It's also better than silence when your opponent has a damage reducing shield like Diamond Shield, Hope, Emerald Shield, Permafrost etc. In some cases might also help to breach a Dissipation Shield.
A field full of 10/5 dragons can't beat through lvl 10 hope. A field full of 20/5 dragons can

A field full of 3/N scarabs against a Diamond Shield? Make them 6/N.
[edit]In fact, I'm going to go out on limb here and propose a significant change to the game. If you changed Dive to be additive rather than multiplicative (i.e. rewrite it to say "adds your Full ATK to your Current ATK" rather than "Double your Current ATK") -- you could not only change Shard of Readiness back to it's original, awesome form, but you could make Sky Blitz into a 5-cost card that didn't drain your air quanta.[/edit]
QFT, it might seem like a big nerf to

, but the very fact that cards like SoR and Sky Blitz could be balanced without fear of making dive combos OP means that

could benefit a lot. Dive decks are much more reliant on combos than the fact that it's multiplication rather than addition. (Quite obvious, since without a multiple-card-combo it wouldn't matter if it's + or *), so allowing more combos would in fact strengthen it, even if the combos themselves are not as OP as 200/x wyrms from the pre-nerf SoR.
And of course I was personally very saddened by the SoR nerf, since Anubises still need Quint rather than SoR. Restoring the pre-nerf SoR would allow them to be used in mono and in non-aether duos, and I think it would at least a bit strengthen their position in the eternal Anubis vs. Quint battle. It wouldn't make Quint obsolete, since Anubises are very expensive Time creatures, so only a few decks can make good use of them. Also, Quint is a one card combo, and a lot of decks need only one or two creatures quinted to win. Anyway, it's only a matter Quint or SoR, so saying that it would allow 'unlimited quinting on a stick' is stupid. It would simply make it accessible to mono-time and non-aether duos, and would still be a slow and expensive thing to do.
Of course if someone is afraid of huge immortal scarab swarms, he is free to protest.