Team B name discussion on IRC:
[18:29] <Japp> Okay guys, let's start discussing what name we want to give our team!
[18:29] <RavingRabbid> I'm going afk for 3 days guys, I will miss you alot Jappert.
[18:29] <Japp> yes, I know Rav, but let's just dicuss this first.
[18:29] <RavingRabbid> Cya guys, I love you Jappert!
[18:29] <1world24> Wait Rav....
*RavingRabbid had left the channel*
[18:30] <nilsieboy> We're totally dependant on your awesome leading capabilities now Japp!
[18:30] <1world24> yeah Jappert, we love you, please lead us through this debacle!
[18:30] <Japp> Okay everyone, calm down, let's see...
[18:31] <nilsieboy> I just know you gonna come up with something awesome Japp! Go for it!
[18:31] <Japp> How about ehm...
[18:31] <1world24> Oh my! The suspense! I don't think I can take it anymore!
[18:31] <Japp> CAKE!
[18:31] <1world24> Yes! CAKE! That's it! Man, you are awesome Jappert!
[18:32] <nilsieboy> where would we be without you? I love you Jappert! You rock!
[18:32] <Japp> yes guys, settle down, let me post the result...
Cake it is!