2013 - NOVEMBER - 17th*WIN with KITTY OF DEATH POWA bonewalls humility, lose with grace*
Other teams' decks:
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51775Current = 0 relics
Round 5 matchups (Note: 3W 3L or better req'd to maintain 6 active players!)
* Please begin coordinating your match with the player listed below!! *
* (15:00 GMT Sunday ~ 15:00 GMT Wednesday are match playing phase) *
•Bonebolt 9-ups vs Time
http://dek.im/d/z752gz252r534z2542z561q622z5718z171a71b8pu•Grabbow 1 6-ups vs Fire
http://dek.im/d/4vhz54vjz452gz152qz152rz1542z35905c15onz3713z17dm8pm•Lightstall 6-ups vs Life > mod -1 Death Pendulum (16/40 quanta suffices)
http://dek.im/d/z152lz452pz152qzF542z25liz55lmz57q98pq•Grabbow 2 3-ups vs Darkness
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz452gz152qz152rz152tz1542z35905c15f65v161qz17137dm8pm•Grabbow 3 6-ups vs Aether
http://dek.im/d/z44vjz352gz152q52rz254255tz35905c15f65v161qz471371b8pm•Dark Duo 3-ups vs Gravity
http://dek.im/d/z652gz352h52rz452tz45425uoz25up5v17137ta7tb8ptWhat combinations are possible with some modding without making a weak play (anything not mentioned above):
•1: bonebolt, grabbow 1, lightstall, grabbow 2, grabbow 3, dark duo
•2: wings, pdials, lightstall, grabbow 2, grabbow 1, dark duo
•3: bonebolt, grabbow 1, PUgons, grabbow 2, lightstall, dark duo
•4: bonebolt, grabbow 1, PUgons, grabbow 2, grabbow 3, dark duo
•monodeath could be possible with suicide vs aether
•monodeath scraps could be possible, but weak play compared to other options vs time unless proved comparable to our previous monodeath
Death Gen. (deckname) rob77dp vs [Time] S2xaT5No (+3 ups)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-death/death-s-t-d-c-p/msg1107606/#msg1107606Xyan's notes on vs Time:
•Less likely decks are:
◦Lightstall (discard should kill it, we have too many strong decks vs it)
◦Grabbow and Timebow (maybe, they will either lose too many novae, or pretty much all their graboids, grabbow's best matchups are only pure rng, timebow won't be used if they suspect us rushing)
◦Earth Duo (unless graboids are saved instead of novae and a shrieker rush with RT is made, as its best matchups are only pure rng)
◦UGdials (if they suspect us rushing, it won't be used, if they suspect stall, it will be used)
◦MonoTime (we have too many strong decks vs this)
◦PDials (we have too many strong decks vs this)
•More likely decks are:
◦Ghostal (only if they suspect rush, or have a mod to kill stalls)
◦Timebow (see above for less likely reasons, timebow or simply the purify being saved could beat our stall if they suspect it)
◦UGdials (see above)
◦Phardims (rng matchups vs stall, rng matchups with small advantage to them vs rush)
◦Ghostmare (obvious - also 9 ups like in R4 is super strong such that dark duo will have huge issues where it has small advantage at 3 or 6 vs up to 6 ups)
◦RoL/Hope (worst matchup vs us that they know of is pure rng now that pande is gone)
•Access to decks from salvage R4 are:
◦deflags x4, fog x2, air nymphs x5, OE x2 (should they not lose too much bow fuel to stop running bows, deflags and fog = bow fuel)
◦deflags x4, phoenix x4, fractal x4 (see above, also fractal for ghostal fuel)
◦steal x2, NM x2, vamp dagger x2 (ghostmare fuel)
•Our options are based on mindgating:
◦A) we mindgate they do not use phardims, ghostal, or rol/hope (although those will still be rng-based matchups with very minimal advantage to time at worst).
◾Here we use MonoDeath, which includes the following matchup values vs all of time's decks (5/10 = game is based completely on rng, 6/10 = based on rng with small advantage to us): Ghostal 4-5/10, MonoTime 6-8/10, Timebow 7-8/10, UGdials 9/10, Light Duo 9/10, Earth Duo 7/10 (if there is a graboid/RT rush, i would suspect 5-6/10), Phardims 4/10, Ghostmare 5/10, Grabbow 5-8/10, Pdials 8-9/10, RoL/Hope 4-5/10.
◦B) we mindgate they do not use ghostmare, rol/hope, or pdials.
◾Here we use Wings, which includes the following matchup values vs all of time's decks: Ghostal 8/10, MonoTime 8-9/10, Timebow 6-7/10, UGdials 5-6/10 (needs testing), Light Duo 8-9/10, Earth Duo 8/10 (if there is a graboid/RT rush, i would suspect 7-9/10), Phardims 5/10, Ghostmare 3-5/10 (9 ups is 3/10), Grabbow 7-8/10, Pdials 3/10 or 9/10 (R4 version is 3/10), RoL/Hope 2/10.
