The concept has been done before, but not the exact deck hopefully. I went for a really fast consistent OTK and this is what I came up with. However, it gives up defense to do so and it wouldnt be capable of out rushing pure rushes. This is my variant for your deck. It has better quanta generation and is more consistent. The TTW is also lower.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
4vj 4vj 4vj 4vj 77l 77l 77l 7js 7js 7js 7js 7js 7tg 7tg 7tg 7tg 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80b 80b 80b 80b 80b 8pt
Deck Strategies & how to play
If I couldn't counter that, then I wouldn't be posting this deck.
Rushes: For when your opponent is playing a pure rush, TU their creature if possible then basilisk blood it and others if there are other targets. Holy flash your HP as well. Lay out the dolls as well, try to guess how much rampant damage your opponents rush will do, and keep the holy flashes in hand until they're just about to kill you next turn then make the decision of to cast holy flash on your dolls for added damage, or to cast it on your HP to hopefully get another turn of survival which might allow you to draw another TU for the win. The novas also help when using that TU'd creatures ability.
Stalls/OTKs: If you play it as a regular OTK (although sometimes counter-able because you might have to set up then OTK) with Dolls+BB+HF+TU it can stall break as well. Then against other OTK's, your deck is a really fast consistent OTK, so you'll probably win.
Quanta denials: You're only hope here is that you get lucky essentially. Novas help a lot of against devourers. But EQs will most likely shut you down. Once you've been EQd once, start playing towers 1 at a time, or in a sudden burst when the number of towers you can play x2=the amount of aether you'll need to OTK. Against Devourers play the first nova you get ASAP. Then wait for your next nova and keep that in hand for when you have a BB, if your lucky the first nova you get you'll also have a bb in hand.
Why is this a consistent OTK and how much quanta of everything will I need to OTK? Whats the set up I'll need? How fast is it?
Well, to answer this is actually rather tricky. This deck is a really flexible OTK which is why it's consistent. With that said their is no sure-fire amount of aether quanta that you'll need to OTK. The set up you'll need is a doll BBd on the field before any of the OTK options work.
1 BB'd doll, 1 regular doll, 4 Holy flashes 2 TU's is one way to get an OTK. With every set up you'll definitely have the earth and darkness quanta from novas+mark and this set up will require 12

. 9 card combo which makes it counter-able. Math: Doll+BB+doll+3 holy flashes on BBd doll is 30 damage, 1 holy flash on 2nd doll is a total of 40 damage, TU twice on the originally BB'd doll for an added 60 damage, combined total of 100 damage.
1 BB'D doll, 3 holy flashes, 3 TU's is another way. 8 card combo, which makes it un-counter-able. This will require 18

. Math: Doll+BB+3 holy flashes is 30 damage so far, then TU-ing it 3
more times will give 3 more blows of 30 for 4 blows of 30 equaling 120 damage.
1 doll BB'd twice, 5 holy flashes, 1 TU. 9 card combo, which makes it counter-able. This will require 6

. Math: Doll+BB+BB+ 5 holy flashes is 50 damage, TU the doll for 100 damage.
1BB'd doll, 2 more dolls, 5 holy flashes, 3 tus. 12 card combo, which makes it very counter-able but you'll never have to get this because 1BB'd doll 5 holy flashes and 3 tu's already is already over kill on the opponent, but you can try to do this set up for trolling purposes only. This will require 18

. Math: Holy flash the BB'd doll 3 times for 30 damage, holy flash the other two dolls one time each for another 20 damage (50 so far.) Tu each doll once for 100 damage. If you don't see why this isn't necessary, well, you could have TU'd that doll that took 3 hits 3 times and already have won.
For the most damage possible, because your either trying to do Arena or your opponent in PVP2 has divinities, 1 doll BB'd 2 times, Holy flash it 5 times, Tu that doll 5 times. 13 card combo. Math: Doll+BB+BB+Holy flash 5 times is 50 damage, tu x5 is 50x6 in total=300 damage. This is a awfully big combo though, so 200 HP opponents in arena and such will probably rush you down, but if you need this combo in PVP2 they're probably a pure stall meaning they havnt done any damage to you. This just being capable in the deck means it'll be awfully hard to deck out.
Now for answering the last question their, which was "How fast is it." This deck in testing usually got me 8 turn OTKs on AI3. AI3 was a legit place to test because I'm using Voodoo Dolls so stopping the combo, even if I have to set it up, will be hard. Because that 8 turn win is high enough that basically any rush could beat the deck is why you can't try to OTK the rushes and have to use the game play I said earlier, which is TUing their creature then just trying to stall out with BBs and HF's while holding on to HFs for the last turn decision (better to get HP in this match from the HFs or damage on the dolls as a last ditch effort.) A couple times I got a 7 turn win as well.
Vocabulary, in case you haven't understood a single thing I've said today.
HF: Holy flash. Upgraded holy light. Goes from 1 light cost to no cost at all.
TU: Twin Universe. Upgraded parallel universe. Goes from 7 aether to 6 aether.
BB: Baslisk blood. Unupped and upped names are the same. Upped, which is what this deck requires, has 1 cost rather then 2.
EQ: Earthquake. Unupped and upped names are the same. Destroys 3 of your towers when used against you.
Rush: A deck building strategy that tries to end the game ASAP making it hard for other decks to set up before the overwhelming damage.
Stall: A deck building strategy that tries to stall to a point where they can get set up for locking you down.
Stall breaker: Part of a deck that's capable of producing an over whelming burst of damage, making it impossible for the stall to stabilize.
OTK: One-Turn-Kill. Doing 100 damage in one turn, not on the first turn as that's impossible, without doing any damage previously. If the OTKs are set up to kill higher HP opponents then it will be stated and the damage on that turn will be increased.
Upgrade order and essential upgrades.
The essential upgrades are holy flash. Highly recommend BB's as well before you even start to use the deck. After it goes: Aether towers, Twin universes, Voodoo Dolls. The dolls you don't have to upgrade at all, but if you can do so as then if you have to do a counter-able set up stated before it's less likely for them to just be able to out right kill the doll with a series of lightnings or fire bolts, drain lifes, and ice bolts.
Areas of play, AKA where does this deck work.
Well, it'll certainly work in arena but will run into more problems and snags along the way. Remember, the deck really doesn't have much defense along with higher HP opponents, so you'll have to judge weather you can get your huge combo out faster then death a lot sooner and be a lot more capable of this to know when to use the anti-rush type of play style then if you used it in pvp2. With that said, its mainly only good for PVP2. It can probably do AI4 as well, but I'd almost always use it as the anti-rush play style there.
Lastly, if you think I made an error, whether it be a spelling error or mathematical error, or prefer to see something swapped like the essential & upgrade order section with the vocabulary section please tell me. I'd also like to know if you would like things more separated rather then multiple alike titles condensed into one. If requested, I could also list out card images from the vocabulary section with captions saying what each card does. Have a good day!