirection saw the land like this
Whispers, secrets, lies fresh from devils' lips.

:darkness        :darkness        :darkness        :darkness        :darkness        :darkness

Spoiler for Submission #4:
The Light of Battle

I weep to wonder why we were chosen
for such a time so near to closing —
a time that's dark and foul indeed
with evil minions of every creed;
a time when evil dreads arise again
to do battle 'til the end.

Thunder rumbles with malicious glee
and fire rains down upon the trees
ere the tides of good are turned
and those who fight are too soon burned
and those who lived afore they fought
are torn asunder with airy thought.

But unto this troublesome time
a little Light must surely shine?
When evil masters rub their hands with joy
for the machinations they've employed,
vile creatures foul and scary
— will there be a Sanctuary?

Thus Crusaders ever-White
rally forth to fight the fight;
Lo! Our triumph ("For the Light!")
shall bring us Hope and bless our might;
shall call the Angels to those who bleed,
to heal the wounds of those in need.

Thus the pillars would ever quake
should evil elements lie awake —
but as prophecies are spake on high
we will sound a battle's cry,
should evil dreads arise again
Take heart! The Light does battle 'til the end!

Spoiler for Submission #5:
Has no breath,
Like the living~

No sense of smell,
Nor caring,

It adds such a cold to its touch~

Without these sen-ses
Which you can-not see
It somehow~ gives you
The urge to flee.

But from your fear
or the sight beheld,

In which a soul
Once a-live dwelled

Whether wrapped be-low
Or above the ground,
Death is alwa~ys all around.

A purple card,
Or a dark, black, coffin
A gray skull, hard,
And an arm bone marred,

Is just an i-mage
Of death to you.
Just keep the thought -
that it's coming for you.

Spoiler for Submission #6:
Fire’s no more with all stars burst,
Gravity is lost with mass dispersed.
Entropy’s too vague to be defined,
Aether, out of sight, is out of mind.
Water evaporates, into the sky,
Air flies away and says goodbye.
Life cannot remain here for long,
Without it, Death just can't belong.
The Earth is lost amid the void,
No need for Time to be employed.
Light will never find a home,
By Darkness the world is ruled alone.

Spoiler for Submissions:
Spoiler for Submission #1:
Poetric Version:


Text Version:

Water, Fire, Earth,
Gravity, Entropy,
Air, Time, Aether,
Light, Darkness,
Life and Death.
These are the Elements of the
whole universe.

Spoiler for Submission #2:
This is a story all about how
Zanz' life got flipped turn upside down.
We'd like to take a moment, so don't be lame,
We're going to talk about Zanz and 'lements the Card Game.

Out east, in Italia, he was born and raised.
With his card games, he spent most of his days,
Buildin', designin', actin' all cool,
Designin' some 'lements outside of school.

Then a couple of noobs, with tattoos that say "ch1llz'
Started making fun of his card-game skills.
They got into one little arg'ment, and they were bein' lame
He then said, 'I'm going to design Elements the Card Game".

Spoiler for Submission #3:

top line:        oh oracle, what is your name? we must know! can you tell us?

bottom line:   oraculum, quid est nomen? sciendum nobis est! posse dicas?

I chose to make this a duet, the top line is english and the bottom line is an approximate translation to latin.

Spoiler for Submission #4:

Audio taken from the Team's personal Piano Guy!

Spoiler for Submissions 1-3:
Spoiler for Submission #1:
BBCode Table Maker

  • It's incredibly tedious to make tables in BBCode due to the amount of finicky tags involved
  • A graphical interface would make life way easier
  • Essentially, the tool would let the user customize how the table is laid out (number of cells in each row, number of cells in each column, etc.)
  • Nested tables are an option (they make things look prettier)
  • Be able to also fill in the cells while the table is being constructed using the interface (think Rich Text Formatting or your favourite word processing program when it's still in the tool's input)
  • Use formatting in the cells and the BBCode output will also include the formatting

Why would this help?