◦C) we mindgate they do not use timebow (with discords and purify, which disco is a very likely discard), or rol/hope (rng-based, but fractal mod should improve this).
◾Here we use BoneBolt, which includes the following matchup values vs all of time's decks: Ghostal 9/10, MonoTime 6-7/10, Timebow 3-5/10, UGdials 6/10 (needs testing), Light Duo 8-9/10, Earth Duo 6/10 (if there is a graboid/RT rush, i would suspect 6-8/10), Phardims 7/10, Ghostmare 6-8/10, Grabbow 8-9/10, Pdials 6-8/10, RoL/Hope 4-5/10. As I mentioned above
•Time's other matchups are dark, earth, air (+3 ups), entropy (time +3 ups), fire (+3 ups), but no generals except rob.
•Really surprising results from my research, since last round's research looked very negative, especially from option C. Still needs some discussion as to what mindgate option because leaving this to "whatever choice is left" could prove fatal.
•XYAN'S OPINION: Bonebolt > MonoDeath (pre-discard power) > Wings >> MonoDeath (weak compared to pre-discard). This is really good info for our deck choices, as even the worst option in my opinion is still a good choice overall. The main issue is that Hope deck (which a lucky fractal on dragon on turn following bolting down some light-generating creatures could overcome in bonebolt). I really really like bonebolt here, but that would force us to use all 3 grabbows if Life gets Lightstall (1-2 with grabbow would hurt us a lot, 0-3 would kill our grabbows).
Death pos. (deckname) xyan (+3 ups) vs [Fire] 10 men
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-death/death-s-t-d-c-p/msg1107606/#msg1107606Xyan's notes on vs Fire:
•Less likely decks are:
◦Earth Duo (R4 was mod to counter life, we have too many strong decks vs this, discard threat)
◦Immorush (maybe, losses including R3 loss)
◦Poisonfire (losses including R3, no matchups for them better than pure rng-based)
◦All forms of bolt OTK (we have too many strong decks vs this, assuming they think we are smarter than stalling vs a bolt OTK again)
•More likely decks are:
◦Monofire (most likely creature-based when looking at matchup favorabilities, but still better for us, only reason would be sloughing it off vs us to make better decks vs other matchups)
◦Fractix with dims (only decent deck we have vs this is dark duo and new plaguewall, but maybe not depending on if they need it for other matchups)
◦Grabbow (maybe not looking below at their other matchups, but our only decent deck we have vs this is bonebolt as it is slightly better than all versions of our grabbow)
◦Immorush (maybe not according to info above, would be similar case as monofire, all matchup possibilities we've shown are rng-based)
•Access to decks from salvage R4 are:
◦3 decks that gave bws and poison for Ragewall and Poisonfire (also found here some death creatures and pandemonium, but not viable enough to not use as conversion)
◦NT (doubt it is even considered)
◦Novabow fuel missing graboids (Immorush without much immo), discord and pharaohs (seemingly no use for), purify and 2 explosions
•Our options are based on mindgating:
◦A) we mindgate they do not use Grabbow or include a purify (in non-grabbow wouldn't be a good enough deck) or discord (???), or we mindgate fractix with dims.
◾Here we use pdials or plaguewall (pdials is more susceptible to deflags unless doubledial when expecting it, while plaguewall has issues with golems), which includes the following matchup values vs all of fire's decks (5/10 = game is based completely on rng, 6/10 = based on rng with small advantage to us): Monofire Control 7/10, Fractix with dims 6/10, Monofire Bolts 7-8/10, Grabbow 3-4/10, Immorush 5-6/10, Firestall 6-7/10, Monofire Creatures 6-8/10, Poisonfire 6/10, Earth Duo 8/10. Plaguewall is slightly better vs fractix, while pdials is slightly better vs Grabbow and poisonfire.
◦B) we mindgate they do not use bolt OTK or fractix with dims, or we take the risk while expecting they use Grabbow but without that purify.
◾Here we use bonebolt (find info above why bolt OTK is less likely), which includes the following matchup values vs all of fire's decks: Monofire Control 6-7/10, Fractix with dims 4/10, Monofire Bolts 5/10 (research says R1 loss was rng but 7/10 for us, but I see it dependant on who has the better quanta start and draw chance of poison/boltsandquanta), Grabbow 5-6/10 (3-5/10 if purify is in it, but this might be more if lightning is played smartly), Immorush 8/10 (6-7/10 if purify is in it, but might be better vs purify than my rating due to 6 lightnings vs 6 golems), Firestall 5-6/10, Monofire Creatures 5-6/10 (if golems instead of nixes this should be more), Poisonfire 5/10, Earth Duo 9/10.
◦C) we mindgate they do not use fractix with dims or grabbow, as a plus discos popping up wont hurt at all in this mindgate.
◾Here we use a Grabbow (seemingly #2 > #1 > #3 in this matchup), which includes the following matchup values vs all of fire's decks (will use [#1/#2]/10 to show differences, not including #3 because that is basically if we dont have ability to use #1 or #2 at all): Monofire Control 6-7/10, Fractix with dims [3/4]/10, Monofire Bolts 7-9/10, Grabbow 3-5/10, Immorush 5/10, Firestall [8-9/7]/10, Monofire Creatures 6-7/10, Poisonfire 6/10, Earth Duo 6/10.
