Tired of people shouting "OP!" at your card idea?
Having new card ideas but don't know how would it compares to in-game cards?
Don't know how to balance a card idea without asking OldTrees?
With this calculator, you can get a card cost which is more or less balanced. It is taken from the formula
here and
here, refined further to further resemble the ideal balance already exists in-game.
What you can expect:
A simple calculation to balance a card's cost.
Customizable, programmable new mechanics and comparation to existing mechanics to estimate its value.
Some comparation to similar cards already in game.
What you can't expect:
New mechanics popping out instantly.
Comparation to cards in CI&A.
Complicated mechanics calculated accurately.
With that said, it's now time to check what can it do. This is a simple manual to use it as intended.
First, pick the card's element and type.
>If it's creature, specify its stats.
>If it's spell, specify whether it's a draining spell or not.
>If it's permanent, specify its duration (0 for infinite). Also pick one of the following permanent type: stackable, non-stackable, shield, or weapon.
Pick an appropriate passive ability, if any
Pick an appropriate active ability type (triggered, activated, or none)
Specify ability type:
>Quanta modifier (generating or draining)
>Life modifier (healing or damaging)
>Hand modifier (adding or removing)
>Card modifier (buff or debuff, on permanent this means instant destruction)
>Deck modiier (add copy or draw)
>Damage modifier (reduction or enhancement)
Specify target:
>Auto-target self
>Auto-target opponent
>Single creature excluding player
>Single creature including player
>Opponent's single creature
>Opponent's multi creatures
>Single permanent
>Single stackable permanent
Specify effect. Generally, positive numbers are healing and buff and negative numbers are damaging and debuff.
Specify effect on opposing player (for auto-target opponent, this means effect on user)
>No effect
>Drain damage
After filling the necessary field, press "calculate card cost" to see the estimation. If you come up with a unique mechanics, click on the "custom" tab instead. You will then be guided to program the mechanics for the card in question.
Some example:
>Spell, not draining
>Card modifier
>Single permanent
>No effect
>Spell, not draining
>Card modifier
>Single permanent
>Drain damage
>Spell, not draining
>Card modifier
>Single stackable permanent
>No effect
Reverse Time:
>Spell, not draining
>Card modifier, Deck modifier
>Single creature excluding player
>-0 | -499 (creature)
>+1 (deck)
>No effect
You can also use some well-known variable. Example:
ATK: target's attack
HP: target's HP
Hand: filled slots in hand
Field: filled creature slots in field
Unfortunately, this calculator can't calculate complicated formula. But that's why "custom formula" is created, so you can input your own formula if you know a bit about programming.
This software is created using C++ language. Please PM any bug to me, and i'll fix it ASAP.
>>Link to calculator. Click!<<