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[Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1243092#msg1243092
« on: August 30, 2016, 12:14:07 am »
Spoiler for Hidden:
Vault Changes Version 1:
 6 Antlions (180 pts) - > 2 purifies, 1 reflection shield (180 pts).
 6 Heals and 6 Luciferin (360pts) - > 4 RTs (360)
5 Liquid Shadows, 4 cloaks (270) - > 3 SoSac (360)
Vault Change Version 2
OK, I'm switching this up just slightly; it's actually closer to the orignial build of the vault (and seems like a good balance - hope you all agree!):
 6 Antlions (180 pts) - > 2 purifies, 1 reflection shield (180 pts). This is the same as we initially discussed.
3 Heals, 7 Luciferin, 2 LS (360pts) - > 4 Rts (keeping 3 heals as a potential splash, losing all but 2 Luciferins in this swap - slight change)
1 LS and 3 Cloaks (120) pts. - > 3 FFQs (so putting back some LS and Cloaks for 6 total each, but still getting 3 more FFQs for the adrena deck - slight change)
22 cards -> 10 cards. 

Virus (6), Heal (3), Holy Light (9), Luciferin (2) Fireflies (24), LS (6), and Cloak (6)  = 56 fodder (+ that scorpion = 57).

This leaves us with the following totals (added cards):
Purifies - 3
Reflec shield - 2
FFQ - 4
RTs - 6


August 17 - Vault building Begins
August 29 - Vault building ends
August 30 - R1 begins
Rounds ~1 week long
Sometime in November - War ends

Afda - Yellow - 11 Nymphs (6 Upped) (UTC +1 (currently observing DST))
trashduke -  red, 3 Nymphs, will be more (UTC -4)
Basman-1453 - Green - 4 Nymphs (UTC+7 25/8/367)
Hyroen - Light Blue - 1 Nymph (UTC -4 currently)
Chrispy - Purple - 2 Nymphs (UTC+10, 11 on DST, which is real soon)

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OEtG testing:
There's a text box at the bottom of the page, that's where the deck code goes. Paste that in there, and click 'Import' on the left hand side. This puts the deck as an active deck. Once done, there's a text box on the right hand side, named 'Challenge'. Put 'fewa' in that challenge text box (It's not any code or anything, just a unique character set afda came up with :P) When both players are ready with decks, and have fewa in, click 'PvP' right under the challenge box. The game goes on from there! Much much quicker than EtG testing.
Also, not soo sure about this, but it may or may not be the same as EtG, where you have to have the game in it's own window (I have been ever since)
hehe... I was wondering about that. :P
The only potential downside I could see to this would be that Serp wrote the code and could be trolling all of the testing.... slightly a paranoid idea, but it's something to consider if we do any testing vs. Light....  OK, probably not something to worry about. I don't think he'd go that far into research to figure this out, but yes, it's a possibility.

VAULT: (27810 to spend)
72 fodder cards currently.
Testing tables: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-air/testing-tables/

Custom Afda avvy: http://i.imgur.com/M4MoYS2.png
Custom cb avvy: http://i.imgur.com/Jl4E1Fy.png
Custom bas avvy: http://puu.sh/qDaMf/25635809e2.jpg

Market announcement: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62477.msg1241374#msg1241374

In case we're going Mercenary~ (timestamps in UTC+7 ofc)
[2016-08-19 11:05:20] ‹rob77dp› RE: Mercenary... is the 4 element limit including or excluding self-element?
[2016-08-19 11:05:26] ‹Physsion› Hey rob
[2016-08-19 11:05:35] ‹Physsion› Including

We do have a server on Discord chat for Voice chat. If interested PM Afda or Hyroen.
Would like to hear you guys IRL (well, sorta)!

Ignore the illegal warning. Fixed by Bas <3

We still have 3k left to spend. What do you guys want to put in there?

All 10 cost cards with 9 copies plus the Fireflies are mostly there for Discard fodder. (Would it hurt to add more of those? (They now cost 30)) From Round 4 onwards, 8 6 cards are discarded from the vault. It'll be a big advantage to have some cheap cards to get rid of, instead of losing our more important cards. Should probably bring more than what is currently in there.

Decks currently in vault:

    Agressive SoP http://dek.im/d/z15i4z25ibz35j2z15jmz25oez25ooz45puz17grz57mt8pp

    Can probably make a Merc build with all Water pillars, Air mark. Prefer this to the more controlly version we had last War. Might need more Air quanta to get down the Wings/Wyrms early enough.

    Strong vs: Entropy, Death, Earth, Life, Water, Light

    Sanc Stall x 1.5  http://dek.im/d/5lgz15liz35ocz25ogz15oiz35olz35onz45puz57k6z37oe8pq

    Didn't bring one last War. Hopefully this will punish heavy CC decks, which we ran into a fair bit last War (cough Darkness cough) xD

    Strong vs: Darkness, Aether, Entropy, Death. First three are very important.

    Seems a little light on pillars/pends, but a really strong idea/ good stall.

    Poison Stall http://dek.im/d/52gz152oz252qz152r5425ohz45onz45puz3718z171bz37oe8pk

    Might be better to run something along the lines of 4 OE, 2 fw, 4 poison. Slower, more control. http://dek.im/d/z152rz55ocz15oiz35onz55puz3718z171bz37n58pk

    Strong vs: Entropy (ish), Earth (ish), Fire, Time, Darkness (ish)

    this is great, I like the OE version - I'd make it a slightly fatter to outstall (+ 1 or 2 shockwave or T-storm), but it looks really good.

    Dark Duo x2 http://dek.im/d/z55ocz45ofz15og5opz35puz25up5v1z57mtz17tb8pt

    Sideboard Dark Duo was godly last War. Very powerful, very flexible. The right build can beat anything. Can add Wings, shocks, storms, Wyrms, more NM, more quanta, upgrade dragons for more burst, etc. 1 Flying Weapon works wonders in the mirror.

    Strong vs: Most Elements

    This deck is a beast. Very hard to counter and a great choice to bring in.

    SoW Wyrms http://dek.im/d/z25oczA5pu61qz3621z262mz47muz28168pu

    Very difficult deck to stop, assuming it doesn't run into a reflective. Surprisingly fast.

    Strong against: Gravity, Aether, Darkness, Water, Fire

    Awesome deck - I'd recommend putting in 6 wyrms vs. 5, but it's very strong overall.

    Nymphs Tears http://dek.im/d/z15f9z15i4z55ig5jmz35onz65puz17gkz17i6z37oe8pp

    Good stallbreaker. Only 2 Immo because it messes with draws, and it's a secondary win con, not a primary.

    Strong vs: Death, Fire, Aether

    Blue Nymphs x3 http://dek.im/d/z15f6z75ocz45onz25p07msz57mtz47mu8po

    The deck everyone loves to hate.

    Strong vs: Most Elements

    indeed!  this is a nice deck and gets better with more nymphs  (swapping the wyrms)

    SoFr Mono x3 http://dek.im/d/z35ocz15ofz15ogz15olz55paz35puz57mtz37mu8pr

    Great stallbreaker with Dragons, can be very fast with Wyrms, especially with all the upgrades this War.

    Strong vs: Most Elements

    Adrenastaves http://dek.im/d/z55c5z15c7z55oi5ojz75puz37anz37oe8pn

    Excellent vs Grabbow decks, aggro decks, PC decks. Weak vs anything that can kill staves, Dim OTK decks, fractal.

    Strong vs: Entropy, Darkness (ish), Earth, Death (ish), Life (ish),

 Plus any other mono deck we want to run.

    Flydials http://dek.im/d/z552oz152qz15ocz15ogz55okz57mtz57q98pk

    Nice idea, but seems a little quanta starved and upped dials are going to mess with your draw....

CP Wyrms:
interesting... after testing, I think that our SoFree mono is actually as fast and a little more resilient than this (and the SoBrave build that I worked up). When you get closer to 15 ups, this might start making it worthwhile, but it's likely very close. Still might be nice to include just for flexibility (the potential entropy salvage that would synergize nicely). 

 Very solid decks above, and I'm pretty happy overall with the vault as is - Here's my swap wishlist:
 6 Antlions (180 pts) - > 3 purifies (180 pts).
 6 Heals and 2 Luciferin (240pts) - > 2 reflection shields, 1 chaos seed Emerald Shield, 2 Short Bows (240pts).
  That would swap 14 cards for 8 cards.
 7 Luciferin, 3 Liquid Shadows, 2 cloaks (360 ) - > 3 SoSac
12 cards for 3.

26 fodder - >  11 cards
 that would be 78 fodder -> 63 fodder cards. 
 Vault fodder analysis:
 Looking at the vault, these are cards that we can swap for the cards listed below: Antlion, Heal, Luciferin, Holy light (keep 6, so 3) Liquid Shadow, Cloak? (keep 3 so 6) (Not too sure on this one, could be useful with a UG deck, but may be too much of a stretch. Let's see how we go with the rest of the cards and see if we need to get rid of cloak :)).
 = 180+180+270+90+270+ 6+ 6+ 9 + 9 cards (30 total -  I thought I read somewhere we had 72 fodder cards... above line 32). Not 100% sure, but that must have been before final edit/draft. I think we came to the thought that we can salvage fodder to discard, and we can get more useful cards in order to beat the other teams and use those discards... If that makes sense Probably don't need 9 holy light even if they are useful; right, I'd keep 3. Keep how many cloaks do you think? maybe 3.  Yeah 24 fireflies.
 =900 points

 Cheap cards to swap:
Short Bow (35) - When upped with an air mark it does 7 damage for 2 quanta!  It's easy to splash and makes sense for us to take a couple of these (+2 = 70 pts.).
Purify (60) - 1 copy seems like too few to me, especially with a sideboard boost; I'd be happier with at least 3 or 4. Also really useful if SoSac starts getting more action this war (and I do expect it to... it was underused last war) (+3 = 180pts).
Reflective shield (60) - 1 seems too few, I'd be happier with 3 of these (sideboard boost) (+2 = 120 pts.).

on the fence:
Chaos seeds (50) - CP wyrms is a  beast of a deck similar to the Wise wyrms that we have... but not having full ups makes this much slower.  That said, having the  flexibility to run with entropy salvage might be nice (+5 = 250pts. Would mean swapping out 9 cards for 5 cards with a 20pt remainder). Probably worth it.
Total points= 620

More expensive cards that would be nice... but more painful to swap:
SoSac (120) - Such an easily splash-able and OP shard, and it wouldn't be expected from us...  Get a board full of rushing wyrms/flies and then get healed for a few turns.  +3 would be great! so swapping 12 cards for 3.... yikes.
Reverse Time (90) - awesome card in the right match - I'd love to have at least 6. Also knowing Aves's playing style, he likes to used flying weapons a bit and expensive creatures; this might make a nice splash option. +4 would give us 6 total and a happy me. 4 cards = 360 pts.  so swapping 12 cards for 4... ouch.
SoFree - (120) yes we have 18, but we can't get any back if we lose them (can't transmute into shards), maybe a few more if we can somehow justify it?

On second thought.... (scratched ideas that I had initially proposed):
Pegasus  (50) - the 1 cost dive is really attractive, I'm imagining a duo with  blessings (50) ... I'll see if I can come up with a Tinkerer build that  is worth building.
nah, too quanta needy to really make work and our SoFr mono is beastly fast.
SoBrave (60) - Makes our already fast rushes even faster.  There's a nice build of brave wyrms with fire off the mark (+6). It was a fully upped version, with limited ups, this is much slower. 
Phoenix (100) can be a great combo with Air (Freebird is a really fast deck and we could probably get a merc build going).
wishing for Monster:
Nova  (150!) - so expensive, but it turns that crappy salvage into something  usable. Great for Dev insurance and quick starts... If we don't take  this, it should be a salvage priority.
Discord  (120) - can be such a dangerous card vs. a poor draw.  Fun to splash  with CP wyrms. Plus the crazy UGDBH that Air built last War was one of  the decks that gave team Darkness the most grief planning around... this  was the initial build, but others had fewer nymphs:
in later rounds the RT splashes were really effective. On Team Darkness we called this deck "Monster" b/c it was scary.
Black Hole (100) - if we build Monster
EQ (100) - also for Monster

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Match ups vs various elements:

Wings Dark duo is strong against their grabbow decks, and blocks their discord too. Can OTK stalls. SoW Wyrms is a good choice if we expect a stall, but will struggle against their denial and rush decks. A control heavy blue nymph deck can use Wyrms to (somewhat) counter their denial, and a mix of CC/Shields to beat their Grabbows. It's also a strong choice against Antimatter, can struggle against their fire stall. The aggressive Shard of Patience might work well, typically they lack single target CC outside of their stalls, and SoP is an excellent stallbreaker anyway. Denial Grabbow might be too difficult to control, though, will have to test.

They struggle a lot against our Nymphs Tear deck /w purify. Beats their SoSac, poison. Tears are big enough and produce enough creatures to beat their bonewalls. Our Air cards are very strong at stopping their rush decks - they struggle a lot against both shockwaves and wings. Dark Duo is a solid choice, though can have a hard time punching through Bonewall + CC. SoFr Mono is also very strong. Our SoP deck is also very strong here, there are too many creatures for Bonewall to stop and the control is very strong vs what they can field. Watch out for PUgons, though. Denial is a good choice if we predict their slower decks. Bonebolt will counter it, though, bolts are too good vs Nymphs. A duo Blue Nymph deck is also a good choice.

SoW Wyrms and our Wings/Shockwave Mono pincer them well. The only decks they can field that beat both are a bolt chargertal and a dark duo. Both of those will lose to our dark duo (might be worth testing charger dark duo vs ours, actually). Denial is a strong choice against them, though again, need to be wary of bolts. Blue Nymphs are effective agianst them, as shockwaves + 1 UG damage kills chargers. An aggresive mono decks, either with SoFr or Shockwaves, is also quite effective for us.

They had a very, very difficult time dealing with our Wings Dark duo last War. Their shield bypass was Pulvy (negated with steal), Steal (negated by stealing back our wings), SoW (slow and inconsistent enough to be rushed by dagger) and Dragons (too slow to beat our Dragons + VDagger). It's a very effective deck from them. Their best answers to it are Pulvy + Enchant Artificat (not very obvious), Fire Mark Grabbow /w 3-4 Deflag, or Fire Golem duo /w 3-4 Deflag.

Pretty much all of our decks are strong vs them.

Storms are excellent here. Deck choice often comes down to predicting either an immo/denial immo deck from them, mono/Dim fractix/RT Splash or firestall/bonebolt. Tears and Titans are effective against their mono, firestall, and bonebolt but will lose to RT Splash and titans will get outrushed by immo. Mono SoFr is the same, but will beat the RT and can run storms against the immo. SoW Wyrms works against Dim Fractix, Mono, RT and bonebolt, but will probably lose to firestall if they have reflects and gets rushed by immo.. Our Bonewall deck is effective agianst everything but their stalls. Dark Duo can beat the Fractix, Mono, Firestall, and immo decks, but struggles against bonewall if they play storms as well as RT Splash. A thunderstorm mono can beat their immo and mono decks, and Firestall with a good draw, but is countered by bonebolt and Dims.

I'm not too sure what to expect from them this War. Dark duo /w Wings seems like it would be very difficult for them to beat - I think only bonewall with dry spell does the job, which will struggle greatly with denial and SoW Wyrms, two other decks that are very strong vs them.

They're in an unfortunate position where our stallbreakers are still a turn or two faster than most of their rush decks. SoFr Mono causes them a lot of problems. Can be beaten by Vader Sader, Grabbow and Pegi SoFr. Our SoP deck beats all of these, and can only really be beaten by a Dim or a bolt splash deck from them. These are probably the two best decks to stick to.

