Adventurer in training: Results
Congratulations to all who participated in the beta-test of the very first unofficial miniPVPevent! Troughout the last few days, I saw very creative decks and skillful players. I am sure that all of you will have success if the idea of minievent goes official.
And now, tha final standings:
1. kev - 8 points
Congrats kev, for winning th event! You proved yourself yet again to be one of the best PVPers of the community!
2. Commandaguy, treebeard xiii, Laxadarap - 7 points
Also congratulations, you fell just one point short, and for some of you, this was the first PVPevent they participated in.
3. summerz88, Jenkar - 6 points
4. Elbrin, pervepic - 5 points
5. bjessee, Dragoon - 3 points
6. nensuru, TribalTrouble - 1 point
I think, everything considered, all of you did a pretty good job. For that, and for being so kind as to stay through the whole event, +rep for everyone. Sorry folks, this is the only prize I can give away.
I'd like to hear a few words about the event from anybody who'd like to lay their 2 cents. Wether participated or not, I'd really like to hear your opinions.
Some questions to get the ball rolling:
If you didn't participate: Why? Was the event uninteresting? Were the signup and/or the rounds too short or too long? Was the scheduling messed up?
Were the rules unattractive/hard to follow/boring? Would you participate if there were real forum/ingame prizes? What would you do differently to ensure that the event is as interesting as it can be?
If you participated: Did you like the event overall? Which was your favorite round? Why? Which was the least favorite? Why? Did you find the round times to be long enough/too long? Were the rules clear/easy to understand? Were they interesting enough? What is your opinion about the "Rules of the round"? Was the organising okay?
What would you change to make the event more enjoyable?
If you want, you can post your thoughts here, or you can PM it to me if you want to remain anonymous.
I will collect the opinions about the event and give them to the council. After that, it is their role to decide what to do with the whole "minievent" conception.
Finally, my thoughts as an organizer:
- The event didn't take too much effort to organize, even though I messed up sometimes, but that was more due to my lack of organizing experience rather than the complexity of the event. I had more or less the whole ruleset in my head from day1, so I didn't have to make them up on the fly. Making the MUs and keeping track of the scores was easy with and a single excel worksheet. I guess as the event grows, administration gets more complex as well, but with only 12 players it was pretty manageable.
- The thing I am most unimpressed with is the scoring system. Now, we had only 12 players and in the end, the winner only had a single point advantage, with 3 players coming in second. If there were more players, I think even more of them would've been scored exactly the same, maybe even for the first place. Initially, I came up with the idea of "rules of the round" to reward winning with more creative/restricted decks, and thus, widen the gap between players. It also raised the maximum attainable points to 12 (well, 13 in the end, but originally R3 had 1 rule as well. I added a second one to even futher the gap.)
- Another thing I'm unsure of is the length of a round. It started with 2 days, then R2 was 1 day only because I sent the matcups to the players in advance. But for R3, I went back to 2 days since I thought "Hey.. this is the final round, and the one with the most complex ruleset.. Let's give them enough time to prepare." But for some rounds I seriously considered ending the round sooner or posting the next round before the last one finished, in order to keep the pace of the event. After all, originally this was supposed to be a 3-day event.
And in the last round, we had an unplayed match due to the two players unable to get a hold of each other. And since that was the final round, I gave a 12hr extension but maybe the round should have been even longer.
- I was also unsure about what to do if a match didn't happen. I figured I would create decks and then the player whose opponent didn't show up would play versus me as a "dummy" opponent. This happened once during the whole event. And in R3 when one match was not played, I gave an extension. (Which was a mistake IMO, since I either should have played as a dummy opponent or sticked to the regular "if the match doesn't happen then both players lose" rule. The biggest problem with the extension was that it was unfair to the other players who had only so much time to prepare their decks and play their matches.)
That's about all it comes to mind. I'd love to hear your thoughts as well.