The Deck
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6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 6rn 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gk 7gm 7gp 7gp 7gr 7gr 7gr 7gt 7gv 7gv 808 808 808 808 808 808 808 80i 80i 80i 8pp
So, I've been testing this water/aether deck lately... and so far, it isn't too bad. I'm adding stats as it goes on. it never gets EMs, But its fun to see a field with only frozen creatures on it

For most gods, you want to get 1-2 octopi as quickly as you can to freeze the FG's creatures. save up some water quantum while SoGs heal you to bring out your permafrost. Afterwards, rush with crawlers when the FG's board is under control.
God Breakdown
Miracle (3-1)
Bring out your octopi ASAP, and congeal their light dragons/bless pegasi. After you get Permafrost up, it isnt required to congeal FFQs. then beatdown with 4 crawlers and fractal when he cannot miracle.
Neptune (1-2)
for the first few turns, play SoG's and wait until you can drop a few octopi+fractal. he will congeal+shockwave those. Use your elec to lobo his squids, and go for the kill after you think there is no more control to be dropped.
So far, this is the easiest FG. Permafrost will freeze alot of the pharohs, and lobo them as they come out. dont bother playing creatures, Osiris will deck out before you.
As long as you get Permafrost, its a fairly easy game. Lobo rays to stop miracle, and kill with Abyss crawlers, so you dont get PU rush with Artic Dragons.Note: No need to lobo 2/2 deja vus with permafrost up, as itll give him less space for TUed Monsters.
Permafrost will stop most physical damage, but that poison is dangerous. Since this deck isnt exactly speedy, you will get overwhelmed with poison if you cant get your Octopi out be4 scorpio does.
You can win vs ferox if you can get out a permafrost +1 octopi and Ferox doesnt get enough bonds. If it does however, just quit. the main strategy here is to heal with SoG and hide behind permafrost while using most quantum for Artic drags/ Abyss crawlers.
Dark Matter(1-4)
Win was from early lobo, if you can get one, you may be able to win if you also get permafrost/ SoG, but you cant rely on squids due to high cost and quantum drainage.
You want a permafrost early. either permafrost, or Elec. If you have a fractal squid combo in your hand, wait untill retroviruses suicide to drop them, then start freezing. If you also have SoGs, you'll most likely win.
graviton isnt impossible, but very hard. if you can get an unexploded Elec/SoG/permafrost, its easier. Ulthi and squids to stop the strongest Firemasters, but a RoF can ruin you.
Elidnis (1-0)
Drop Squid+ Fractal or Ulthi + fractal as soon as you can. lobo their ulthis, and be sure you have enough hp+SoG+Permafrost be4 you start dropping drags due to TU
Fire Queen(2-0-1)
Permafrost isnt needed, Squids can shutdown Flown EEs and FFQ.Ulthi and Elec help alot, And fractal drags and not Crawlers.
you want to attract steals to your SoGs, then slap down permafrost and win from there.
After more testing, i found out Octane is beatable with a good hand. draw explosions with towers and afterwards put up SoG+Permafrost.
Let him Plague 3 creatures, then Fractal Ulthis rather than Squids. lobo everything as it comes out, and permafrost and SoGs will do their jobs.
Total Win/Loss/EM: 23/28/1(including autoquits)
Too speedy, will steal/explode your permanants.
You'll run out of water quantum to congeal or go for the kill with it rewinding your creatures.
Will explode, permafrost/SoGs, even if you get in control a Fireshield/RoF will ruin you.
Divine Glory:
Explodes Permafrost+Sogs, cant freeze= dead.
Eternal Phoenix:
Explodes, RoF, bad.
Notes: I'll add more stats as i go along. This deck is far from finished. I'll add more gods to the breakdown. Criticize me please, first FG deck i made by myself
modified deck
Note: I dont have an elec atm, but if you have one put it in