SoFr Mono, Nymphs, and Dark Duo are all very strong against them. They didn't have a counter to our Nymph deck for the entirety of War 9. Bolt splash from them will beat it, though it's an unorthodox deck for them to put in their vault. Light stall from them can work if we don't include Sky Blitz, as can their SoG stall. SoFr Mono will lose to PDials and probably ghostmare (needs testing), but other than that has good match ups. Dark Duo is strong no matter what they play - might lose to the dune scorp deck /w RT and Discord that they played last War, but I don't think so. Can struggle against their Ghostal if Steals are shy.

Will come back to this.

They greatly struggled against our Dark duo sideboard last War. Devtal can cause it trouble, as can RoL/Hope - include TStorms. Should test this vs devtal /w upgraded devourers, that might be able to lock us down. SoW Wyrms is half a turn faster than a lot of their fractal decks, but will lose to Grabbow/Dark Splash/Devtal. Light stall is effective against everything but Fractix and Chargertal, fast devtal can also cause problems. SoFr Mono beats the majority of their decks, their best (only?) deck against that is the Darkness Splash. Nymphs Tears is also effective. Immo helps against the devtal lockdown, but it'll probably lose to RT Splash, Dark Splash and their Grabbow.
« Last Edit: September 14, 2016, 01:58:54 am by Hyroen »

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Offline Afdarenty

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1244344#msg1244344
« Reply #1 on: September 10, 2016, 12:47:03 am »
Spoiler for R1 Prep:
WAR #10 Round 1: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-round-1/
12  armies arrive at the glorious battlefield, each with thier weapons  drawn and their shields up ready for a battle. Each army is led by a  daring General and a multitude of loyal troops, each ready to lay their  life on the line for what they fight for. 12 armies will enter the  battlefield, but only 1 will leave at the end.

EVENT CARD: http://i.imgur.com/yzknwl0.png
Soldiers may pay 5 cards if facing a General.
Soldiers may pay 3 card if facing a Lieutenant or upgrade boost.
Payed cards will be a discard modifier in Round 2 deckbuilding phase.

Note for Hyro: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62873.msg1243521#msg1243521

Upgrades: 15 (gen), 12 (Lt), and 8 (soldier) - at least 4 of these must be Air.

For this round:
Discards - 5 (from deck)
Salvage - 6

AIR Gen. Afdarenty vs. LIFE Heman
AIR Basman-1453 vs. ENTROPY Calindu
AIR Hyroen vs. AETHER blrawen
AIR chrispybacon84 VS. WATER RavingRabbid
AIR trashduke vs. TIME fabian771

[] [] [] [] [] [] [] []
Preliminary Thoughts:
Refer to Afda's Round 1 thread: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-air/round-1-62786/
Afdarenty vs. LIFE: SoP (Gen, 15 ups) (Since it'll be played by a General, I'd probably have the Squids upgraded; still two extra ups (and up to seven, if Squids shouldn't be uppped) waiting to be debated) Yeah, this has to be General boost. We could go all quanta for a speedy deck.
(upped Squids and 2 pends) - could go wyrms instead of pends... which would be more helpful if poor water quanta. We could test both and see which is better. As Bas said, upped Squids makes sense to get the longer Congeal (4 vs. 3 turns). 
Basman-1453 vs. ENTROPY: Dial Sanc Stall (Lieutenant, upgrade Sancs.)
http://dek.im/d/5lgz15liz35lmz15ocz25ogz15oiz35olz65puz17k6z37oez57q98pq (updated link with Lt. ups)
Expected matchup time: 3 Sept, 1200 UTC (1500 on his locale, 1900 on mine)
Hyroen vs. AETHER:  Dark Duo (Sideboard)
Used EC:  http://dek.im/d/z35ocz55ofz25oh5opz15puz25upz15v1z17msz57mtz17oez17tb8pt
Sideboard the T-storms unless it's a RoL/Hope or other cheap creatures spam... sideboard steals if nothing worth grabbing.
chrispybacon84 vs. WATER: SoW Wyrms (Salvage) (yeah, Salvage makes sense to me as well)
trashduke vs. TIME: Nymphs (Ups)
http://dek.im/d/4srz25f6z65ocz15olz45onz15p0z57mtz37mu8po (I went shopping :)  Tweaked a bit from my nymph heavy version... Wyrms OP in testing. And it makes how many nymphs I have a surprise.  hehe.

The following is important to keep in mind against LIFE (Hyroen vs. kdz Trial decks):

Spoiler for Discard/Salvage for R1:

Afdarenty vs. LIFE: SoP (Gen, 15 ups)
5/0 D/V Discards
... any ideas what to discard from this? I'm thinking something along the lines of "2 Dragonflies, 2 Wyrms, one Wings", pre-Transmutation (assuming we Transmute all our salvages from Water) but feel free to dispute.
 That's not a bad idea... keeps most of our stores in good shape.  If we go whole hog on transmutations, I'd recommend 3 wings, 1 fly, 1 wyrm.
Cards we could transmute back: 3 wings. Sounds good :)
Got to keep the Water cards, that's for sure. -3 Wings, -2 Wyrms, I think. (We have 12 Wings, and 23 Wyrms currently in vault).
Crickets, forgot Transmutations can only be done into cards we have less than 12 of xD

Basman-1453 vs. ENTROPY: Dial Sanc Stall (Lieutenant, upgrade Sancs.
-5 Discards (From Deck)
Depending on how the rest of the round goes (water salvage looks pretty shit tbh), we can discard 5 air cards, and transmute them back, which is a net loss of only one card.
Cards we could transmute back: -3 fogs, -2 FWs. (we have 10 Fogs, and 10 FWs currently in vault)
Discard + Transmute, for sure. Way too early to be dropping sanc stall cards. agree!

Hyroen vs. AETHER:  Dark Duo (Sideboard)
-5 Discards (From Deck)
Cards we could transmute back: 3 T-storms, blitz, 1 dragon (we have 12 T-storms currently, 5 Blitz, 24 dragons)
Don't think we should discard any of our Darkness module at this point, but we can only transmute 7 cards total.  At least 1 dragon or fly is probably going to have to go here.

chrispybacon84 vs. WATER: SoW Wyrms (Salvage)
+8 Salvage :D
Transmutions, or see what water mono has to offer. Off memory, Abyss crawlers, dragons, nymph queens, ice bolts, dry spell. And Permafrost. I guess this smells like 4 transmutations, unless we can somehow make use of Ice Bolts (we have no Ice Bolts in our Vault, so good luck designing a Water/Air deck around Ice Bolts that only uses three of them). And we'll probably have to split the transmutation from this win.
Ice bolts would have been great in the General matchup - freeze those dragons to buy more time...  still wouldn't have won though, I think.  We'll see the results from the Aether matchup and know what we can do from there. It may make sense to transmute everything if we don't want to lose what we've got. we could get back 7 cards in transmutation as of now, and we're losing 10.
tempting: 3 Dry spell, 3 Ice bolts, depending on how many water nymphs you all have, we could make a Tinkerer NT rush deck. Our nymphs are pretty badass in that combo (and we have some Immo's).... meh, I dunno.
Survey of Water nymphs - please list how many you have:
trashduke - 2
Basman - 3
Cb - 2 (upped)
Hyro - 4
Afda - 3
Probably just transmute here, Water CC is worse than Air CC mostly, and we already have all the creatures we need.
 Yeah, Dry spell is a bad T-storm, Ice bolts are OK if you build quanta, but yeah. Transmute sounds good to me. 
We can transmute from bas' match - 3 fogs, 2 FW - maybe 2 fog, 2 FW? (Net loss of 1 fog)
Unless I've missed it, we only use 8 FW in all of our decks (6 for Adrenastaves, 2 for sanc stall), we have 10 in vault, so I'd say drop to 9 FW would be OK (we can transmute back if we really need some more). I think haxx shield is great and could splash everywhere if we wanted it, so I'd vote to keep those (also 10 in vault currently). I'd recommend transmute to 3 fogs, 1 FW. 1 Blitz.
Given the Aether loss, maybe 2 fogs, 1 blitz, 1 t-storm?

trashduke vs. TIME: Nymphs (Ups)
6 Salvage :V
2 Dims, 2 salvage? Unless we find a decent PUGons build, but monos are better(?) 2 dims sounds good.  silence, precogs are tempting.  The problem is that we can only transmute if we 12 or less, right?  lemme check that yeah, yup, so we could get 2-3 of some cards back that are/go below 12.  That means no wyrms or flies, but we could drop and then get back Wings, or Fog, or Blitz, or OE (close w/ 14).
So we already have both an Aether and a Time module, the question  becomes can these cards add value to the way we are using that module already.  dims can be hella handy and we do have a nice Aether module. More Lightnings would be preferable if we wanted a splash like that, but... something to think about.
No lightnings in this deck though, We don't have a grabbow, or any rainbow as of now, so personally I don't see the perk in precog (unless we go for a nice rush), so 2 dims, 1 silence, 1 of something else, and a transmute (IMO).
 That sounds pretty good.  I think Afda is coming back tomorrow, so I'm sure he'll weigh in too. We could also start building up fodder for later Vault discards.  tricky questions. 
Yeah, completely forgot about that. I guess then we can go as suggested above, and a PU (can make potential use later on, and that 1 lightning in the SoW deck basically won me the 2-2 decider match)
lightning is a great card.  so strong and so cheap.  It's what lost us the Life matchup.
If we're pursuing PUGon (Aether's D/S/T notwithstanding), we can probably get away with 4 PUs and (2 Dims? 1 Transmute?). Problem is, this thing have no way to get around shields, and good luck getting Sky Blitz magic dance around Dims more than once  --> http://dek.im/d/z55ocz45ooz15opz45puz361r7msz47mvz17oe8pu
What are we going to do with 2 dim, 1 silence? Would prefer to pick up more in element stuff. Building towards a bolt PUgons might be worth it, though.
If transmuting all, can transmute from Afda's match - out of 3 wings, 2 wyrms - 2 wings 1 wyrm? Maybe all wings as well.
Yeah, I'd say 3 wings (also can't transmute to wyrms since we have >12).
Maybe 2 Wings, 1 T-storm? 

-3 wings,
-2 wyrms
-3 fog,
-2 FW,
-3 T-storm
-1 blitz,
-1 dragon

Transmute back (with suggestions would be a net loss of):
1 wings
2 wyrms
1 fog
2 FW
1 T-storm
1 dragon

Spoiler for Info on Decks in Starting Vault:
Decks currently in vault:
Agressive SoP http://dek.im/d/z15i4z25ibz35j2z15jmz25oez25ooz45puz17grz57mt8pp
Can probably make a Merc build with all Water pillars, Air mark. Prefer this to the more controlly version we had last War. Might need more Air quanta to get down the Wings/Wyrms early enough.
Strong vs: Entropy, Death, Earth, Life, Water, Light

Sanc Stall x 1.5  http://dek.im/d/5lgz15liz35ocz25ogz15oiz35olz35onz45puz57k6z37oe8pq
Didn't bring one last War. Hopefully this will punish heavy CC decks, which we ran into a fair bit last War (cough Darkness cough)
Strong vs: Darkness, Aether, Entropy, Death. First three are very important.
Seems a little light on pillars/pends, but a really strong idea/ good stall.

Poison Stall http://dek.im/d/52gz152oz252qz152r5425ohz45onz45puz3718z171bz37oe8pk
Might be better to run something along the lines of 4 OE, 2 fw, 4 poison. Slower, more control. http://dek.im/d/z152rz55ocz15oiz35onz55puz3718z171bz37n58pk
Strong vs: Entropy (ish), Earth (ish), Fire, Time, Darkness (ish)
this is great, I like the OE version - I'd make it a slightly fatter to outstall (+ 1 or 2 shockwave or T-storm), but it looks really good.

Dark Duo x2 http://dek.im/d/z55ocz45ofz15og5opz35puz25up5v1z57mtz17tb8pt
Sideboard Dark Duo was godly last War. Very powerful, very flexible. The right build can beat anything. Can add Wings, shocks, storms, Wyrms, more NM, more quanta, upgrade dragons for more burst, etc. 1 Flying Weapon works wonders in the mirror.
Strong vs: Most Elements
This deck is a beast. Very hard to counter and a great choice to bring in.

SoW Wyrms http://dek.im/d/z25oczA5pu61qz3621z262mz47muz28168pu
Very difficult deck to stop, assuming it doesn't run into a reflective. Surprisingly fast.
Strong against: Gravity, Aether, Darkness, Water, Fire
Awesome deck - I'd recommend putting in 6 wyrms vs. 5, but it's very strong overall.

Nymphs Tears http://dek.im/d/z15f9z15i4z55ig5jmz35onz65puz17gkz17i6z37oe8pp
Good stallbreaker. Only 2 Immo because it messes with draws, and it's a secondary win con, not a primary.
Strong vs: Death, Fire, Aether

Blue Nymphs x3 http://dek.im/d/z15f6z75ocz45onz25p07msz57mtz47mu8po
The deck everyone loves to hate.
Strong vs: Most Elements
indeed!  this is a nice deck and gets better with more nymphs  (swapping the wyrms)

SoFr Mono x3 http://dek.im/d/z35ocz15ofz15ogz15olz55paz35puz57mtz37mu8pr
Great stallbreaker with Dragons, can be very fast with Wyrms, especially with all the upgrades this War.
Strong vs: Most Elements

Adrenastaves http://dek.im/d/z55c5z15c7z55oi5ojz75puz37anz37oe8pn
Excellent vs Grabbow decks, aggro decks, PC decks. Weak vs anything that can kill staves, Dim OTK decks, fractal.
Strong vs: Entropy, Darkness (ish), Earth, Death (ish), Life (ish),

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1244752#msg1244752
« Reply #2 on: September 13, 2016, 02:32:30 am »
Spoiler for R2 Prep:
Preliminary Thoughts:
Afdarenty vs. Death Deck (Gen, probably)
Gen Upgrades give a lot more options here. Will have to give this some thought. Nymphs, both Water duos, SoFr and lightstall all have merits.
Disadvantage of SoFr is it loses to SoD/SoSac stall. Should be fine vs most (all?) other decks. Disadvantage of SoP is it'll lose to dim PUgons.

Hyroen vs. Earth Deck (Boost)
Everything in the R1 thread is still relevant here. Will take a closer look at this tomorrow, probably.
Staves is the suggested deck, but titanium shield is a problem. I'm thinking something along these lines... http://dek.im/d/z45c55c7z55oi5p0z95puz37an7n3z27oe8pn ...with the Blue Nymph as a backup plan. Consider adding immo and removing 1 FW. Possibly even removing a FW and adding another queen (we have 4 in vault) This is getting closer and closer to the adrenastaves build we used last war. The danger is that removing combo pieces opens us up to bad draws, and fire golems grow fast. Queens and Nymphs are also very vulnerable to BB. Maybe something like this, if worried about shields: http://dek.im/d/z55c5z45c7z55oi5onz35puz17dmz17f2z37oe8pn <- this vs. grabbow/sideboard Titanium shield
If we're scared of Titanium shield, why not just deck them out? Add in some shockwaves to deal with growing Fire Golems. Personally prefer this http://dek.im/d/z55c5z15c7z55oiz25onz55puz37anz37oe8pn to the explo build above, more reliable. Shocks help vs grabbow a lot too. -1FW, +1SW? 4th shock is overkill. 3rd shock might be overkill, tbh, forgot they could BB Golems. Good match up still - see chat for more details.

Staves beat everything but immortal, and sideboard /w titanium. And RT, I guess, if they're crazy enough to run that vs Air. Wings beat everything but immortal and pulvy.

