Order we plan on using for the rest of the round if possible
air1 = BatCountry
air2 = Bloom
air3 = TuckingFypo
air4 = DrunkDestroyer
air5 = plastiqe
air6 = Pervepic
air7 = Legit
air8 = Robocracy
I think there's some teamwide confusion regarding player order, so let me try to help.
As I said in my PM to TuckingFypo, "The order in Compliance should never have been based on the R2 PM I was sent. It should always be equal to the order found in Member Roles at the beginning of each round." air1, air2, etc. was just a naming convention I created so it'd be easy for you to PM me who-was-who for the Round 2 Event Card. If I hadn't written air1, you would've had to say "The air player who's fighting Team Death," which would have been a pain. The PM you sent with air1, air2, etc. has
nothing at all to do with player order.
Player order is set in the Member Roles thread and has been through every War. From the Member Roles thread DD created:
The following post serves two purposes.1. It shows everyone their member role in the team.2. It shows the Warmasters the preferred order in which the team fights if they don't have enough cards for everyone to fight.Teams are allowed to change the order at any time by modifying this post.
So before deckbuilding starts in
this coming round, please feel free to modify the order set in the Member Roles thread. I'll take note of the change and I'll seed your team accordingly.
this round, however, I've already assumed Legit's deck was Deck #5 in the Deck Compliance tab of Google docs because Legit was listed as fifth in the Member Order thread. So your new order for this round should be:
Deck 1 = BatCountry
Deck 2 = Bloom
Deck 3 = TuckingFypo
Deck 4 = DrunkDestroyer
Deck 5 = Legit
Deck 6 = Pervepic
Deck 7 = plastiqe
Deck 8 = Robocracy
If you have any additional questions please feel free to ask.