Phase 2 has been extended by 48 hours because..
1. I forgot to check one box which denied Team Gravity members access for days
2. Some other teams need more time building their Vault as well
3. Some players have disappeared and we need replacements
Phase 2 - The Vault
Each team has a Card Vault with 360 cards. Cards are chosen together by the Master and team members. After choosing the cards, the Master will post card list in the Card Vault.
360 cards from any element
- max 18 per card of your element (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars)
- at least 50% of cards from your element
- max 6 per card of other elements (restriction doesn't apply to Pillars)
- No Shards
Teams can only use these cards to build their decks, and when you use a card, it gets removed from the Vault.
All the cards in the Vault are always unupgraded.
Important! Vault doesn't really exist. Players are not given cards they take from the Vault, nor are any cards removed from their account if they lose. Players must own the cards on their Elements game account in order to use them. If a player doesn't have a specific card in his/her account, He/she cannot use it even if that card is listed in the Vault. So try to pick cards that your team members actually have or can buy if needed.
So Masters, with the help of other team members, please fill your Vault with 360 cards. If there are cards missing from the template, add them there manually. When the time is up, you cannot make any more changes.
Time's up!