Test 34 card staves vs. mono. If goes well, keep it. If too inconsistent, it's worth changing sideboard from Gravy to here (gravy match may take ups or discard/salvage).

Quick run down:
Fears from them: Fire Duo, Firebow, Immortal, Pulvy/EA/BB (sideboard?)

Shock staves: Loss vs Immortal, Sideboard if tit shield
SoP: Loss vs Firebow, Pulvy/BB if enough BB (4-5)
Wings mono: Loss vs Pulvy. Immortal? <- need to test
SoFr Mono: Loss vs Pulvy EA?
SoW: Loss vs Firebow, Immortal, Fire Duo

trahsduke vs. Darkness Deck (Boost)
Sanc stall is a much more obvious pick now for us than it would have been in R1. You guys know Aves better than me - do you think he'll be more worried about that deck than he will be about the other decks ran vs Darkness last War? I'm sure either Aves or Zawa must have picked up on it. Whether they thought about it vs. darkness, not too sure. I gurantee it's definetely in his head, but not too sure if he'd consider us using it against them. I like the sanc stall with dials idea. 

Sanc Stall beats all but SoP (I think). SoFr beats SoP and all slower decks, but loss vs mono/trap grabbow
Leaning Sanc Stall vs Darkness, hoping it takes them off guard a bit. Plus, really want to introduce something new into that match up

Another quick run down:
Fears from them:  Mono Dev, SoP, Drainbolt, Trap Grabbow, Pandestall
Mid-round update: They sent Siphonary to Aether, SoP to Entropy, Drainbolt to Water.

Sanc Stall > Mono Dev, Drainbolt, Grabbow, Pande
Sanc Stall < SoP

SoFr > SoP, Drainbolt, Pande
SoFr < Mono, Grabbow

Nymphs > SoP, Mono
Nymphs < Drainbolt, Grabbow, Pande

Dark Duo > Drainbolt, Pande
Dark Duo < Mono, SoP, Grabbow

chrispybacon84 vs. Gravity Dark Duo (Lt.)
Still feeling quite confident about the Dark Duo choice. It's not particularly obvious, tests very well.
Dark  duo seems smart against Gravy.  Given that, we could go sanc stall into darkness.

Basman-1453 vs. Fire Deck (Boost)
Still feeling fine about the Bonewall choice. If they were going to play purify in their immo decks, I think they'd have done it vs Entropy last round. Admittedly they didn't have sideboard access because of Gen, but eh. Firestall against Gravity was an odd choice, will have to think about that one. Possible they just expected the Death rush played a lot vs them last War.
Bones here

Spoiler for R2 Sal/Disc (as of hour of release of R3):

AIR Gen. Afdarenty vs.  DEATH ddevans96 WIN - SoFree 3-1 Grabbow
Just thinking ahead, we could go one steal (dark duo, and maybe even grabbow tbh), and then just some transmutions? We don't have a bow, so we can transmute the rest (second card could be an arsenic (for bones)), or normally salvage for a potential bow.
I'm thinking to salvage both Arsens, both Deflags, Steal. But then there's that last card. Prolly waste that one on Spider/Graboids as an extra fodder. (The latter is a fodder regardless -- don't think we can create nice bows considering Air's more of a tall element, if our Wyrms are telling anything. The former's a fodder unless we can somehow salvage five others and construct Winged Recluse out of it. {Or perhaps we're going to sacrifice two of the primary five salvages I suggest for Recluses and hope three more come our way next round? Flesh Recluses are scarily efficient, y'see~})
If we were to do that, 3 recluses, 2 arsenic, 1 steal?
I say we get the Novas... they were a super expensive card for vault building, but they open up lots of possibilities (especially later in war). We already have 3 arsenic, so I'm not sure we need more. 5 Novas, 1 steal (or 1 deflag). Recluses are an intriguing idea, but they are only efficient when upped (otherwise, they are meh). Wyrms can start to pack more of a punch with dive after the initial turn played... still worth thinking about if we get lots of salvage possibilities though. That said, we could open up bows with the Nova, so I'd think they would be more important for us (I still want to build Monster 2.0).
eeeyup, now with more Deflag sources available I'll say grab five Novae first. The last one ... Deflag? Maybe Arsenic in case StormWall loses in later round? (We're at nine Steals already) Can still pick 10th steal, 9 card limit is only for vault building
Update: 5 Novas, 1 steal

AIR Basman-1453 vs. FIRE godisnowonline (forgot we were Salvage boost here! = 8 salvage)
Lightnings or deflags look nice. Maybe 5 lightning, 1 deflag. Unless we need transmutation later.
Update: transmute to 3 FWs, 2 deflags

AIR Hyroen vs. EARTH Jenkar
http://dek.im/d/z55c5z15c7z55oiz25onz25paz55puz37anz37oe8pn (discard :( )
I'm inclined to discard three Shockwaves and Freedoms each, but the last two? FWs (We're at 8 FWs now)? And then use Transmutes from Grav for a net +1 FW?
We can't transmute into Shocks or Sofrees, but we can transmute back all 6 FWs; given the great round we had, I say we discard 6 and then salvage them back.  Last two cards could be 1 shock and 1 SoFree
And then there are the two Vault discards. I'm tempted to toss that lone Forest Scorp, and the other one would be?
sure: 1 forest scorp and 1 virus would be fine with me or 2 viruses. 

AIR chrispybacon84 vs. GRAVITY Odii Odsen WIN - Dark Duo 3-0 pulvy/Steel Golem mono
Personally don't see any good salvage. GPull would be nice if we decide to go bow. If not, transmutes here, hoping to repair what was lost last round.
Yaah, this one smells like three transmutations ><
Agreed. G-pull is the only thing mildly tempting, but I think 3 air cards would likely be better here
Could transmute up to:  3 fogs, 1 T-storm, 1 Wings, 7 sky blitz ... or some of: FW (8), FFQs (4). This could also depend if we want to run FFQs next round, but I'd think that the first 4 cards would be more important.
Shame we can't get a Gravy shield - all these shard golem decks make me want a few. That said, Wings will do in most cases.
True. Entro's Shard Golem doesn't seem to pack Shards of Freedom (presumably because they were relatively expensive), so Wings should do to delay them, at least until they got more wisdom. Wise Golems hurt, though, and IMO we might need to bring up the reflective shields if we suspect it.
Yeah, that sounds good, I'm glad we have at least 2 of those.
Update: transmute to 3 FWs

AIR trashduke vs. DARKNESS RapidStar_
Nova, Grabbies, Vaggers...  nice salvage options here.  I think the Vaggers for sure,  unless we want 5 grabbies and 1 Vagger.
2 Vaggers, 2 transmute?
Given the other Bow win, we could also build this guy from last war (mod-able ofc): http://dek.im/d/z54vj5905iaz55oc5ohz15p0z25pu5urz377g7aez17mt7mu7th8pm
We can salvage 5 novae and a grabby from this deck, and get one nova and 5 tasty cards from death's bow. Or just 6 cards.
Update: 1 Nova, 1 Vagger, 4 grabbies

Net Gain/Loss from Rd. 2 Discard/Salvage suggestions:
-1 shock, -1 SoFree (Assuming we want to keep the adrenastaves, it's tough to see a way around this given 8 discards from the deck (and can't transmute since we have > 12), though we could go -2 schocks or -2 Sofree if we needed 1 more of the other card next round)
-2 fodder (2 viruses, OR 1 scorp and 1 virus).
FWs stay the same so we can still run adrenastaves.
6 Nova
4 grabbies
2 deflags.
1 Steal
1 Vagger
 (If we need more Wings, or fogs, or T-storms or Blitz, we could also transmute some of these)

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1244996#msg1244996
« Reply #3 on: September 17, 2016, 12:40:05 am »
Spoiler for R3 Deck Prep:

AIR Gen. Afdarenty vs.  LIGHT Gen. Discord
According to ADU, there's no real threat they can bring, except firestall. Think SoFree is good, only 2 deflags, and 2RoF. Discards are getting more and more lethal, so maybe some more thought into this matchup.
SoFr is a huge pain for them. Vader sader is a fear, though. SoFr is also a very obvious choice from me, particularly after last round.
Other than us, LIGHT is facing DEATH, WATER, FIRE & AETHER. It is possible that Light would bring their Sanc Stall against FIRE, RoL/Hope against WATER, their CataTitanSaders against AETHER and their ArchangelSoDMono against DEATH, leaving DimPUGons against us, which is scary. This is a prediction using R2 decks.DimPUGon wouldn't do so hot vs. Sofr (or our Dark duo); I'm not sure that would be the best choice for them.  Should probably test vs their mono SoD. Could be enough to just outheal the mono. That's true, SoFr scary. Mono SoD seems like a solid deck to use against us, however, it might be better placed against Death, not 100% sure though. I guess it depends on what they're predicting.
Tentatively considering SoFr Mono? (though it is also considered for our LIFE matchup)
http://dek.im/d/z44srz45oc5opz35rk7msz57mtz57mvz17q48ps Either RT
http://dek.im/d/z44sr5ofz15og5opz55pa7msz57mtz17muz17mvz17n5z17oe8pr or SoFr

AIR Basman-1453 vs. GRAVITY kaempfer13
They brought a deck that beats both SoW Wyrms and Wings Mono last round, as expected. I imagine they're still thinking along those lines, so it's possible they're not very worried about our Dark duo. Thought process somewhere along the lines of "Oh, they brought a deck to surprise us, and they only won because they drew Wings a lot (bad RNG plays tricks on people). But Air will probably go back to their traditionally stronger decks this round."
But they might be more one dimensional, thought process of "Oh, Dark Duo is pretty scary. Counter that!" Hard to tell in R3. Will give this some thought, and look at what they might play. I feel like DBH is expected from them now, but Wings mono could easily scare it away.
We could also sideboard Wings if we were worried. I like this idea, especially considering the EC. I expect that their DBH will be well kitted out to deal with Wings (SoFo). Can't just rely on them to win us that match up.
Other than us, GRAVITY is facing DARKNESS, DEATH, EARTH & AETHER. tough round for them.... Because they play us, right? :Pofc.
Yeah given the sofo threat, som shocks would be nice... or FW with EEs.  Thought of TStorms, but ... yeah, these are damned durable creatures we're facing up against :P yeah, if you can't tag the Sofo on t1... yikes.  Not to mention they can simply grow to 0/16 without nomming anything, which easily puts it out of any kind of lethal CC that doesn't scale with quanta, FreezeWave notwithstanding ><
(nope, RTs aren't lethal CC :P) yeah, but they do take out one FW copy, but I agree, that it's not the best matchup.
They could also try Cata-titans... might that not be better used against Aether? yeah, maybe.  Their Adrenastaves/chargers is also strong since it heals and bypasses Wings.  if we dont bring the rt elsewhere, we might consider it for this matchup, especially if the Dark Duo is used for the Entropy matchup.That is definitely worth testing... an RT duo would be pretty strong against everything except guardtal or something, and we could stop that with Wings.   do keep in mind though, that with the right playing of a Catatitan, rt deck would do little, unless it rushes hard. yeah, you really want PC for catatitans, but WWw has also brought versions which have acceleration as a 2ndary win condition.... Intersting, but considering they're up against the record of Aether, I'm thinking Gravity will prioritize the most suitable deck against Aether (which may be Catatitans) yeah, I agree. so tentatively, let's say Rt for this matchup? let's work up a build and test it.  just trying to think of what decks will go where, but coming up with a build is definitely necessary, at least at some point.
Sideboard possibility: http://dek.im/d/z75ocz15olz35onz35ooz15puz55rk7msz57mu7oe8ps (take out Wings or Shocks as needed... update: build is kinda slow, I dunno).
This build seems more stable/resilient: http://dek.im/d/z25ocz55ofz15olz25onz35oo5op5puz55rkz67ms7oe8ps  (again Wings or Shocks would be sideboarded as needed). Definitely need to cut a Dragon for another Pillar, at least. Yeah, I agree. Also thought later that could also go with some damsels if we weren't worried about Oty's
Tentatively considering RT duo
Really not sure what to go with here. Will devote some serious time tomorrow.

AIR Hyroen vs. ENTROPY TheArrogantOne
May be time to bring out the RT duo, especially considering entropy's bows.
Previous match was a rushy denial deck from them, sanc stall from us. Possibly a sign of them not knowing what to expect? When Cal is unsure, he plays decks that are difficult to counter. Does not help prediction much, which is an utter pain.
Other than us, ENTROPY is facing EARTH, FIRE, TIME, DEATH.
I feel like we're expected to go "Grabbow scary" and they'll bring the firestall. I'm feeling like Wings dark duo is the way to go. Worth noting they haven't played a single maxwell so far, which is nice.
This might be the time they do, as well. Dark duo sounds good here. That sounds good to me; packing steals for disco.
Tentatively considering Dark Duo
http://dek.im/d/z55ocz45ofz35oo5opz35puz25upz57mtz17tb8pt ??? Will consider further tomorrow.

AIR chrispybacon84 vs. TIME fabian771 - boost: upgrades
Basicaly same thing as light. Nymphs were amazing, they will probably bring a counter to that. Do they have a counter? They didn't last War. I haven't seen one yet this War, either. Will need to double check. Should retest vs the SoP, but I remember that being positive for us last War. Beats SoP
Other than us, TIME is facing AETHER, ENTROPY, EARTH and DARKNESS.
Also, just remembered. I only have 2 nymphs. Will go with duke's build if we use the deck here. 2 Nymph build is best vs Time, RT too strong otherwise
Tentatively considering Nymphs. Agreed
http://dek.im/d/z25f6z75ocz15olz45onz15p0z57mtz37mu8po Pretty confident here.

AIR trashduke vs. LIFE Fippe94
They face Us, Death, Water, Earth, and Fire, so we are their biggest threat this round. Death may lure one of their healing decks. The SoSac deck they brought vs. Time is tricky and could be strong vs. us. I agree that the 5 Sograt in their firestall is strange, but it was 40 cards, so maybe they already thought it was too fat (and wanted the heals over SoGrat...  puzzling vs. Earth, maybe they feared pulvy?)
I think a soFree deck seems like the obvious choice for us to bring given the heavy CC they brought in rd. 1... So I'd almost expect some PC to counter any soFree threat.
I almost want to Mod the SoPa deck and bring it again, but I'll give this some more thought as well  (and no worries if we need that vs. Time) Would be very surprised if we went SoP vs Time
Other than us LIFE is facing FIRE, EARTH, DEATH and WATER.
Afda - you know Will a lot better than I do, but I think that they might bring a SoSac deck. That sounds very possible. I've only played Will once, never really seen him as War Gen before either. And, afaik, he's MIA.
http://dek.im/d/5i4z15iaz45ibz35j25jmz15oez35ooz55pu7gk7i6z57mt8pp SoP. Feel free to tinker with the build - this hasn't been tested all that thouroughly. With the Wings to block Arsen, I think 2 purify should be plenty vs their SoSac deck.
Testing is going well vs. Ai with this deck... even against their lightning duo (though Ai is dumb with lightnings). 
Not bad in testing overall, adrenastaves is rough (feels about 30-70), and the lightning duo would be a pain again, but hopefully I'd do better with better draws.

