Not much you guys could've did there, running into a hard counter ^^;
That being said, GGWP, Rapid

Do Squirrels Dream of Electric Mice?
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5oc 5oc 5oc 5oc 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 5pu 621 621 621 621 7mu 7mu 7mu 7mu 80a 80a 816 816 816 816 816 816 8pu
Namesake of the deck, in case you're wondering.W1: Entropy mark, huh~ Aves don't usually Pandamonium or LA, IIR-Wait, did he discarded two cards at my 22 and 21
CD? (He seems to have 35 cards.) He didn't seem to draw anything useful sans a Vagger >< I then found out on Blab that I was against Pandestall, which explains why he discarded so much :/
W2: I actually palmed the full combo on the opening hand (I think I palmed it on G1 opening hand, too). He conceded at around 25 HP or so.
W3: No early Quint (first one came 17 CD) against, what, T1/2 Vagger? Turns out that was more than enough for me to pull back, though, especially after I topdeck a few more Wisdoms after that Quint X3