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4sl 4sl 4vl 4vl 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55k 55o 55o 55o 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 55v 568 568 576 576 576 6u5 6u5 747 747 747 75m 8pj
Game 1a) We desync, and my ai must have misplayed, because I see no way for higs to get past my black holes, but she won on her side, too, as she somehow got a dim out. On my side she never got the quanta, so my AI must have held back on black holes.
Game 1b) LOSS. I get no discord, higs gets phase shield. I have a terrible hand, but higs seems to be missing either fractal or psion, too. Two dims later, still nothing but lobo for higs, and I slowly start taking her down. 3rd dim comes out, then a 4th, and despite desync I can't get around it
Game 2) LOSS. Opening hand sucks, quanta and 3 black holes. Higs only starts with 2 quanta, though, so I might be okay if discord comes quick. I never get anything but black holes until dims land.
Game 3) LOSS. Awful hand again, no discords, no pends even if I topdeck one. RNG is silly and I do topdeck discord that I won't have in time most likely. Higs plays lobo, which is either a misplay, or she has no dims. I double amber around lobo, maybe have a chance now... nope, because 4th dim comes out a turn early; she's played two at 1turn left to be safe vs BH spam. 5th dim in 18 cards and I'm done.
I see no way Higs could have won game 1a vs a human opponent, but 1-3 and 0-3 is no difference in the end. I think 1a is the only game I started with a discord. I had really bad draws, and I think if I'd had average draws, I could have done a lot better, maybe even won. Ideally I'd have gotten amber/discord before dims landed, but I just didn't get the cards at all.