Spoiler for R2 Salvage/Discard:

 AIR Gen. Afdarenty vs.  DEATH ddevans96 WIN - SoFree 3-1 Grabbow
Just thinking ahead, we could go one steal (dark duo, and maybe even grabbow tbh), and then just some transmutions? We don't have a bow, so we can transmute the rest (second card could be an arsenic (for bones)), or normally salvage for a potential bow.
I'm thinking to salvage both Arsens, both Deflags, Steal. But then there's that last card. Prolly waste that one on Spider/Graboids as an extra fodder. (The latter is a fodder regardless -- don't think we can create nice bows considering Air's more of a tall element, if our Wyrms are telling anything. The former's a fodder unless we can somehow salvage five others and construct Winged Recluse out of it. {Or perhaps we're going to sacrifice two of the primary five salvages I suggest for Recluses and hope three more come our way next round? Flesh Recluses are scarily efficient, y'see~})
If we were to do that, 3 recluses, 2 arsenic, 1 steal?
I say we get the Novas... they were a super expensive card for vault building, but they open up lots of possibilities (especially later in war). We already have 3 arsenic, so I'm not sure we need more. 5 Novas, 1 steal (or 1 deflag). Recluses are an intriguing idea, but they are only efficient when upped (otherwise, they are meh). Wyrms can start to pack more of a punch with dive after the initial turn played... still worth thinking about if we get lots of salvage possibilities though. That said, we could open up bows with the Nova, so I'd think they would be more important for us (I still want to build Monster 2.0).
eeeyup, now with more Deflag sources available I'll say grab five Novae first. The last one ... Deflag? Maybe Arsenic in case StormWall loses in later round? (We're at nine Steals already) Can still pick 10th steal, 9 card limit is only for vault building
Update: 5 Novas, 1 steal

AIR Basman-1453 vs. FIRE godisnowonline (forgot we were Salvage boost here! = 8 salvage)
Lightnings or deflags look nice. Maybe 5 lightning, 1 deflag. Unless we need transmutation later.
Update: transmute to 3 FWs, 2 deflags

AIR Hyroen vs. EARTH Jenkar
http://dek.im/d/z55c5z15c7z55oiz25onz25paz55puz37anz37oe8pn (discard  )
I'm inclined to discard three Shockwaves and Freedoms each, but the last two? FWs (We're at 8 FWs now)? And then use Transmutes from Grav for a net +1 FW?
We can't transmute into Shocks or Sofrees, but we can transmute back all 6 FWs; given the great round we had, I say we discard 6 and then salvage them back.  Last two cards could be 1 shock and 1 SoFree 2 Shocks, would like to keep 3 full sets of SoFr for now.
And then there are the two Vault discards. I'm tempted to toss that lone Forest Scorp, and the other one would be?Might as well keep the scorp, just for more variety.
Update: 1 forest scorp and 1 virus would be fine with me or -6 FW, -2 SoFr, -2 Virus. Think you meant -6 FW, -2 shocks, -2 Virus, right? That sounds good to me.

AIR chrispybacon84 vs. GRAVITY Odii Odsen WIN - Dark Duo 3-0 pulvy/Steel Golem mono
Personally don't see any good salvage. GPull would be nice if we decide to go bow. If not, transmutes here, hoping to repair what was lost last round.
Yaah, this one smells like three transmutations ><
Agreed. G-pull is the only thing mildly tempting, but I think 3 air cards would likely be better here
Could transmute up to:  3 fogs, 1 T-storm, 1 Wings, 7 sky blitz ... or some of: FW (, FFQs (4). This could also depend if we want to run FFQs next round, but I'd think that the first 4 cards would be more important.
Shame we can't get a Gravy shield - all these shard golem decks make me want a few. That said, Wings will do in most cases.
True. Entro's Shard Golem doesn't seem to pack Shards of Freedom (presumably because they were relatively expensive), so Wings should do to delay them, at least until they got more wisdom. Wise Golems hurt, though, and IMO we might need to bring up the reflective shields if we suspect it.
Yeah, that sounds good, I'm glad we have at least 2 of those.
Update: transmute to 3 FWs

AIR trashduke vs. DARKNESS RapidStar_
Nova, Grabbies, Vaggers...  nice salvage options here.  I think the Vaggers for sure,  unless we want 5 grabbies and 1 Vagger.
2 Vaggers, 2 transmute?
Given the other Bow win, we could also build this guy from last war (mod-able ofc): http://dek.im/d/z54vj5905iaz55oc5ohz15p0z25pu5urz377g7aez17mt7mu7th8pm
We can salvage 5 novae and a grabby from this deck, and get one nova and 5 tasty cards from death's bow. Or just 6 cards.
Update: 1 Nova, 1 Vagger, 4 grabbies 2 Vagger, 4 Grabbies sounds good.



Net Gain/Loss from Rd. 2 Discard/Salvage suggestions:
-2 shock
-2 fodder (2 viruses).

5 Nova
4 grabbies
2 deflags.
1 Steal
2 Vagger

Offline Afdarenty

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1246709#msg1246709
« Reply #4 on: September 24, 2016, 10:31:31 pm »
Spoiler for R4 Deck Prep:

AIR Gen. Afdarenty vs.  Aether blrawen
has matches with: Earth, Darkness, Fire, Entropy
Previously we played Dark Domin, loss vs Virustal
I feel like deuce will struggle greatly trying to beat Nymphs, Dark Domin, and SoFr Mono. Makes me want to play Sanc Stall.
SoFr Mono? http://dek.im/d/z24srz25ofz25ooz55paz27msz47mtz17mvz17n5z27oe8pr

AIR (boost) Basman-1453 vs. EARTH Ryli
has matches with: Water, Fire, Death, Aether
Previously we played Adrenastaves, loss vs Bolt Grabbow
Last round was a pretty clear indication that they're not expecting Dark Duo /w Wings from us. It's a pretty awesome deck against them. Happy to play it here. That sounds good to me. Maybe something like this: http://dek.im/d/z25oc5oez35of5oi5ooz35puz25upz25v17msz57mt7oez17tb8pt
not sure if the unupped wyrm is worth it, but 5 dragons seemed like a lot. I really hate unupped Wyrms :P Expensive and not that fast
I was thinking more along the lines of this. More Wings for a better match up against Grabbow, their pulvy domin, and (I think) their fire duo too.
yeah, that's a lot better. I like it.

AIR (boost) Hyroen vs. FIRE Gen, killsdazombies
Has matches with: Earth, Gravy, Aether, Time
Previously we played Shockwall, win vs Dual-Bolt Control
Fire seem a bit all over the place this War. Gen Firestall is certainly scary. But so is Gen Immo.
Sideboard. Beats Immo (just), beats Firestall.

AIR (boost) chrispybacon84 vs. WATER Ginyu
Has matches with: Time, Earth, Darkness, Gravy
Previously we played SoW Wyrms, win vs Mono Rush
Their SoP decks /w PC are really, really scary. But so is reflect. SoFr from us seems like the logical choice, probably with EE to pressure the CC creatures a bit. Probably Wings too. Hopefully if they use PC on SoFr, EE will deal enough damage to win, and if they use PC on EE, SoFr will do too much. But needs testing.
For now, settling on a boltbow - http://dek.im/d/z54vj4vhz35905c1z15ocz25on61q7dmz57mtz37mu80a8pm
That looks pretty good.

AIR (boost) trashduke vs. DEATH Gen. Rob77dp
has matches with: Time, Earth, Water, Darkness,
Previously we played Mono SoFr, win vs Grabbow
I know that rob hates stalls... but he also knows that I know this... ah mindgames.  Actually he's played quite a few stalls thus far.
They were worried about denial from us last time.  You mean Wings? I thought they were just trying to beat our rush with their grabbow (momentum, explo, steal for Wings/Fog).  I almost think mod our Immo + Nymphs, Wings, EE, with a purify splash might work well but it's worth testing. Nope, they were expecting monster - ddevans actually mentioned this to me - though I suppose they were wary of Wings too. Very interesting!  Surprised he told you that. I've found OE much too expensive to use effectively in the tears deck. I did get a 5th nymph (and could get a 6th if needed), so we might be able to run nymphs w/o tears.
 Would have to test the Wings build vs their Gen Grabbow - that thing is extremely fast.
something like this worth testing: http://dek.im/d/4srz15f9z35ocz15olz35ooz45p0z27msz47mtz37mu8pr
Oh. Nymphs. Right. x) Looks nice yeah, could splash in some purify (work with immo) and then go for the otk if we worry about SoSac stall. I'll do some testing.
This does very well vs. their poison rush and their grabbow (8-2 vs. their Grabbow modded for General ups).
Ai plays dumb, but it should crush the SoSac stall - basically I chill and get lots of gasses, wait for immo + purify and blow up the board; he can't miracle through an otk. Would love this match; even if he manages to get all 6 SoDiv and full health (=244 HP; 243 with the miracle), 12 gasses + EE = 245 damage... Now they could run a reflective, but that would allow all of the creature hits to go through since no BW. it would be closer, but I think ours still.
Reflective and Sacrifice goes surprisingly well against spell-damage-based breaks (which ImmoUG is), though. It blocks spell damage while letting physical damage fuel Sacrifice >< It's true, but Purify is for SoSac, and SoSac works against using Miracle, so I think it could work. Multiple Sosac could be tough, but then we would wait for one of the final turns to purify - hit, then purify again - hit. The sosacs would take out 80 damage for us, 4 wyrms diving, plus the nymphs + OE damage = 75 damage + any damsels (hopefully 83, then 81), that would be 244 damage in 2 turns.  The dials would shut it down though if he had 2 at the end ... that would be the tricky part, but hopefully he'd have to use dials to survive that long, so he would run out - I imagine draws would determine this.
UPs build: http://dek.im/d/4srz15f9z45ocz15olz35ooz35p0z35puz17gqz37mtz37mu8pr
Pugon testing:  http://dek.im/d/z352gz352hz854261rz561t622z1710z172iz380b8pu
So far, Ai just derps, even when playing opposite decks, it derps with the nymphs.  If they get a great start, this is likely a tough match, but do you think death would bring dims against the SoFree threat... we'll see I guess.

Spoiler for Salvage/Discard from R3 Decks:
Rd.3 Salv/Discard
11/4 deck/vault discard
6 salvage
R3 EC: 5 extra discards for duplicate boosts that lost
R4 EC: +1 relic per transmutations from R3 matches

Vault: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/11yefzV1KBaaXCXlsrTPVSxwTp3aqKaLwW6QFGIxPze4/edit#gid=14

AIR Gen. Afdarenty vs.  LIGHT Gen. Discord WIN 3-0 Staves vs. Vader Sader
2 Dagger, 2 Nightmare, 2 Steal? Gives 6 NM, 12 Steal, 10 Dagger.
So maybe 2 Nightmare, 4 Steal. Leaves us on 6 NM, 14 Steal, 8 Dagger. So 4 Dark Duos, two of which can run 4 steals.
tasty salvage here...  I think I like the steal option better, but both are great.
2 Nightmare, 4 Steal.

AIR Upgr Basman-1453 vs. GRAVITY kaempfer13 Lost 0-3 RT Wings vs. CataTitanBow
What we're discarding depends on whether we're abandoning RT or not.
If we aren't, we're going to have to discard at least three Dragonflies without discarding any one RT.
If we are, well ... I guess all those RTs, all the Wings (hoping for something to Transmute), and two Dragons? I like this option more. We're going to run out of creatures before we run out of off element stuff, that's for sure. And RT aren't too difficult to salvage if needs be.
 yeah, I think this makes more sense.  I almost want to save 2-3 RTs in case we start seeing more shard golems, but the other cards are likely worth more to us and we can hopefully salvage some more RT back.
For the Vault discard ... Forest Scorp, Virus, and two Luciferins (especially since we don't have that 7/8 Light shield in Vault, IYKWIM) agreed
Forgot the EC discard (since this is a duplicate ><). Any ideas?
Oh damn, just guessing 5 extra fodder. yeah <> only 2 Luciferin
Discard: 6 RTs, 3 Wings, 2 Dragons, 6 Luciferin (only 2 luciferin), 1 Virus (apparently we have 1 left), 1 forest scorp, 3 holy lights, 2 LS.

AIR Lt Hyroen vs. ENTROPY TheArrogantOne Won 3-2 Stall vs. Grabbow Lt
3 Discord (hopefully, eventually, with EQ/BH for denial bow. Can work fine just with RTs too, though). 1 nova takes us up to 6, 1 forest spirit, 1 lycan (fleshes out the Grabbow a bit).
1 Nova, 3 Discord,1 forest spirit, 1 lycan - that sounds great to me.

AIR Upgr chrispybacon84 vs. TIME fabian771 WIN 3-0 Nymphs vs. Tinkerer UG
Think we should take the 6 dials. Let's see how our other matches go, though.
Would vote for 3 Dials, 1 Fog, 1 Transmute (wings for Bas' match). Gives us 12 dials. Don't think going up to 15 is worthwhile, tbh.
Didn't even look at vault. Yeah, sounds good :)
I agree, this looks great.
3 dials, 1 fog, 1 transmuted wings

AIR trashduke vs. LIFE Fippe94 Win 3-0 SoPa vs. Firestall
2 deflags look nice, then transmute back 2 Wings
If Entropy goes well and we want to transmute there, we could consider: 4 Heals or 4 bolts... I'd vote Heals for our Adrenastaves.
That said, it would probably be better to transmute into Fog, T-storms, or FWs.
I kind of like 5 SoG, 1 Heal. Our SoG Stall can be pretty strong - I ran this in the Trials Finals: http://dek.im/d/5c2z15ogz35ol7ai7akz57baz87msz57n7z37oe8pn
Stall options are always good... so maybe something like this: http://dek.im/d/z25c2z45cqz25ocz15ogz15oiz35olz55onz15puz57msz17oe8pn
We do already have 3 heals - do you think we need a 4th? with a 9th deflag we could run 3 of our fire duos.  I'd probably vote 5 SoG, 1 deflag, but the heal is fine also. Missed deflag salvage. That's definitely better than the heal.
We would still have 9 Wings which is OK... but I wonder if it's worth transmuting 1 to get up to 10... maybe let's see what this next round matches are, whether we need anything.
Also Rd. 4 EC will heavily benefit transmuting next round. Hopefully we can have another good round and then transmute to get mad Relics....   
5 SoG, 1 deflag.