  • We like to use tables to organize and display things
  • More aesthetically pleasing tables, with less effort needed to create them
  • Less time devoted to making tables and fiddling around with BBCode = more time for important forum stuff

Spoiler for Submission #2:

excluded - Whether the General's Element has been banned
bid - How much the current bid is on this player
by - Which element is winning the bid
status - Winning (if you're winning), Excluded (if you can't bid on this player), Bid (defaults to the minimum amount you can bid on the player)

Here it is, the workings of the first-of-its-kind Automated War Auction. Bid results have been automated for 2 Wars now, but why not the actual bidding process? Well, now we have it. How many times has a General bid a wrong amount on a player? (It's happened every War that I can remember!!) Now, this Tool does the confusing parts for you.

It comes with sort functions, filters, and, of course, pretty colors! And there are also links galore!! Click on any players' name and it will link to their application. Want to check out your current winning bids? There's a link for that, as well. Need to contact a Warmaster? Yep, there's a link to that!
Spoiler for Submission #3:

A Catapult Damage Calculator (CDC) would be a simple yet quite useful tool designed in order to calculate quickly and without any effort the damage a creature deals to our opponent when launched via a Catapult | Trebuchet.
 At the beginning, the user would select the creature he/she wants to launch. The list doesn't have to include every single ETG creature, just the most basic, like Flying Titans, Armagios | Elite Armagios, Voodoo Dolls and maybe Photons (because Photons are very basic and versatile creatures). There should be also a Chimera, but when you would decided to lauch it you should input the amount of its health (since Chimera's health is not fixed), so every possibility would be possible to be calculated via Chimera.
 After selecting your creature, you would be allowed to buff it with health-increasing buffs (Blessing, Chaos Power, Momentum, Plate Armor, Heavy Armor, Basilisk Blood) as well as using Freeze upon it (Frozen creatures deal greater amounts of damage) or casting Liquid Shadow on it in order to poison it (Poisoned creatures put their poison counters onto your opponent's health when launched). You could use each buffing card up to 6 times (Plate Armor and Heavy Armor would count as the same card for this purpose), except for Freeze which would be usable only once (there is no reason at re-freezing an already Frozen creature, is there?).
 Finally, the would be a "Launch" button which would calculate the overall damage dealt and if our damage was higher than 100, a message would appear which would inform that our hit was an OTK. Furthermore, a "Reset" button to restart the tool and to execute different calculations is a must, as well as a "Quit" button for leaving the tool and a "Help" button for further instrcutions.

The Catapult Damage Calculator {CDC} has been made, click here for images:

Spoiler for image1:

Spoiler for image2:

Spoiler for image3:

And here is the DOWLOAD link (size= 3MB):

Have fun!!! :D
« Last Edit: September 22, 2012, 05:35:09 am by UTAlan »

Offline UTAlanTopic starter

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Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: September 15, 2012, 02:30:25 am »

Spoiler for Submissions 4-6:
Spoiler for Submission #4:
Tired of people shouting "OP!" at your card idea?
Having new card ideas but don't know how would it compares to in-game cards?
Don't know how to balance a card idea without asking OldTrees?

Introducing the brand-new Card Cost Calculator!
>>Click here to try me!<<

With this calculator, you can get a card cost which is more or less balanced. It is taken from the formula here and here, refined further to further resemble the ideal balance already exists in-game.

What you can expect:
A simple calculation to balance a card's cost.
Customizable, programmable new mechanics and comparation to existing mechanics to estimate its value.
Some comparation to similar cards already in game.

What you can't expect:
New mechanics popping out instantly.
Comparation to cards in CI&A.
Complicated mechanics calculated accurately.

With that said, it's now time to check what can it do. This is a simple manual to use it as intended.

First, pick the card's element and type.
>If it's creature, specify its stats.
>If it's spell, specify whether it's a draining spell or not.
>If it's permanent, specify its duration (0 for infinite). Also pick one of the following permanent type: stackable, non-stackable, shield, or weapon.
Pick an appropriate passive ability, if any
Pick an appropriate active ability type (triggered, activated, or none)
Specify ability type:
>Quanta modifier (generating or draining)
>Life modifier (healing or damaging)
>Hand modifier (adding or removing)
>Card modifier (buff or debuff, on permanent this means instant destruction)
>Deck modiier (add copy or draw)
>Damage modifier (reduction or enhancement)
Specify target:
>Auto-target self
>Auto-target opponent
>Single creature excluding player
>Single creature including player
>Opponent's single creature
>Opponent's multi creatures
>Single permanent
>Single stackable permanent
Specify effect. Generally, positive numbers are healing and buff and negative numbers are damaging and debuff.
Specify effect on opposing player (for auto-target opponent, this means effect on user)
>No effect
>Drain damage

After filling the necessary field, press "calculate card cost" to see the estimation. If you come up with a unique mechanics, click on the "custom" tab instead. You will then be guided to program the mechanics for the card in question.

