relly it would kill any creature it shouldnt be more then one copy at a time permafrost doesnt repeat itself more than once and perma isnt standard its one of the best after hope maybe
Wut? Hold on, let me translate...
Really, it would kill any creature. It shouldn't be more then one copy at a time. Permafrost doesn't repeat itself more than once and permafrost isn't standard. It's one of the best after hope, maybe.
There we go. But I don't see how this kills creatures. In fact, this is a different TYPE of creature control. As stated, this is a permanent, not a shield. Now that I think about it, this should be part of the design. I've run a few numbers which I'll get to momentarily. This is also more defensive than Thorn Carapace, as it lowers attack and locks abilities. Where Thorns go for slowish kills, Poppies go for lockdown.
After discussing with some people, I'm dropping the percentage to 25%. The design was shifted to having two out. My math suggested 30%, but since it was pointed out that mono Life is strong already, I dropped it down to 25%. They stack multiplicity, so the chance raises with each card as follows.
1: 25%, 2: 44%, 3: 58%, 4: 68%, 5: 77%, 6: 82%
You need three in play to surpass Permafrost shield in terms of the effect triggering, and even then they're not frozen (only 1/2 attack, not 0). And this isn't including Permafrost's innate 2 damage reduction. So overall, I think it's balanced now.