Bonewalls vs grabboids will always go down as some of the best tension inducing war matches I know. GG Hannal. Also thank you for replying in kind to my duel request.

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52r 534 5un 5un 5un 5un 5un 5un 5up 5up 5v0 5v0 5v0 5v8 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 606 71b 71b 71b 8pk
Saw earth mark and 30 cards, figured grabbow and was right. There were definitely some surprises though...
Game 1 (WIN): Put out a turn 2 parasite and then he threw discord and a grabby. The grabbies stayed hidden so they wouldn't get sick and die, and I got a voodoo into play and started putting some poison on him. I was very surprised by the EQs, but I was pretty resilient in spite of them. Got the gray nymph and started churning out cells that I could then poison to fuel the bone wall. Right after he cracked the first bonewall I topdecked a second one and a few turns later my nymph made its way through his fog to land the killing blow. RNG surely smiled upon me.
Game 2 (LOSS): Surprise lightning of my parasite on turn 2. The grabbies just kept coming. I started to set up for a defense with a bonewall in hand, and then he drew discord. and 9 Dark 7 Death became 7 Dark 0 Death and a bunch of junk. RNG did not see fit that Hannal should be winless this day.
Game 3 (WIN): I think I opened up a 6 pend hand on the draw. Stole his discord to try and curb any shenanigans, and quickly started infecting a doll. I kept my bonewalls in hand as long as possible, and was rewarded when he flipped up 2 grabboids when I was still at 62. I infected them, took another hit, then bonewalled on the turn they'd die, and the 7 poison was enough to get me across the finish line.
Game 4 (WIN): two early parasites and 5 pends, and no wild EQs appeared. discord and 1 grabby came out sort of early, but it had to stay burrowed which bought me time to rack up 5 poison on the first doll I played. Got a bonewall, and he punched through it with a couple more grabboids. I stole his fog and played a new bonewall over it. A couple turns later he went up to 5 grabbies, 2 werewolves and the discord. I took a mean hit from the whole army, but it was just a little late, as the poison sealed the game on my turn.