Some example:
>Spell, not draining
>Card modifier
>Single permanent
>No effect
>Spell, not draining
>Card modifier
>Single permanent
>Drain damage
>Spell, not draining
>Card modifier
>Single stackable permanent
>No effect
Reverse Time:
>Spell, not draining
>Card modifier, Deck modifier
>Single creature excluding player
>-0 | -499 (creature)
>+1 (deck)
>No effect

You can also use some well-known variable. Example:
ATK: target's attack
HP: target's HP
Hand: filled slots in hand
Field: filled creature slots in field

Unfortunately, this calculator can't calculate complicated formula. But that's why "custom formula" is created, so you can input your own formula if you know a bit about programming.
This software is created using C++ language. Please PM any bug to me, and i'll fix it ASAP.

>>Link to calculator. Click!<<

Spoiler for Submission #5:
Table Conversion Tool

Do you find making tables annoying? Making sure you have all that [tr] and [td]  stuff in the right place, and then clicking preview to only discover you have to start over? again?

Spoiler for A little bit of script:
Here is a small script that will do the trick for unix users. Works in terminal or X11 under mac OSX as well. Should work under cygwin for windows as well.
# TabbedDataToForumTable.sh
awk 'BEGIN{print "
{printf "
END{print ""}' | sed -E 's/        /\[\/td\]\[td\]/g'
So "a    b c d    e" ->
ab c de
This would let people make a simple tabbed table using any generic text editor and convert it to an equivalent table for posting on the forms. Utility should be pretty obvious there. Tab characters become table columns, newline characters become table rows. This would make a great drag and drop or copy / paste tool.[/td][/tr][/table]

Spoiler for Submission #6:
The tool requires as input only a deck code.
Inputting the deck code gives the tool all the needed informations about the deck. It first uses hypergeometric distribution formulas to calculate the average starting hand. (with 7 and 8 cards separately, then it averages them out). It also calculates the average non-pillar/pend/tower card cost for every card. Different elements costs are kept separated. It then outputs the average starting draw, with the average quanta for the starting draw, and the cost of the cards in the average starting draw. Quantum Pillar gives out 1/4 th of quanta per element, while Pendulum give out half a quanta per element.

While very simple, the tool may prove to be very helpful to both newbies and veterans. A stable and good starting draw makes the difference between winning and losing. It can help in the never easy task of balancing the quanta production of a deck.
This tool does would not take Immolation, Cremation and Supernova in account, because they can't be played on their own, while it counts Nova as a quanta source (giving 1 quanta per element).

Offline Annele

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  • i should really update my profile
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Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: September 15, 2012, 02:51:25 am »
Someone loves me. :-* (deckbuilder no. 4)

Beware the Darkness.

Offline Chapuz

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  • The weird Voodoo guy
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeDeckbuilding Competition - Tower Defense WinnerSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeBrawl #1 Winner - Team Nyan Sharks
Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #3 on: September 15, 2012, 05:22:33 am »
So, only 1 off topicker made an overproduced work. Who was that sick mind?  :-X
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  • Abomination is quite pretty
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Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #4 on: September 15, 2012, 06:26:03 am »
So, only 1 off topicker made an overproduced work. Who was that sick mind?  :-X

Is that any doubt? You can see what country the youtube user is pretty simple.
Also check submission #3, is against the rules to say that you make it.
You know, a long time ago being crazy meant something. Nowadays everybody's crazy.

Offline TheonlyrealBeef

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  • Do not underestimate the power of the dark side!
  • Awards: War #14 Winner - Team Aether14th Trials - Master of Darkness2019 - PvP World ChampionSlice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeWar #13 Winner - Team Darkness13th Trials - Master of DarknessWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament Winner4th Grandmaster Battle Winner - DarknessGold DonorSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeWar #12 Winner - Team DarknessWeekly Tournament Winner12th Trials - Master of DarknessWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 9th Birthday Cake2017 - PvP World ChampionWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerBattle League 3/2016 2nd PlaceWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerWeekly Tournament WinnerSlice of Elements 3rd Birthday CakeTeam PvP #4 Winner5th Trials - Master of Darkness4th Trials - Master of Darkness3rd Trials - Master of DarknessWeekly Tournament WinnerMS Paint Card Art #2 Winner
Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #5 on: September 15, 2012, 07:08:42 am »
Why does off-topicker have 6 spoilers, 2 empty with 4 voting options, while forum expert has 4 spoilers, with 6 voting options? o:


