At first, I apologize, Because I can't speak english well. Maybe there are many wrong scentences.
But I love Elementsthegame, and I have a suggestion.
So please read this, please.
When Bone Wall first equipped, it has 7 amounts. So I think it is 1 set of Bone Wall.
So When using Deflagration to Bone Wall, it has to destroy 7 Bone Walls. I think it is correct.
But Stealing Case, use Steal and use creature control, it can be a good defence.
So it doesn't need to be upgrade. I think.
Finally using skills like Destroy, I think it is same with Deflagration.
But it can be used by every creature and Pulverizer per turn. and every creatures hit the Bone Wall per turn.
So it doesn't need to be upgrade, too.
Thank you very much for read this.
And if this post causes any problems to this site, and who read this, rules. I will erase immediately.
Thank you again.