Offline Afdarenty

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1247502#msg1247502
« Reply #5 on: October 01, 2016, 11:51:18 am »
Spoiler for Round 5 Prep:
AIR Gen. Afdarenty vs.  AETHER hainkarga
facing: Air, Entropy, Gravy, Life, Water
They'll probably figure out that their Shard Golem could have won last round, as well as their PUGrabbow if they tech in some BB. A max speed devtal could also work, I need to test vs this Mono > Devtal. Current plan is to build a deck capable of beating these.
Devtal smashes mono, may have to bring out the bow again. Even better because gen ups :D We beat it in testing last round, not sure if a slightly different build from them would work, though I see. I'm pretty sure deuce is going to do anything to counter the SoFr deck. Or will he just let us win again? Who knows, ugh mind games. I think Deuce is really setting up a mindgame here that the SoFr is unbeatable when he knows damn well that it is beatable. I think Afda's analysis is right on, find something that counters Shard Golems, PU Grabbow, and speed Devtal.  Our own Grabbow might work well here. 
Last round Aether fielded: Wise Dragons (+Dims), Rol/Hope (31c), Psiontal, Psiontal (+Steals) & Guardtal (+SoFo). Out of these, only the Psiontal (+Steals) lost (against Afda too!). They should still have access to Chargertal, a Grabbow variant, their Shard Golem deck and Mono variants. I'm thinking that if they plan on using their Shard Golem deck, we might want to try out a NM splash, or at least test it out, also possibly being effective against a PUgrabbow if played at the right moment. That could help although I always think of NM as more effective vs. Fractal (which is still a threat here). I think Wings would do well vs. their Shard Golem deck as well as the PU Grabbow. I'm thinking that considering how easy it is to get an immaterial shard golem, a very fast and strong one would only be waiting on another SoW (to get through any Air shield anyways). Good call... Golem decks tend to be finicky and prone to fail draw though, so it could be an unreliable combo to expect. And once he gets immortal Golems he can't PU, so I think this would be a very different deck if he wanted to go that route. The PUs don't only have to be for the Golems though, it's the versatility that gives the deck its power, but of course, the point is taken.
Relevant (Shard Golem info): https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10h9S2KFTrR-mqYq0midlPsO5pgdSAYnU-LgF8W73F4c/edit#gid=0

AIR (Boost) Basman-1453 vs. DARKNESS RapidStar_
facing: Air, Entropy, Earth, Life, Water
Time to Stall them? With access to Holy Light I think they'll struggle. The fear is SoP. Would they play it?
I think we should run the SancStall - either with Holy Light or Dials, or both? (quanta will be an issue there, though) Holy light is a great option, very underused imo, I think we should bring it out... 6 in vault is perfect :) hehe... I like this idea.  Think they would have a lot of trouble vs this. Unless they rock a siphonary or pandestall
We could even go with a mono w/ Holy light (even holy flash for speed) - http://dek.im/d/z45ocz45ofz25onz45puz57jsz57mt8pr ?
I'd rather run Holy Lights over Holy Flash due to mulligan ^^; yeah, that's a good call. I still like the SancStall idea a bit more than the mono with the splash, but we can do some testing to see what is doing better against the usual suspects.
Last round Darkness fielded: Deflag+MPs, It's a Trap, Patient Dolls, Entropy Stall and GargGrabbow, with only It's a Trap losing. They should still have access to Devtal, their Siphonary, Blacktal and Mono variants.
I'm feeling they might bring panda-stall or drainbolt (w/ steals for SoFree); we could make a fat version of Sanc stall to pass pande, and enough HL for the dragons?   

AIR (Boost) Hyroen vs. EARTH manaboy100
Facing -  Darkness, Time, Fire, Gravity
They're caught in a pincer between our Staves deck and our Dark Duo. Wonder if they'll figure out Immortal beats both. Would it? Immortal might be too slow, I think shield would stop the staves (FFQ would probably be too slow), Dark duo could steal the shield/sanc, so it might win.
Dark duo is a really close matchup, but by memory, immortal wins by a very thin margian. It was the nymph deck, nvm Testing table shows 25-75 for the dark duo vs. Immortal , so it's not a good matchup here.  We may be able to mod one up, but may be too slow... Would SoFree outpace immortal? I would think so, doesn't look like we tested that in the tables. Shall we? I like the idea of SoFr mono here.
 Can use Upgrade boost - tentatively thinking Grabbow.

AIR (Boost) chrispybacon84 vs. FIRE TheonlyrealBeef
Facing - Light, Gravity, Earth, Entropy
I honestly have no idea what they'll do now. Seems like we face the same question we always do: Firestall or Immo?
Not playing a general - Immo is slower, firestall takes more time to setup. I think we should run the same deck, has better chances. Don't see a clear reason not to do this.

AIR (Boost) trashduke vs. DEATH ddevans96
Facing - Air, Entropy, Gravy, Light, Life
From their deck selection last time, it seems that they're not worried about our SoP Wings deck. It's excellent vs them - I see no reason not to play it here. Well, I guess Dims are the reason. But whatever.
Mathematically, SoP>Dims. Testing is needed, but sounds good Hehe, makes sense to me.  Though it would suck if they bring a crazy plague/BW deck. It's reasonable for them to expect damsels, so they might try something w/ CC and BW.  I almost want some kind of SoF mono here. This feels equally predictable, though : / Might be time to use that SoP/SoFr deck I've been tinkering with. Code to come.
Hehe, I like that, purify and SoP for any SoSac nonsense, this is a great idea. 
Subbing this to allow for UPs to Earth:http://dek.im/d/4sr5iaz15j2z65ocz45oez55paz17hiz57mt8pp

Spoiler for Salvage/Discard from Round 4 Decks:
AIR Gen. Afdarenty vs.  Aether blrawen WIN 3-0 vs. Mono/Steal
Mmmm, steals. Could pick up 4 of those, 2 fractals, and 2 fractals from the Water match. Seems pretty reasonable. See Water section for my thoughts on Damseltal, though. Alternative is 4 Steals, transmute. Don't think 5 steals + random fodder is more useful than 4 steals + useful in element card.
Makes sense to me - I'd go for 4 steals + 2 Fractals since we are getting a bit of tranmuting from other matches. 
Thoughts on salvaging the Dims? We don't to the best of my knowledge have anything that can reliably fend off SoPs. We might want to consider the decks that enemies have been bringing to take us down to guide our salvaging. Nonetheless, transmuting is encouraged this Round. Ah, I have been a bit too busy, clearly. haha. I'm thinking we have solid decks, let's get to the point where we have about 2-3 copies of them if possible, and diversify. We can't stay too predictable. Currently proposing:                   4 Dimensional Shield + 2 Fractal, opening up our Aether module.
That's a good point actually... Read the full Rd. 4 thread on the EC, it actually applied to the salv/discard we did this round (so in essence the Rd. 3 salv/discard). It's not so well worded, but mathman clarified that's what they meant. no worries!  The dim idea is worth considering, although I wish we had more bolts to be honest.  We should try to build up a Fractal Wyrms (Fractyrms?) to see how reliable it is. Framsels too maybe?  Sky blitz would fit really well there. 
Fractal damsels sounds real good. 4 dims is great, and we have more than enough steals as of now. Thinking dims is good, but wings are basically a 5 turn dim except against PUGons and Spirits in grabbows.... On the water matchup, afda says Damseltal isn't the best, and wrymtal is okay (according to you guys). Is it worth it to take the fractals?
Oi, my point down there is that I'm against WyrmTal, not for it! Good Fractal fodders tend to thrive in wide decks (Giant Frogs, Flesh Recluses, et al). I find Wyrms fit tall mindsets better than wide mindsets.
Don't think dims are worth it tbh. I'd go fractal/steal, or fractal/transmute. Even 2 fractal, 2 steal, 1 transmute.
I'd rather Steal/transmute. Three Psions aren't reliable enough for my tastes, neither are four Dims. Fractal ... the only thing we can safely Fractal are Damselflies.
I'm very strongly in favour of either 4 steals, 1 Transmute, or 5 Steals, 1 Fodder (probably... Fractal, I guess) Either of these make sense to me, but I would probably prefer the 5 steal, 1 fractal/fodder
5 Steals and 1 Fractal put in Vault

AIR (boost) Basman-1453 vs. EARTH Ryli WIN 3-2 vs. Pulvy mono
Personally, don't see any salvages here, unless we want somewhat potential fodder, if not then transmutions here.
Smells like transmutations, or we're crazy enough to try our hands at 4 BB splash? [sillyspin]
BB can be useful... but I dunno, probably best to sure up our stockpile with transmutation.
BBs definitely can be useful but often it works against the CC style of Air. Though the more I look at decks that won in Round 4, the more I think that other teams will try to bring bulky creatures against us, especially those with 5 or more HP, at least if possible. BB don't care about HP, so it might not be as crazy as it sounds.
Tentatively proposing:
4 Basilisk Blood + 1 Wings (slvg)
But what else will we use in earth? We can take the 4, and later on salvage 2 and then start using the deck.
Call me paranoid, but I think salvaged Hematite Golems can at least be used as extra creature (especially if we're expecting Maxwell's Demon and we can't spare the SoFree into the offensive deck facing it) as well as fodder. The only problem with that is that Steel Golems will need to compete for upgrade slots with Damselflies, although 4 Earth for 4/6 unupped is still pretty neat.
I really, really hope we never end up in a situation bad enough for us to need to run a steel golem duo. Don't think BB is worth picking up either, really, no PC in Earth/Air is just too painful. Propose 3x Transmute Agreed - 2 Wings, 1 T-storm (would bring Wings and T-storm back to 12, the max).
2 Wings and 1 T-storm put in Vault

AIR (boost) Hyroen vs. FIRE Gen, killsdazombies WIN 3-2 vs. ImmoGrabbies
If it's earlier in the War, where losses are less painful, I'd probably say an Immolation or two for our Unstable Immo NT. At this stage, though, we're probably better off salvaging the Fog, a few Graboids if we're making Grabbows a staple, and Deflag the rest.
Agree - Fog for sure, Immo or Deflag are great; Phoenix might be worth considering.
Seems like our Grabbows are a staple, and we currently have 4 Graboids. I'd say we salvage the 3, to have 7 (and even then we normally include 4 per grabbow) with the Fog that leaves 2 more cards to Salvage. We have plenty of Deflags enough for about 3 decks, so I'd say the remaining 2 should be the Immos to be able to reliably have Immos for the NTs and discard if need be.
Currently proposing:
3 Graboids + 2 Immolation + 1 Fog Shield
Agreed, sounds nice
Eh, why Immo? This late in the war, losing is nigh paramount to discarding the deck anyway, and if Unstable Immo NT loses, then so be it. I don't think Air can make a good ImmoBow, and the reason we only included two Immo for Unstable Immo NT was because Immo's not required for the primary wincon. I'd rather to salvage Deflags over Immolation.
Agree with Bas here. Don't like the Immo decks Air can play. That said, I think picking up a 3rd Immo would be useful in some match ups for the consistency. Fog is obviously a good pick. Deflags here would also be useful. Proposing the following:
1 Fog, 1 Immolation, 2 Deflagration, 1 Transmute (FFQ)
I like this - totals would be 11 Fog, 3 immo, 11 deflag, 5 FFQ
1 Fog, 1 Immo, 2 deflag, 1 FFQ put into Vault

AIR (boost) chrispybacon84 vs. WATER Ginyu WIN 3-1 CCBow vs. SoPa
Can choose from 2 fractal, 6 squids, 4 SoPa. If we're happy with current amounts, can transmute.
exactly... we don't have any fractals, so they would only be worth it if we could get more from other matches (hint Aether...Nice, called it :D), but I'd say some combo of squids and sopa sounds great, maybe 4 squid, 2 SoP if we don't need to transmute (that would give us 9 squid and 6 Sop total - almost enough to run two SoP decks hehe).
Sounds great
4 Fractal Damseltal is an okay deck, but only okay. Brought it the last two Wars, both times I had a hard time finding a place to play it, both times it went 0-1. More SoP Squid salvage sounds good, though that deck is most effective against the traditionally weaker War teams - picking up a second might not be a good idea if those teams don't last much longer. That said, there's nothing else to go for here unless we transmute a bunch, and Earth/Water are in quite solid positions right now.
Well, yah. Fractal is tempting, but if we're staying away from DamselTal the next best thing Air can Fractal is, IMO, Elite Wyrms. Wyrms are a thing better off played in tall decks rather than wide decks.
(BTW, is this just me, or I found Air leaning to the tall side?)
For the purposes of our SoPa duo, currently proposing:
2 Arctic Squid + 4 Shards of Patience
Agreed. Fine by me, too.
Sounds fine, we could also go 2 squid, 2 SoP if we wanted to get another transmuation....
2 Squid and 4 SoP put into Vault

AIR (boost) trashduke vs. DEATH Gen. Rob77dp Win 3-1 vs. SoG stall
Didn't you say you want one more SoG Afda? <ding ding> "delivery for the General."  Also good poison and Arse options. Maybe 1 SoG (=6 in Vault), 3 poison (=9), 2 Arse (=5 which would allow us to run them in a grabbow and in our death duo).  Could also transmute here if we need to.
Don't see a better combo, unless we want jade shields for a life stall.
I like 1 Arsen, 1 SoG. I'm not too sure what to do with the other 4 cards. I can't see us using a deck with 4 poison effectively. I don't think we need/want 2 Arsen in our Grabbow. 2 Jade Shields for the SoG stall is certainly worth considering, in my opinion. Maybe even Grey Nymphs for our Bonewall deck. Will take a little longer to think about this.
We can always sure up our stockpiles of Wings, Fog, T-storm... plenty to choose if we just transmute as well. Jade could be good, I was thinking it's pretty expensive, but a good duo could make it work. 
I'm actually wondering about the value of the Grey Nymphs. I too will have to give this more thought, but conservatively proposing:                                                             1 Emerald Shield + 1 Shard of Gratitude + 3 Poison + 1 Arsenic
-1Poison, +1 Emerald? We already have 3 arsenics, so we can already field a decent deck. Another shield is better imo.
What are we going to do with 3 floating poisons? I really can't think of anything. Propose the following (Grey Nymphs and the second Jade here are mostly just useful fodder):
1 Arsenic, 1 SoG, 2 Grey Nymph, 2 Jade Shields
or we could drop the nymphs and get up to 12 Fogs. I like 1 Ars, 1 SoG, and 2 Jades... last two nymphs or transmute to Fog is the question for me.
1 Ars, 2 Grey Nymphs, 1 SoG, 2 Jades put into Vault

Summing up my proposed stuff (not final, just to help me think):
+2 Wings (to 12)
+1 Storm (to 12)
+1 Queen (to 5)
+1 FW (to 8)
+1 Arsenic (to 4)
+1 SoG (to 6)
+2 Grey Nymphs (to 2)
+2 Jade Shields (to 2)
+2 Arctic Squid (to 7)
+4 SoP (to 8)
+4 Steal (to 18... think we have more than Darkness yet?)
+1 Fog (to 11)
+1 Immolation (to 3)
+2 Deflag (to 11)
Very reasonable haul here. We should try to build a double grey nymph duo to see if it's viable as well - might as well try it out.
We can either go aggro with them, or use them as a stall card (Just checked W9 ADU, R16 deck is a stall w/ BW, may be able to add nymphs to that: http://dek.im/d/z14srz45ocz25oh5oiz45onz55puz371b7msz47n5z17oe8pk )
Played this in Devil's Gate (winrate of 2-2): http://dek.im/d/z14srz1534z25ocz35oiz15olz35onz75puz371bz17n58pk
Grey Nymph count:
Afda - 4
duke - 3
Bas: none :(
Hyro: 2
cb: 1 upped

Offline Afdarenty

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1248676#msg1248676
« Reply #6 on: October 12, 2016, 07:22:41 am »
Spoiler for Round 6 Prep:
War #10, Round 6: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-round-6/
EC: Grave Digger - bet relics on when a team will go out (triple payout for correct guesses).
[2016-10-06 05:53:45] ‹kaempfer13› ‹@mathman101› the relics are also unuseable until the bet is resolved, right?
[2016-10-06 05:54:44] ‹mathman101› ‹@kaempfer13› correct. they will be removed at the end of this round. and replaced at said teams death on correct bet.

[2016-10-06 07:10:58] ‹worldwideweb3› ‹@mathman101› for EC, do we consider the end of round or start?
[2016-10-06 07:11:31] ‹worldwideweb3› Like say, I say team air will be out by round 7. Is that end of r7 or start, before r7 battles
[2016-10-06 07:12:50] ‹mathman101› ‹@worldwideweb3› that would be end of round. as in state, team X will die in Round 7. correct bet if they play R7 but die and don't play R8.

EC thoughts - I think it would be worth it to bet one card on Life and Light to go out this round and next (if we can do both?) Pretty sure they will be out in 2 rounds if not 1 round. We could bet 4 relics and end up with 6... I'm not as confident in any other bets, but what do you all think? Death maybe in round 7 too, but I'm not as confident in that bet.

For this round: 6
Discards - 14 from deck, 6 from vault
Salvage - 6

Upgrades: 15 (gen), 12 (Lt), and 8 (soldier) - at least 4 of these must be Air.

