Clarify: does the ability target a creature or does it do it's ability for itself only? Because if it targets a creature, you need to change the thing about "or +2|+2 if Immaterial" because that's not possible, since an immaterial creature cannot be targeted. Otherwise, seems like an alright card since the ability instills a random effect, but does semi-border the OP line due to the "steal a target" part. Even if it's random, that means you have to use it on an opponent's creature, which with the other effects it could possibly due, seems like a stupid idea since the positive effect is too great. Same goes with the Perfection possibility.
But it feels inconsistent. you have abilities that target and card, and abilities that don't target a card. I don't believe that can be done. Unless you just pick a target anyway, just in case something happens to that target, but not a guarante to affect that target.