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Xenocide | Extinction https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5699.msg58371#msg58371
« on: April 24, 2010, 06:32:42 am »
Uses 13  :death. Uses all remaining  :death. Kills all ON FIELD creatures of a certain type you target (ex: If I targeted an Ash Eater, all the Ash Eaters out on the field would die, enemy or friendly). Continues to kill those creatures for 5 turns (they instantly die if they're drawn during this time).

Extinction (2 ideas):

Idea 1:
Uses 15  :death. Uses all remaining  :death. Kills ALL creatures of a certain type you target (ex: Target a Scarab, it will kill all the Scarabs on the field, and also remove all the Scarabs from ***both decks*** (edited that part).) To prevent decking out, maybe all the killed cards could be replaced with skeletons.

Notes: Seems a bit overpowered against fractal decks or spam decks such as Scarabs.

Idea 2:
Uses 15 :death. Uses all remaining  :death. Kills all on field creatures of a certain element you target(If I targeted an Ash Eater, all the fire creatures out on the field would die). Continues to kill those creatures for 5 turns.

Notes: Would wreck mono-decks and 5 turns without playing any creatures for a mono user might suck.


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Re: Xenocide | Extinction https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=5699.msg58424#msg58424
« Reply #1 on: April 24, 2010, 10:54:35 am »
That's pretty neat.

In no particular order.

Idea 1:  I don't see much use to it, as Flooding is around to control the field continuously as long as you have  :water quanta. I don't think it's worth using casually, either, as it is situational to bring out multiple creatures with the same name without using Fractal.

Xenocide: That may have some potential.. but seems a tiny bit overpowered. Maybe lower turns it stays out on the field?

Idea 2: Over kill here, you'll basically have a card that protects you for any mono-deck creature except for immaterial ones.