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  • Cockatrices ftw!
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeCard Design Competition - Doomsday Device(TM)Weekly Tournament WinnerBrawl #2 Winner - Team FireSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeElemental Warrior Competition Winner
Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #6 on: September 15, 2012, 08:02:03 am »
Submission #4 Forum Expert's link is broken, so I can't see the card cost calculator program. Is there any possibility to be fixed or something?
Brawl #1 team :time, Brawl #2 team :fire, Brawl #3 team Silver Ferns, Brawl #4,7,8 Brawlmaster
War #8 team :life, War #10,11,12 team :light, Brawl #6 team FROGS :life

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  • Consectetur Adipiscing Elit
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Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #7 on: September 15, 2012, 08:43:01 am »
Submission #4 Forum Expert's link is broken, so I can't see the card cost calculator program. Is there any possibility to be fixed or something?
I don't think it's supposed to work. It's just the description.
#3, however, is interesting. He make not only the description, but the actual tool as well.
"Neque porro quisquam est, qui dolorem ipsum, quia dolor sit amet, consectetur, adipisci velit."
"There is no one who loves pain itself, who seeks after it and wants to have it, simply because it is pain."


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  • ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.ARTHANASIOS brings all the vitality and activity of a Life Nymph.
  • Cockatrices ftw!
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeCard Design Competition - Doomsday Device(TM)Weekly Tournament WinnerBrawl #2 Winner - Team FireSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeElemental Warrior Competition Winner
Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #8 on: September 15, 2012, 10:55:26 am »
Writers don't like darkness at all! :P :P :P
Brawl #1 team :time, Brawl #2 team :fire, Brawl #3 team Silver Ferns, Brawl #4,7,8 Brawlmaster
War #8 team :life, War #10,11,12 team :light, Brawl #6 team FROGS :life

Offline Chapuz

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  • Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.Chapuz frolics as one of the Phase Dragons, timeless and superior, gargantuan beasts of peerless wisdom.
  • The weird Voodoo guy
  • Awards: Slice of Elements 11th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeDeckbuilding Competition - Tower Defense WinnerSlice of Elements 9th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 8th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 6th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 5th Birthday CakeSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeBrawl #1 Winner - Team Nyan Sharks
Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #9 on: September 15, 2012, 02:02:58 pm »
Why does off-topicker have 6 spoilers, 2 empty with 4 voting options, while forum expert has 4 spoilers, with 6 voting options? o:
I don't know why they kept the empty spoiler. there were only 4 submitions obviously.
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  • Jocko is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.Jocko is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.Jocko is a Blue Crawler starting to think about his first run.
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Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #10 on: September 15, 2012, 04:18:52 pm »
Yeah, for artist next time I think that it should be clarified if you just had to rework the artwork or the entire card, as 2 submissions did.


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  • Awards: Slice of Elements 10th Birthday CakeCard Design Competition - Doomsday Device(TM)Weekly Tournament WinnerBrawl #2 Winner - Team FireSlice of Elements 4th Birthday CakeElemental Warrior Competition Winner
Re: Brawl #1 - Round 4 [Voting Phase] (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #11 on: September 15, 2012, 06:21:12 pm »
Yeah, for artist next time I think that it should be clarified if you just had to rework the artwork or the entire card, as 2 submissions did.

3 submissions did that, not only 2. Artist #2 (Firefly Queen -> Vampire King), Artist #4 (Lava Golem -> Ice Golem) and Artist #6 (Immolation -> Sacrifice). The other three, Artist #1 (Fate Egg -> Fate Egg), Artist #3 (Guardian Angel -> Disfigured Angel) and Artist #5 (Crusader -> Dark Crusader) have only changed card's name & element.
Brawl #1 team :time, Brawl #2 team :fire, Brawl #3 team Silver Ferns, Brawl #4,7,8 Brawlmaster
War #8 team :life, War #10,11,12 team :light, Brawl #6 team FROGS :life

