oops, i guess i forgot to add that info, lol, yeah definitely otherwise it would have like 50 atk in 6 turns lol.
for example, before i pull out Imprisoned Maniac/Psycho, i would have already put in lets say 4 devourers and 3 minor vampires,
thats 7

creatures, 8
including itself, so when i put in IM/P it would have 8x1.5 = 8 + 4 = 12 atk, however if i add another

creature, nothing would happen, it stays the same, in other words,
one use, otherwise it would be
one-Extraordinarily-powerful-maniac, *shivers at thought* lol

although i reckon its OP anyway because imagine if it had
12 atk, then u add lunar eclipse and it becomes 14, plus u could work this together with a pair of blessings which would make it even more Beastly (in other words 20 atk) lol, i reckon i should nerf it or on upgraded version, still make it lose hp but slightly less
like -1 or something. I dont know, i just thought it would be cool to have a multiplier in