Gen. Afdarenty vs. Manuel (Water) 2-3 :/

Basman-1453 (Ups) vs. Sera (Darkness) 3-1 :P

Hyroen (Lt) vs. Gen. worldwideweb3 (Gravity) 3-0

chrispybacon84 (Merc) vs. godisnowonline (Fire) 3-0 :D

trashduke (Sideboard) vs. Vangelios (Aether) 3-2, phew

[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

[] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] [] []

Testing tables: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-air/testing-tables/
Preliminary thoughts on Matchups:

Gen. Afdarenty vs. Manuel (Water)
Also vs Earth Gen, Aether, Darkness, Death
Wise Wyrms beat the mono they sent in R1, and the weird mind flayer/fractal deck in R4. Thinking of taking this towards them (Gen upgrades = more speed, so better chance to outpace the mono). And there's really no chance of them taking reflective, don't think they've ever taken light into any decks - yep, just photons, a singular light pillar dor drawing dials, and one reflective for their SoVstall... hmm. The likelihood of them bringing it is pretty low, and it'll take some great RNG to be able to play a single pillar+reflective. Feel pretty confident with Wise wyrms here.
R1 they expected... Mono? R4 they expected Wing/Squid (Interesting that they think we won't run shocks in that) or adrenastaves from us.
Need to figure out how they can beat our Grabbow then take things from there, I think.
From them: Bonewall/Desiccation? Shard Golem? SoP Rush? Devtal because they don't know what they should actually play?
Dunno, but they're at 8 relics now; don't sure they'll go Merc + 4 relics just for SoPa-DevTal
Dark duo sounds good to me here.

Basman-1453 vs. Sera (Darkness)
Also vs Light, Water, Aether, Life
Who knows what dark will bring now, they might try a mono (nothing else has worked, by mem)
Time to bust out the sanc stall? Possibly. I like Sanc stall here. That said, I'm feeling something with Devs from them to mess with our quanta. Either mono or Sopa.... Could also bring our grabbow with disco here. The stall can handle devs well, either Mono or Devtal. SoP is a problem, though. Stall vs. Darkness is good, logic from before still holds, it's a great deck vs. most of theirs, and it should surprise them.

Hyroen vs. Gen. worldwideweb3 (Gravity)
Also vs Entropy, Time, Light, Earth
Bolt Grabbow seems a pretty reasonable choice here. Some alternatives: SoG Stall, SoW Wyrms, Dark Duo, Wings Mono.
Last time we fought they brought Cata-dials (w/ refl shield), which is pretty strong vs. some of our options (otk with the dial stall). Just make sure to pack 3-4 PC if we take the Grabbow route; Dark duo could also shut it down.
Didn't think of Grabbow. Will test it out a bit. Did you mean this for Darkness? I thought you were suggesting bolt Grabbow?  Oh, I did think of it. :D

chrispybacon84 vs. godisnowonline (Fire)
Also vs Entropy, Time, Aether, Death
SoFr would have beaten the deck they brought in R5 (loss). Thinking of bringing SoFr again.
I hate Fire. Grabbow? Test vs Firestall.
Grabbow will lose to Firestall, most likely.
SoFr w/ CC could work vs. both if it's fast enough, but RoF would suck. This feels pretty predicable from us though... I'm not sure here.

trashduke vs. Vangelios (Aether)
Also vs Earth, Fire, Water, Darkness
Looking at Aether's salvage options - correct me if I'm wrong, but I don't think they have anything that they can take (and build with) to beat SoFr. But upgrades are an issue. We could go Lt and use 3 relics? But I think they'll be much more useful late-war. We can test 12up build against their decks that have the best chances against SoFr, and go from there?
Several of the upgrades in my deck were quanta - losing those isn't too significant. We might be able to surprise them with some random deck at this point, though I'm not sure it's worth it.
http://dek.im/d/4srz25ocz25ofz15ooz55paz25pu7msz57mtz17mvz17n57oe8pr Lt Mono
http://dek.im/d/4srz35ocz25ofz15ooz55paz35puz57mtz17mvz17n58pr Ups Mono
I like this too. Have they had an opportunity to salvage SoSac or anything worth worrying about?
hehe... did you guys catch this discussion about SoFree OP (unrelated to the linked match): http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-250/(fire-general)-killsdazombies-3-0-silver_emerald-(light-upgrades)/ Have had similar conversations with deuce in PM, too.
Need to test vs Grabbow/Devtal to make sure Mono still has the edge.
Still good vs Grabbow... Devtal testing to come. If we don't end up with 2 Grabbows, it might be worthwhile to sideboard 3 nova if we really expect devtal. I'd imagine that does well vs. Grabbow too. I like the idea of sideboard here actually... either T-storms or Novas would be great.  not sure the 2 upped quanta from the other boost would make that much of a difference, though bringing Wings vs. the Grabbow would make sense too. What about a sideboard version of the deck Afda brought last round: http://dek.im/d/4srz45ocz25ofz15ol5onz25ooz55paz35puz57mtz17mv8pr

Spoiler for S/D from R5 Decks:
Rd. 5 Salv/Discard
14/6 deck/vault discard
6 salvage

Afdarenty vs hainkarga (3-0) vs SoI
More SoG? Not much else here. Don't think PUgons is worth it.
Could try a SoI deck here, but would be inconsistent with only 4 SoI. Plus discards would be very awkward if we lost with it.
I'm inclined to grab fodder!PU if we're comfortable with our Gratitudes, otherwise SoGrats.
Hehe, guys, remember the cards that we salvage can or cannot be used. It's sort of a choice :P SoG seems most useful, and then we can decide to, or not to use them. But considering the fire loss, maybe transmutes are better (if we even can?), but let's see how the rest of the round goes
Wish we could transmute into creatures, but the 12 cap is tough.  yeah SoGs sound fine.  PU is intriguing, but I'm not seeing the best use for that in the decks we currently have. Unless we want to build a SoFree PUgon or something....  (IMO it's either SoFr or PUGons that we would run, not both. And SoFr is more protective and keeps the mono theme (also faster?), so I think SoG is better here... We also have wise wyrms for aether duo)
Found this interesting if you're tickled into PUFreeGons, anyway: http://dek.im/d/z15ocz45ofz55paz35puz461rz17msz57oe8pu (up priority would be pends from there) hehe... nice Bas, that's pretty cool. 
As much as I want to construct PU(Free)Gons, though, I'd rather to salvage SoGs if we're not comfortable w/ our numbers of 'em  yeah, I think that's probably the right call here. 
tentative: 6 SoG

AIR (Lt) [mined] Basman-1453 vs. DARKNESS RapidStar_ 3-0 vs Pandemonium stall
If we don't already have so many Steals, I'd say grab moar Steal. Perhaps we should transmute smth to cover our loss against Fire [sadly, Azure Dragons and Wyrms are still way beyond the point of transmutation, the only thing we can Salvage to make for the loss is the Sky Blitz ><].
That is, assuming we're not crazy enough to try our hand at Wings/Siphon stall or something.
Yeah, I think transmute for the blitz, maybe also transmute 1 Fog, and then take 1 steal, 1 vagger. Or we could then take 2 steal, 2 vagger
We haven't been running the darkies much lately, so I think blitz, fog, steal, vagger is good. Maybe even 2 vaggers considering our amounts of steal in vault.
tentative: 2 steal, 2 vagger, and transmute 1 blitz.
I think I'd prefer 3 Daggers, 1 Steal here. We're already sitting on a ridiculous number of Steals, and it's not too hard to see a situation where a team runs an odd number of daggers against us in a Grabbow/Immo, or Darkness sending 3 again. Worst case it means we only need to salvage one back to keep a set of two.
That sounds good to me. so 3 vaggers, 1 steal, transmute 1 blitz

AIR (Upgrades) Hyroen vs. EARTH manaboy100 - 3-0 vs DBHQ GrabBow
We take the Fog for sure (saves the transmutation from the Darkness match).
Beyond Fog, maybe 1 deflag, 2 nova, 2 grabby?
Or if we really want 2 grabbows next round, we could go 2 nova, 4 grabboids....  that's not bad actually, but deflag is super useful. Thinking about it, this is probably the way to go (even though I'd like the deflag). 
tentative: 1 nova, 4 grabboids, 1 deflag

AIR (Sideboard) chrispybacon84 vs. FIRE TheonlyrealBeef -  0-3 vs. Grabbow
Well, think of it this way. We can only keep 3 cards from deck, and discard 6 from vault.
I'm inclined to keep a Deflag or two (not three!) and two or one Wyrms, respectively. Perhaps one Deflag, one Azure, and one Wyrm (since the last two are still beyond the point of transmutation ><)
We can pick up 3 deflags from the death match (whew!), so I'm OK losing all 5 here (we'll still have 9 in vault if we take the death salvage). I'm thinking to keep 3 Wyrms, we'd be left with 16 dragons and 18 wyrms. Could also keep 1 dragon, 2 wyrm for 17 and 17, but I think I'd prefer 3 sets of wyrms.
From my experience, Dragons are more useful late in War than Wyrms are. Would vote to save 3 Dragons here. right on... I'll trust you on that. Since they are cheaper, Wyrms seem to be more flexible for bows, but dragons are certainly more sturdy and CC resistant.  So saving 3 dragons leaves us with 19 dragons and 15 wyrms. That works for me.
Discard: 5 Deflags, 2 Dragons, Sky blitz, 6 wyrms. + 6 fireflies from Vault. Sounds great :)

AIR (Salvager) trashduke vs. DEATH ddevans96
So we can get 3 deflags (cover for the fire match), I'd also like to get the lightning.  then we have 4 more cards as this was the Salvager boost.
Depending on the Earth match, I'd say we could transmute 2 (FW, FFQ, or Fog if not taken above), but we could also pick up some combo of nova, grabby, or bonewall (or poison I guess...). From these, I'd want to go 4 novae as I think they'll be more useful in the long run (although 2 grabbies, 2 nova would also be good... give us 6 total grabbies in vault).
tentative: 3 deflag, 5 nova.  (I want the lightning, but having 2 grabbows is better, beside we have shocks).

Net Vault changes (updated w/ darkness salv):
Novas +6 (12 total in vault)
Deflags -3 (-5, +1, +1) (8 total in vault)
Graboid +4 (8 total in vault)... enough to run 2 grabbows!
Steal +1 (20 total)
Vagger +3 (11 total)
EQ +2 (2 total)
SoG +6 (12 total)
Fog +1 (12 total)
Sky Blitz 0 (-1, +1) (5 4 total)
Wyrms -6 (15 total)
Dragons -2 (19 total)
-6 fireflies (18 left in vault)

Offline Afdarenty

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1248959#msg1248959
« Reply #7 on: October 15, 2016, 04:14:31 pm »
Spoiler for Round 7 Prep:

Gen. Afdarenty v (Darkness) andretimpa
They're also facing Earth (Gen v Gen!), Gravity, Aether (Gen), and Entropy.
That phoenixmare thingy looks pretty scary. But SoFree would beat that? But mono Darkness would beat SoFree (Phoenix>SoFr>MonoDark) Sanc > Both of those
Mindgames again. But I'm Gen - Nymphs/Mono more expected from me? Maybe. Hard to call this. The other thing we could bring to this matchup would be the Grabbow with a Holy light splash (in case of dragons/gargs or devs) that would again mix up the meta-game and get them thinking. That said, they lost with their Sopa deck last round, so the Sanc stall could be a great deck to bring again to this matchup. Plus, we've changed the deck we've brought to them twice, keeping it the same might actually be less expected. Then we could bring the grabbow the next time we face them... :)  This makes a lot of sense to me.

Hyroen v (Water) Spielkind
Entropy, Aether, Fire, Death (Gen)
Golem again wouldn't surprise me tbh.
They brought a control rush in rd. 1 (loss),  a sopa squid (w/ fractal as stall breaker) in rd. 4 (loss), and the Golem last round with freeze (win)... They've been bringing lots of CC to us... what about Wise Wyrms here? would it beat golems? Probably would have to be Lt build if so, it's just fast enough to beat mono rush/domin. They have to realise we've been mindgating them pretty hard so far. I think they'll try to switch up the pace and surprise us by keeping decks. But not certain - this match up is definitely a coin flip, will have to sink some hours into it. Will wings stop those golems? Airborn if Sofree, but they were only packing 2 SoFree, so I still think that could help. I'd vote Lt here. They were playing 4

chrispybacon84 v (Light) ARTHANASIOS
They're also facing Life (Gen v Gen!) .
http://imgur.com/CeHlSYk wtf are you doing, Disc Whoops x)
At Light's best a WIFOM, at worst an outright leakage xDD
Do they have a counter for Mono SoFr? I don't think so. Could actually go with adrenaqueens here, that deck is monstrous against anything without much CC. Adrenaqueens sounds nice actually.... Might make it worth salvaging some extra adren from the gravy match last round.  They do have dials which we should be aware of... but they can't stall forever.
Afda: Just need to check out their vault, see what beats SoFr Mono. If nothing, play it. If something, counter it. Pretty simple, hopefully.
Checking ADU, it doesn't look obvious that they have a counter (which I can see). Last time they used vader saders, they lose (against us), and looking at salvage options, I don't think there's a clear counter. We can always take out the adrenaqueens for a safer option. They might be able to scrap together a vader saders build, though (assuming they kept vaggers when discarding, and have crusaders in vault).
Shock/EE/Sader, Dim/Dial Stall, Vader/Sader, Drain Stall, Disco Saders

trashduke v (Time) Gen. Kuroaitou
They're also facing Gravity, Aether, Earth, and Entropy.
Decks Time have:
Lightstall, ghostmare, TBolt/Recluse Rush, SoG Stall, SoP Wardens, Graboid Rush, Ghostmare
Don't see a problem with running the Nymph deck again. Will have to double check it's still okay, but I think it'll be fine. If not, counter the counter. Simple stuff.
Recently, they've shown ghostmare, RT grabboids, A SoG stall (w/ nymphs and Jade)  - this latter might give the Nymph deck some trouble, but we should test
here's that SoG deck: http://dek.im/d/z25c9z55cqz35rgz15roz35s4z35sez35t2z17akz27q0z27q5z37ri8pn
Wings would be great to counter most of their hitters: nymphs, GoP, Grabboids. they also might still have a poison duo leftover.
If we don't bring it to Water, Wise wyrms might be worth testing here.
Nymph deck has 3-0'd their stall in previous encounter oh cool.  It feels predictable, but if they can't counter it.... 
Yeah, the nymph deck is basically too fast (even w/o drawing the Nymph module)... The General ups make it a little close if I have a bad draw, but it's a good matchup for us. I should test vs. Ghostmare too, but shocks should be handy there :) draw lock sucks though, will see in testing. Nymphs in Ghostmare are the big fear. Just have to save shocks for the ghosts if you're not under too much pressure, hopefully get a decent draw to fit through the NMs.
http://dek.im/d/4srz25f6z65ocz15olz45onz15p0z57mtz37mu8po Nymphs
http://dek.im/d/z1590z35rgz35rkz45ruz377gz37q0z67ri8pm Grabbies 11-12 - depends on their draw and when our CC comes... feels 50/50, wings would lean this to us.
http://dek.im/d/z55rgz35rkz15s4z25v1z27q0z47qez27riz17t97tb7th8pt Ghosties crazy went 5-0 and then lost 4 straight.  I think we normally should have the advantage here (CC is strong), but random draws do crap....  Wings again would aid here.
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz3596z25rhz15rqz17dmz27hiz27q07q1z37q4z17ri8pm Wardens 5-3 - this feels pretty hard for them (deflag for Sop means slow damage)
http://dek.im/d/4ss5rgz15rkz15ruz35s45t2z361qz37q0z67riz380g8pu Zaps 4-6, zaps kill wyrms and nymphs, making it a slow go.
Ai misplays a bit, but Nymphs might have trouble with a few of these matchups...  I'll think on this some more. Maybe sideboard in some wings?
I still don't know about this one, but our deck at least has a 50% shot. I'd vote sideboard wings if that boost isn't needed elsewhere.

