I think 2 dmg would be too much.
But X (middle row) is, at least for the purpose of flooding, the top row, so, moving creatures from the top A to X would save them.
If they're not water, they can't be in top A...
Why not?
If you play at same turn flooding and avalanche, yes, creatures from top row could be saved. But why not, seems a good balancing to prevent a mass kill

Moreover, I've added this:
- If a creature in the lower row is moved down, it is destroyed: There is 25% chance to destroy a creature in the middle row using 2 Avalanche, and 50% using 3 of it.
Because I know that it work good with flooding, but without seems to have not to much sense instead, and price, % of success and card played I think is balanced.
Avalanche vs Fire Bolt with 2 card of both played:
Avalanche: 25% for every creature to be killed (from middle row).
Fire Bolt: 6 damag to every creature (and can kill more than half of creatures of element).
With 3 card played of both:
Avalanche: Percentage grow to 50%.
Fire Bolt: 9 damage to every creature (can kill almost all the creature of the game).