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6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rm 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 6rt 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7jv 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7q0 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7qd 7ri 7ri 7ri 8pq
This is the version I used for around 5 days, netting me a win rate of about 70%.
While the big healing decks are still very hard, this deck can support purify due to bigger damage power than the original version, it beats most rushes with the nice addition of SoD and 1 pest can't longer lockdown your neurotoxin.
And the best thing: It nets more score due to bigger HP at the end of a game.
I have to agree that this Light SPlat is currently more effective than either of the Momentum versions. Yes, you have to wait until turn three to start the neurotoxin. However, I found that, even with the Momentum version, you're often waiting until turn three because either:
a) you only have 1 tower/pend in your opening hand, or
b) you don't have both a momentum and scorpion in hand on your second turn.
Even if you assume that the momentum versions get going on turn 2 every time, it does one physical dmg and adds one counter. By turn three, cumulative dmg is 3, with a poison counter of 2 + n (where n is cards played by AI between turn 2 and 3; note that n is likely 1 or 2 but could be 0 or more than 2). For the momentum version, on turn three cumulative dmg is also 3, but with a poison counter of only 1. By turn 4, momentum has a cumulative dmg of 6 + n and a poison counter of 3 + n, blessing has cum dmg of 7 and pois counter of 2.
9 + 2n & 4+n vs 12 and 3.
14 + 3n & 5+n vs 18 & 4.
20 + 4n & 6+n vs 25 & 5.
So you're talking about a cum dmg difference of about 3.
Supporters of Momentum will be quick to point out that I'm neglecting shields in the above caluculations. This is true. But I'm also neglecting CC. The momentumed scorpion has a health 4 while the blessed one has a health of 6. So the former is vulnerable to shockwave, lightning, and Otughs, while the latter is vulnerable in varying respects to the shields.
What's crucial, though, is the increased healing from the SoD. I found that the momentum version (especially with the SoSa nerf and the better AI) struggled with waiting long enough for the opponent to get >20 dmg on the board while still maintaining >40 health. The second advantage of the greater healing also comes into play further in the game. Although SoSa only last two turns now, I find that your health is high enough on a more regular basis to rest one turn between SoSas and absorb the damage.