Spoiler for S/D from R6 Decks:
Rd. 6 Salv/Discard
14/6 deck/vault discard
6 salvage

R7 EC: Mutagen
    We  can reroll our salvage. If we do, we have 40% chance for a 1:1  transmutation, 10% chance for no salvage, and 50% for no changes (that  is, the usual 1:2 (?) transmutation)
        Please post in your section if you would like to reroll your salvage at least 24hrs before deckbuilding deadline.
        This event card is used for individual salvages. Please post which decks you would like to reroll your salvage from.
        Outcomes will be decided by chat dice, as rolled by Warmasters.
        This is for the current R7 deckbuilding/salvage/discard phase.
        This is an intriguing EC... I guess we should first decide if we want/need to transmute anything.... defs.

Gen. Afdarenty vs. Manuel (Water)
discard 14 from here; basically we can keep 7 cards. Lose: 2 vagger, 3 steal, 2 NM (but see Darkness match to get back), 2 fogs = 9 cards.
Then we have to decide to toss 5 cards from our 6 damsels and 6 wyrms.  wyrms currently at 15, so we could discard 5 and transmute 2 back depending on other matches... although we might also toss some damsels at this point, but they are so useful. 
beyond that -6 fireflies from vault. I wonder what are we planning to do w/ those Liquid Shadows~ (more seriously, though, what else can they do aside of Golden Eyes Vampire Dragons {read: Sky Dragon/LS}?) hehe. that's a good point; fireflies could actually be used (especially upped in a Nymph deck to power the UG, although I've never seen a really good build of this yet).  so Vault discard could be 4 LS and 2 fireflies. More like 4 LS/2 Cloak, since I don't think Darkness is going to make a Cloak-reliant deck as their staple. Cloak can be useful for us I think, but I don't feel too strongly about it. 2 off cloak is going to be way more useful for us than 16th-18th copies of Firefly, imo. I like keeping the variety for now, even if we're unlikely to need it. Keeping a set of flies is fine, but more than that we'll likely never need.
Strongly of the opinion to save the Damsels. Either keep a Wyrm or a Dagger/Nightmare, depending on how much we want to transmute this round.
Discarded: 2 vagger, 3 steal, 1 NM, 2 fogs, 6 Wyrms (2 LS and 4 flies from Vault)

Basman-1453 (Ups) vs. Sera (Darkness)
We could recover 1 Vagger, one NM , and 1 Fog (would leave us with 10 vaggers and 5 NMs and 11 Fogs in vault)
 maybe go 2 nova, 1 grabby after that.
I'm tempted to grab both Vaggers, and Fog. NM and both Steals, too, but then we're at six :/ Perhaps we can safely forget Steals (we still have 17, for God's sake xD) and grab Graboids instead? yeah, I'm tempted by grabbies too... Not sure we need an 11th vagger, I still think building up our nova stockpile gives us a lot of versatility for salvaging bows... but grabboids are awesome in that as well, so that could work. 1 nova 2 grabboids maybe? 9 Vaggers are probably fine here... (how many dark duos can we run?).
1 NM, 1 Fog, 1 Nova, 2 Grabby, 1 Dagger, 1 Lycan, 1 Forest Spirit.

Hyroen (Lt) vs. Gen. worldwideweb3 (Gravity)
We've got 6 adren/staff. We can either go AW or transmute.
And we're at 7 FWs now.
I'm thinking of either 4 FW/2 fodder!Chargers or 4 Chargers/2 FWs. What do you think?
Where was Afda's build of a SoG stall? (Hiding in the Titanpad Archives - http://dek.im/d/z25c2z45cqz25ocz15ogz15oiz35olz55onz15puz57msz17oe8pn Needs updating with 6 SoG, and probably a Jade or two. But that's the basic build.) I don't know where that discussion ended up....  any other modules that might benefit from Adren - seems like a good card that we could use? FW is great too and gives us some versatility with EE or staves.  The more I think about this, I like the combo of Adren and FW maybe 2/4 or maybe 2/2 and transmute back a wyrm (if we do drop below 12).
2 Adren, 2 FW, 2 wyrm

chrispybacon84 (Merc) vs. godisnowonline (Fire) 3-0 :D
No deflags, sadly :( Think Transmutes are the way to go here.
Can take 6 MP to use in a fast fire duo if we want. I'll try that out. yeah that's tempting especially with our creature stock getting on the lower side. Ppls stuck with eight ups (basically, everyone except Upgrades, Lieut, and Gen) will have to do with four MPs (relics notwithstanding, ofc), or we're feeling crazy enough for a Phoenix Tink/Merc? 4 could still be pretty sweet. shame we don't have more immos. maybe 4 phoenix here and 1 transmute (wyrm)? Hmm, 4 Phoenix, 3 deflag, 2 Nymph probably uses plenty of Fire quanta. Can split the upgrades with Damsels, which are mini MP anyway, still a decent fire source.
I think I've tested the above deck before, though. From memory, quanta base was a little clunky. Had to have enough Fire to dump your MP early, and high enough Air production to pump out Nymphs quickly. Was strong, but inconsistent.
Yeah, I could see that.  Immo would help that deck quite a bit I'd think (and we do have 3) let's go:
4 Phoenix, 1 Wyrm

trashduke (Sideboard) vs. Vangelios (Aether) 3-2
Fractix...  I think we'll get our deflags back here. :) I'd expect 6 the way he was drawing them.  Hehe, there's 5, we'll take 'em. 
5 deflags and a fractal... or a dim might prove more useful, if we can get more of them. 
Agree with 5 deflag/fractal. Still don't like Dims. hehe, fair enough. 
Regarding Dims, I'm on the camp of "grab all of 'em or none of 'em". Prolly five Deflags and a Phoenix instead? yeah phoenix could be smart depending on the fire salvage...
4 Deflags, 2 Phoenix.

Net Gain/Loss:
+6 Phoenix (to 6)
+4 Deflag (to 12)
+2 FW (to 9)
+1 Nova (to 13)
+1 Lycan (to 2)
+1 Forest Spirit (to 2)
-1 Dagger (to 10)
-1 Fog (to 11)
-3 Steal (to 17)
-3 Wyrms (to 12)
-4 Fireflies (to 14)
-2 Liquid Shadow (to 2)

Offline Afdarenty

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1250006#msg1250006
« Reply #8 on: October 27, 2016, 08:42:47 pm »
Spoiler for Round 8 Prep:
Round 8:http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-round-8/

EC: http://i.imgur.com/Fwo1vPd.png
Discard X cards from vault. Each player receives X/2N extra upgrades.
N=Number of players in team.
Discarded cards come from vault. X equals the number of cards discarded from vault.
N equals the number of players on your team playing this round.
I think this is too expensive for us to use...  similar for all of the teams that we face.
but wowza - Gravy got 16 Relics from that EC, Aether got 12, and Entropy got 20! - not even sure how the math worked out to do that? damned sure they bet more bravely than us, duke :P

Prelim Thoughts:
(Gen) Afdarenty vs. GRAVITY majofa
Wondering if I go denial here. Maybe. Will have to test. Cata-titans would require PC, Fractal would likely be on chargers given the wings threat. Anything that would beat both of those? Nymphs with deflags or debut our new fire duo with phoenixes? The more I think about it, I kind of like fire duo here - general ups would allow a nice MP build and deflags would stop cata-titans (or dials or pulvy or discord).
I think I'm happy running the MP build. I can understand the thought process for them that ends up with them playing Swallow, but whatever we play, they have a counter. I don't think I'll be happier with any other deck. So, going to run the MPs, most probably - Afda

Basman-1453 vs. AETHER blrawen
Could use the EC for this matchup to play SoFree, not sure of the discards are really worth it, to be completely honest.
Starting to hate this match up :P Feeling like we've been pushing our luck with the mono so far. Kinda want to change things up, either sanc stall or dark duo. yeah, the last match was very close and lucky that we won.  Dark duo sounds nice here.
The match up we hated the most was basically given to us. Still a win.

Hyroen vs. EARTH ji412jo
Earth is also going against: Aether, Darkness, Time, and Water
Grabbow is still awesome for us. Staves are pretty great too, though. A little worried about PA Dims.
Staff stall? possibly with some SoFr? Though I would be worried about PU. Will see if I can build a deck through mobile. Nope. nope. Ah Earth... so strange this war - very tough to predict. Earth won't run PU.
Pretty sure they don't have Dim/EA anymore.
They are most certainly using Immortal. The build seems to have Sundials, SSs, Reflectives and Miracles but no BBs, Sancs or Diamond Shields. Current score: 2-0. Joey would like to continue our matches at a later time. We're in a good spot, but will be poking team Earth over the next couple of days to finish the (hopefully) last duel.
Update: 3-0 :3 (thanks for subbing Ryli)Nice win Hyro

chrispybacon84 vs. DARKNESS andretimpa
Last round in prep, Duke said we'll take the sanc, then grabbow this round - "The other thing we could bring to this matchup would be the Grabbow with a Holy light splash (in case of dragons/gargs or devs) that would again mix up the meta-game and get them thinking. That said, they lost with their Sopa deck last round, so the Sanc stall could be a great deck to bring again to this matchup. Plus, we've changed the deck we've brought to them twice, keeping it the same might actually be less expected. Then we could bring the grabbow the next time we face them... :)"
Aves knows this is all about prediction. There's no way we'd play the stall again... right? They might, though. 39 card stall or SoP Squid are both pretty decent hedges, they don't have to commit too hard to beat it. But they do have to commit to losing to SoW Wyrms. I think a denial bow would give them a lot of trouble as I don't see them going mono vs. us. but gravity is the more important match right now so if needed there, we could use SoWyrms or Grabbow.
Denialbow... really meant a grabbow w/ discord; the rush would be strong and disco would mess with their quanta to slow them down (I was thinking in particular vs. their SoP Squid duo, but they may have lost that at this point...). Air didn't bring a grabbow at all vs. darkness last war, and grabbows tend to do well vs. darkness, so it was more of an idea to keep mixing up the meta. Now it could fail vs. their sanc-stall, so that's a concern... but it would do well vs. a mono and most duos...  I was actually thinking that our Death duo might be a good thing to send here this round; BW is a bitch... then again their sanc stall would be tough to beat with it. I'm starting to think we need to counter their sanc stall.... Maybe our SoP duo here? Or straight up SoFree
hehe watch them bring devtal and I'll kick myself for not bringing Grabbow. :)  hehe...  I think SoFree makes sense here, I vote for that.

Damsel SoP http://dek.im/d/z15i4z45ib5igz35j2z15jmz45onz25pu7gk7i6z57mt8pp
Queens http://dek.im/d/z55ocz45ojz55onz45pa7msz67oe8pn
Mono SoFr http://dek.im/d/z35ocz15ofz15ogz15olz55paz35puz57mtz37mu8pr
Bad guy decks to test.
Siphonary http://dek.im/d/4st5liz55lmz25uk5uoz55uszA606z57q97t8z27tb8pq
Voodoo SoP http://dek.im/d/z35ibz15upz15utz25v0z66067gkz17grz37hi7i6z17tbz27um8pp
To test: Voodoo SoP vs
our SoP, (self-tested): 4-1
Mono. 1-7, playing Voodoo Sop vs. AI, closer matches, but we are too fast (and they can't freeze b/c of SoFree).
Siphonary vs
our SoP,
Mono. 0-3, playing Siphonary vs. AI, even with great draws, I don't see how they could beat it, we are too fast and they can't take out our creatures easily (or at all with SoFree up).
Just based on a few tests, I think the mono SoFree is strong vs. both of these decks.

trashduke vs. WATER Spielkind
Also facing Darkness, Death, Earth, and Time
Grabbow is still fine vs these folks, too. Not sure what they can bring to counter it, will have to look into things. But if they have something, I wouldn't be at all surprised to see them bring it.
If they are expecting Grabbow, their death duo with some extra CC might work; or their Dim duo would cause trouble. I'll look at this more tomorrow.
They thought we'd try to counter the Golem last round, which was spot on, to be fair to them. They just guessed the counter wrong. They were expecting SoP Squid or Adrenastaves, not for the first time. They seem to be very wary of these two decks.
As far as I can tell, their only counter to our Grabbow is a bonewall/desiccation deck. They have yet to play a bonewall deck with any CC other than Squid, worth noting. Basically a coin flip between playing the Grabbow and playing something that counters the bones. Not sure which way I'm leaning on that one at the moment. Don't like gambling on them not realising they can play that deck, but equally I think it's something they might well miss, or not bring even if they do consider it. Not actually sure if they still have Bonewalls, worth checking. I think they do though.
Yeah they have BW and played this last round vs death: http://dek.im/d/4sp5i4z35jmz45i5z15iaz15j2z45ibz171az271b6r97gkz27i68pk. They are facing death again this round.

Spoiler for S/D for Round 7 Decks:

Rd. 7 Salv Discard

Gen. Afdarenty v (Darkness) andretimpa 3-0 v MPMare
Smells tasty, so tasty we have to choose xD
To deliberate, we're probably going Deflag/NM/Vagger, but how many of those three we're willing to dump for Phoenixes? Probably none, now that we've picked up a full set of phoenix. I like 2 Defl/2 Dagger/2 NM Fair 'nuff
Yeah, that's a great haul from this match.
2 deflag, 2 dagger, 2 NM

Hyroen v (Water) Spielkind 3-2 SoV
Choices from 2 vagger, 6 dials, 6 SoV(?). Unless we want to open up a water module.
2 vagger, 4 dials? Maybe 2 vagger, 2 transmute since we have a full set of dials, but more don't hurt :) Two full sets of 'dials, in fact. I thought we're still completing the second set as we speak, crosschecked the Vault, and lo XP
I'm thinking 6 SoV but I'm also struggling to come up with a decent SoV (4 air up) deck, at least this late. more thoughts tomorrow.
Tried this http://dek.im/d/5onz45ooz85puz15up5usz15viz37oez17tbz37u28pt
It has one pretty glaring weakness, though. Can't think of a way to draw moar Voids w/o fattening the deck. And then there were shield bypass ><
Neat idea, Void is a great card. That said, I'm not sure how that might compare with our light stalls, but I'm guessing that the latter might be more consistent. Well, SoVo/Dial (read: Wasted Time) have just prevented kirble from reverse-sweeping my butt on PvPWC qualifiers xD
I'd vote for a 3rd set of dials unless we feel we need more vaggers (and we'll have 12 Vaggers after the dark salvage this round).

chrispybacon84 v (Light) ARTHANASIOS 3-0 vs. OE Saders
Well there's one air card we can't have, saying that we only go for air cards. 2 Fog, 3 SW, and an OE I think is the way to go.
3 Shock, 1 OE, 1 Fog are all certain. Mostly playing 4xOE in our stalls, and as a 2-of in some of our mono decks. Mostly playing 3xFog in the stalls, though we have the Dark Duos that can run 2xFog too, against the teams not weak to Wings. Salvaging the Fog gives us fewer good transmute targets - may or may not be relevant, depending on the final two matches this round. I think this one is really close.
Tempted to grab that Miracle, too.
Yeah, was really hoping for more sancs out of this match ... would make that miracle a better fit. but given what we have here... I'm fine with either 2 Fogs or 2 OE... (slight preference for the latter, since we could transmute a fog as Afda mentions, but we might wait to see what matchups we have next round to decide).  3 shocks, 1 OE, 1 Fog + [1 OE or Fog or Miracle]

trashduke v (Time) Gen. Kuroaitou 3-0 - nice build Afda... didn't need the wings after all :)
3 RT, 3 grabboids
2 RT, 4 Graboids gives us enough RT for the denial bow, assuming we get BH from somewhere (not 100% necessary now, can run without) and enough Graboids for a 3rd Grabbow. Would go with that. hehe... and I thought you were anti-grabbow :)  I'm not sure we would run 3 grabbows in 1 round, vs. having the 3rd RT, but either way is fine. One last consideration is that it's looking like Gravy is going to be our nemesis... RT is great vs. them (OD titan decks) and also b/c their creatures (with the exception of upped guards) are expensive. 

