Part A - Science
All steroids have the typical following tetracyclic structure:

Examples of steroids include the dietary fat cholesterol, the sex hormones estradiol and testosterone, and the anti-inflammatory drug dexamethasone.
Epinephrine on the contrary has the following structure:

It is therefore completely erroneous to claim that epinephrine is a steroid. Its structure is however very close to amphetamines ( (which make you impatient).
Part B - Element the Game
It is indeed a clever Idea to use Adrenaline (which is exactly the same as epinephrine) to overcome the delay. It is extremely pleasurable to use deathstalker and adrenaline in combination.
I find however, that the deck lacks a bit of defence. From toimu13's version (which I find a bit better). I would try to had some healing (maybe -1/2 epi, -1/2 pendulum, +2/3 heal).
Side note: Is there already a posted version for the equivalent with dune?