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1250528#msg1250528
« Reply #9 on: November 03, 2016, 08:27:14 pm »
Spoiler for Round 9 Prep:
Round 9 results:

    Afdarenty vs Odii Odsen (Gravity) 2-3 :/


    Basman-1453 vs worldwideweb3 (Gravity) 1-3 :C


    trashduke vs Ginyu (Water)


    Hyroen vs Zawadx (Darkness) 3-0 c:


    chrispybacon84 vs Blacksmith (Earth) 0-3 :P


Round 9: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-round-9/
EC: Air Pressure http://i.imgur.com/CQ3c941.png
Target a team X places above you in the standings. Both Generals play an extra Bo5 this round, with 5X discards.
Any relics used on the Generals deck will also apply to the bonus match. Both Generals use the deck that is assigned to them in the vault tool for the current round.
EC Targets: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-round-9/msg1250074/#msg1250074

I think we probably need to use some/all of our relics in the gen deck, as I think we'll have to take on multiple  teams.... worth it I think.  18-21 ups is pretty formidable. I imagine that other teams are going to do the same... but Gravy is the only team with many Relics and they will have to choose us with the EC....  Darkness and Earth only have 2 Relics, Water has 9, Entropy has 8.
Gravy match - 5 cards
Water - 10
Earth - 15
Darkness - 20
Entropy - 25

Hehe, nice - Gravy and Earth chose us.  Feeling good about the Earth match (Grabbow ftw!)

Preliminary thoughts:

    Gen. Afda v (Gravity) Odii

    Considering that there's a good chance that opposing teams will be using Relics to upgrade their decks, it's important to note that the way Relics work alone biases deck building. Relics upgrade individual cards in decks as opposed to upgrading a deck percentage, meaning that if teams are planning on using a majority of the Relics in their General matchups, I'd expect that this would mean we're going to see plenty of RUSHES, or at the very least slimmer decks, because maximizing Upgrade amount and minimizing deck size means maximizing Upgrade percentage. Yeah, it could turn into that... but then again, playing vs. that meta could turn out well. Dial stalls could be strong. Our Dark duo might also be good here (steal SoP or Catapult, and it's just a beast), but Grabbow with PC is likely the way to go.

    Our General deck is going against both Gravity decks this round (+ likely Earth and others too).

    Considering Gravity went 5-0 in Round 8, I'll just post the decks that were used last round:






    Here's a fun deck idea that I've been playing with, the extra ups might make it work. Slower than grabby, but very CC resistant and SoFree to jump shields, etc. Deflags for any pesky perms, blitz to finish.... Not sure how consistent it is, but finally found a use for those fireflies. If only we had SoBra to speed it up. Maybe an idea for next war.  Yeah, this isn't a good idea for this round (or maybe even this war). Firefly is a weird card - 4 attack for 3, which is bad, but produces quanta. Great - how to take advangtage of that? We need a deck with lots of ways to use that Fire quanta. But relying on 6 Flies for all our Fire is unreliable - either we run few enough fire cards to risk not drawing them, or enough that not drawing a good number of flies is a disaster. So we need some Air pendulums and a good number of Fire cards too. But we need Air quanta fast to be able to play our Fireflies fast to be able to play our Fire cards fast. So we also need a lot of Air pillars. But a lot of Air pillars for 6x3 cost cards is far too much, so we need a lot of Air cards to spend it on, too. Eventually you just run out of deck space, and it's still inconsistent.

    ^ My long winded competitve anylsis of Firefly Hehe, yeah, I agree. It seems like it would be a nice synergy, but it was inconsistent in my few tests, which aligns with what you've said. I definitely have more love for Fireflies but normally I use them for more experimental decks.


    Air is very well known as an element of consistent CC. With our fairly consistent Dial Stalls, I'd be very interested in testing out a Dial bow. Enough CC to shut down domins and enough firepower to break through stalls. Not to mention that the Dials will essentially be net 0 addition to card count. Will be testing out builds and reporting how it goes.  SoFo threat is pretty big with bringing a Dial stall, but with enough CC it might be possible. We do have those RTs that would be pretty good to bring if we were worried and one slipped by. Definitely.  I think that our weakness to SoFos is mainly in decks without SW. But of course it depends on what is drawn.

    This War gravity has brought the following decks vs. us:

    Rd. 2 Pulvy smash (loss), Rd. 3 Cata-dials (win), Rd. 6 Charged staves (loss), Rd. 8 Swallow (win). 

    The two decks that have won are probably their best decks vs. us and both have a weakness to PC. Is there something that could handle both of them... mono+ deflag splash?  Dark duo with added steals or something?

    Bas v (Gravity) Gen. web

    This Gravy deck is basically going against both of our Air decks.  Maybe Dark duo here? I'd like to pick something here that complements the weaknesses of whatever deck I take as Gen. Yeah, that makes a lot of sense.

    Wings Stall http://dek.im/d/z15cqzC5ocz55onz35ooz37baz37n58pn vs.            Reverse Chargers http://dek.im/d/zC55k55sz155tz35rkz5745z37478ps

    Air 5-0 Gravity

    Reverse Chargers http://dek.im/d/zC55k55sz155tz35rkz5745z37478ps 2-1 Shock/Wings Mono (loss for sure)

    GP Chargers http://dek.im/d/4slz4576z455tz574475mz5747z174cz37458pl 5-8 Deflag Splash http://dek.im/d/z15f6zA5ocz55onz35oo7dmz27msz37n58po

    GP Chargers (6 Charger build) http://dek.im/d/4slz6576z355tz374475mz4747z174cz57458pl 6 - 4 Deflag Splash http://dek.im/d/z15f6zA5ocz55onz35oo7dmz27msz37n58po

    Hyro v (Darkness) Zawa

    I think they might have been expecting Monster last round.  Maybe - but the Dials are excellent against SoW/SoFr, and SoP is excellent against Sanc stall. Wouldn't be surprised if they just played it because it's a good counter to all our deck choices so far. Good point. Our nymph deck would have a good shot to beat it I think (if the quanta worked out, maybe sideboard some Nova to mitigate devs?), Grabbow with PC is also worth testing. But would they even bring it again? It is a good option for them.

    SW Dialstall http://dek.im/d/z35lc5lgz15liz55lmz25ogz25onz85puz37oez57q98pq vs. DevDialSoP http://dek.im/d/z54vjz55rpz55umz35v0z37hiz17tbz17t78pt

    Air 7 - 3 Darkness

    CC when you can, and be smart with dials/miracle, and be wary of quanta early game. Should be good from there.

    SW Dialstall http://dek.im/d/z35lc5lgz15liz55lmz25ogz25onz85puz37oez57q98pq vs. Drainbolt http://dek.im/d/z14stz85uk606z45us5upz15ul6227t47umz17tbz580a8pu

    Air 2 - 1 Darkness

    Timing is everything. Also, Reflective Shield is the star and should be played ASAP. <- Wait until they have around 50 Darkness quanta, hopefully that might delay fractal a few turns while they wait to get into OTK range. Even at 75 darkness, that means 7 dragons which will not take you out. 7 dragons plus bolts may. As the match moves into the dial stall phase, you may need to save Holy Lights to remove as many dragon threats as possible. Save Miracles for any pierce the dragon offensive may have. Even Fractaling Obsidian Dragons at 75 quanta means 6 dragons or 72 damage, so Reflective is preferred. Normally after the Fractal, when Darkness quanta is very low, we want to Miracle and replace the Reflect with Fog. Then just stall until we can dial chain. If RNG isn't kind and you don't draw a reflect shield early, you can start dropping dials until you draw it (start the dial chain with 10 or 11 cards left) and still have enough stall to win it late game - this will make it much harder for Darkness to OTK. Only good in an emergency, though.

    chrispy v (Earth) Gen. Blacksmith

    They can't beat Grabbow. Except, maybe with Gen upgrades, they can. Need to test. Grabbow is strong.

    It's a Trapbow (Lt) http://dek.im/d/z44vjz15955lgz35ukz2606z35v0z274dz177lz177gz17tbz27tf8pm 0 - 5 SWBow (Darkness deck, -_-)

    Deck 2 0 - 0 SWBow

    tduke v (Water) Ginyu

    Not sure yet, but I have a huntch I'd like some Wings for the match.

    Golem build http://dek.im/d/4vjz25fuz45j2z55jmz57867eez17gn7gs7hiz37nq8pm

    Last run: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-6/%28water-lt%29-manuel-3-2-afdarenty-%28air-gen%29/ (?)

    ETG Integrity Table https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/10h9S2KFTrR-mqYq0midlPsO5pgdSAYnU-LgF8W73F4c/edit#gid=0

    Devtal build http://dek.im/d/z75jmz55umz3622z37hiz77um8pu

    Last run: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-5-250/%28water-merc%29-manuel-3-1-zawadx-%28darkness-salvager%29/

    SoW Wings

    Bad vs: Devtal, Golem

    Dark Duo

    Bad vs: SoP Squid

    SoP Shocks build: 5i4 5ib 5ib 5ib 5ib 5ib 5ib 5j2 5j2 5j2 5j2 5jm 5on 5on 5on 5on 5on 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 7gk 7i6 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 8pp

    Bad vs: Devtal (?)


    Bad vs: AoE Bonewall (?). Needed elsewhere?

    Mono SoFr build: 5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5of 5og 5og 5og 5ol 5ol 5pa 5pa 5pa 5pa 5pa 5pa 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mt 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 8pr (403 issues)

    Bad vs: ???

    6-4 vs Golem


    Bad vs: Devtal

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Re: [Archive] Titanpad - Preparation https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=62829.msg1250963#msg1250963
« Reply #10 on: November 08, 2016, 01:12:33 am »
Spoiler for Round 10 Prep:
Round 10: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-10-round-10/

    Afdarenty vs JCJ (Water) 3-0 :V


    Upgrades Basman-1453 vs Blacksmith (Earth) 3-0 X)


    Salvage trashduke vs manaboy100 (Earth) 3-0 :)


    Hyroen vs Rapidstar_ (Darkness) 1-3 :c


    Lt chrispybacon84 vs worldwideweb3 (Gravity) 0-3 ):


[] () [] () [] () []

Preliminary Thoughts:

    Gen. Afdarenty vs. Gen. JonathanCrazyJ3 (Water)

Could go SoP shocks again, not too sure if they have a counter or not. They played SoV Dials Round 9 - that'd work as a counter. How the heck did they save that deck? xD
Various options (deck - Water counters)

    Mono SoFr - Mono Rush, Dark Domin, Shard Golem, SoV Dial?

    Grabbow - Desiccation

    Staves - SoV Dial, Permafrost, SoP Anything

    SoP - SoV Dial, SoP Wardens?

    Light Stall - SoV Dial, Shard Golem?

    Dark Domin - SoP Anything

    Basman-1453 vs. Gen. Blacksmith (Earth)

Same as mana's match, but would need testing with gen ups.

    Hyroen vs. RapidStar_ (Darkness)

Surely they're aware we aren't scared to bring the sanc stall towards them. If we aren't expecting devs (and Siphonary), SoW would be great here.
With a current vault of 105, it would be worth it to give a thorough look at the decks they used last round.

    SoPa Devs http://dek.im/d/z54vjz45rpz35v0z37hiz57t6z17t7z17tb7th8pt

    Mono http://dek.im/d/z35ukz55ul5uoz15usz15v1z4606z17t4z17tbz37tcz17um8pt


    Air Splash http://dek.im/d/z15ogz95ukz15v1z15upz15ulz47mt7t4z17tbz37tf8pt

    GrabTrap http://dek.im/d/z44vjz4590z3595z35v0z4606z274d77lz17tbz17tf8pm

Darkness' Siphonary was last seen in R7 and won that match, so they definitely could still field Siphonary: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7/%28darkness-upgrades%29-zawadx-3-0-thearrogantone-%28sub%29-%28entropy-salvage%29/

Darkness used 1 Reflective Shield last in Round 8: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8/%28darkness-lt-%29-rapidstar_-3-1-xn0ize-%28fire-upgrades%29/

Siphonary http://dek.im/d/5lgz55lmz15liz35ukz9606z55us5uoz57q9z27tb7t88pq 5 - 10 FFQ SoFr http://dek.im/d/z65ocz35ojz55onz35pa5puz17n3z57oe8pn

Dark Duo 9-6 SoP Squid
http://dek.im/d/z45ocz45ofz55on5opz35puz25up5v1z57mt7mv7tb8pt (-Dagger, Azure Dragon, Pillar. Upgrade a Pendulum)

SoP Squids http://dek.im/d/z15ib4stz76065v15v0z25utz15upz37hiz37grz17umz17tb8pp
6 - 9 FFQ SoFr 2.0 http://dek.im/d/z65ocz25puz35paz55onz15ojz47oez27n38pn

    chrispybacon84 vs. Gen. worldwideweb (Gravity)

I guess first thing is to test SoP, then go from there. Feeling slightly less confident about that with the new day, but still worth testing.
They've played Swallow twice vs us the last two rounds - think they'd go for it again?


    Golems Pulv http://dek.im/d/z54vjz255tz1744z1745z2747752z575mz177az177fz377g8pm

    Swallow http://dek.im/d/z14slz555k55rz255tz4744z474bz3752z37hi8pp

    Guardtal http://dek.im/d/z455kz255tz9576z3622744745z474780i8pu

    GrabChargers http://dek.im/d/z44vjz255kz1562z7576z3745z374777az277g8pm


    Catatitans http://dek.im/d/z455kz555sz3561z4576z2744z175mz47n28pl

Wise Wyrms http://dek.im/d/z25oczA5pu61qz3621z262mz47muz28168pu

Pulvy Grabbow http://dek.im/d/z54vjz155kz3576z255tz175mz2747z1745z377gz177fz177a8pm 1 - 9 Wings Dark Domin http://dek.im/d/z45ocz35ofz15ooz35puz25upz15v1z57mtz17muz17tb8pt

Reverse Times are still in their vault: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-8/%28gravity-upgrades%29-kaempfer13-3-0-deuce22-%28aether-gen-%29/

Sundials are still in their vault: http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-7/%28gravity-lt-%29-kaempfer13-3-1-danieela-%28time-tinkerer%29/ (also possible salvage/transmute)

    trashduke vs. manaboy100 (Earth)

I need to update All Decks used, but I'd like to test how Dark duo does here - they haven't shown EA since round 4 when they lost vs. Aether, so I think this could be a strong matchup for us. Agree with this, was thinking the same thing. I think they'll be tempted to go Immortal this round, though. Was also considering a wings SoFr Mono, maybe sideboard in a blitz + creatures or something like that. Immortal lost last round - I think it's dead now.

    R9: Immortal losing http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-9/%28darkness-ups%29-andretimpa-3-0-jenkar-%28earth-ups%29/

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blarg: Hyroen