•Fire's other matchups are earth, entropy (+3 ups), aether, gravity, time (+3 ups), but no general. This is a really tough round for fire comparing to the past rounds.
•This matchup should look a tad better since I did my research with 3 ups instead of 6. Either way, this matchup might be one of our last mindgate choices as deck choices are very flexible and we may need to choose one of them without even mindgating based on what we need elsewhere.
•XYAN'S OPINION: PDials or Plaguewall > Grabbow #2 (2nd choice is 1, and #2 at dark would force #1 here) > Bonebolt. While PDials or Plaguewall seem to be a better choice than grabbow thanks to fractix, grabbow will wreck them both, and Bonebolt should be a stronger play vs Time (except if Hope comes up and I'm wrong about the fractalled dragon the turn after bolt spamming light-generators); however, if MonoDeath or Wings is vs Time then we could PDials or Plaguewall here.
Death pos. (deckname) Fippe94 vs [Life] mathman101 (+3 ups)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-death/death-s-t-d-c-p/msg1107606/#msg1107606***Life can still field Adrena-Psions***
Xyan's notes on vs Life:
•Less likely decks are:
◦Devtosis (maybe, we have many strong decks vs this but they may see it as their best deck left)
◦Nymphs/Spirits (discard should have killed this, but Spirits are still totally possible, as is 1 purify)
◦Frogtal (we have many strong decks vs this and discards mean they would have to choose between this and adrenapsions or PUgons)
◦Gravy duo (havent seen recently and we have many strong decks vs this)
◦Light Duo (decent deck vs wings, but issues elsewhere, also discards will hurt its chances being used at all)
•More likely decks are:
◦Grabbow (beat us before, havent seen recently, mostly a bad play but if they expect us to try to mindgate adrenapsions they could use this here instead)
◦Spirits-based deck (this is a scraps deck, but could cause issues in some matchups)
◦Adrenastaves (many strong matchups for them, but discard issue could limit chance)
◦Adrenapsions (would beat wings, they heard us discussing we feared it, dims could make this strong too)
◦Adrenavamps (maybe, but all their matchups are somewhat weak due to rng at based)
◦PUgons (with dims could cause big issues, silence could make TTK easy but they could have lost silences in discard)
◦Light Duo (see less likely section)
◦Devtosis (see less likely section)
•Access to decks from salvage R4 are:
◦dim shields and lightnings
◦fractal x2 and PU x2 to save PUgons and/or adrenapsions, along with Frogtal
◦fire cards, but not really much of an improvement on their fire duo at all
•Our options are based on mindgating:
◦A) we mindgate they do not use nymphs/spirits or aether duo with TTK power (silence, PU, fractal).
◾Here we use lightstall, which includes the following matchup values vs all of life's decks (5/10 = game is based completely on rng, 6/10 = based on rng with small advantage to us): Devtosis 9/10, Grabbow 6-8/10, Nymphs/Spirits 2/10, Adrenastaves 10/10 (assuming our deck size > theirs), Adrenapsions 9/10, Frogtal 4-6/10 (based on mod), Gravy Duo 9/10, Adrenavamps 8/10, PUgons 3-5/10 (based on mod), Light Duo 10/10 (assuming our deck size > theirs), Fire Duo 9/10.
◦B) we mindgate they do not use adrenastaves or dimshields (although could maybe beat the 4 dims with this deck choice)
◾Here we use Grabbow (#1 > #2, no #3 due to dimshield threat), which includes the following matchup values vs all of life's decks: Devtosis 9/10, Grabbow 6-7/10, Nymphs/Spirits 4-6/10, Adrenastaves 1-2/10, Adrenapsions 7-8/10 (needs testins with dims), Frogtal 7-8/10 (needs testing with dims), Gravy Duo 8/10, Adrenavamps 6/10, PUgons 8/10 (needs testing with dims), Light Duo 7/10, Fire Duo 6/10. (Dark Duo will have similar results here, but likely needed more elsewhere)
◦C) we mindgate they do not use adrenapsions or aether duos that include dimshields AND silence.
◾Here we use PUgons, which includes the following matchup values vs all of life's decks: Devtosis 5-6/10, Grabbow 5-6/10, Nymphs/Spirits 7-8/10, Adrenastaves 5-6/10, Adrenapsions 2-3/10, Frogtal 7-9/10 (needs testing with dims), Gravy Duo 7/10, Adrenavamps 5/10, PUgons 8/10 (needs testing with dims), Light Duo 5/10 (OTK makes this more like 7/10, just reliant on quanta), Fire Duo 8/10.
◦D) we mindgate they do not use light duo, adrenapsions, or PUgons with dimshields.
◾Here we use Wings, which includes the following matchup values vs all of life's decks: Devtosis 7-8/10, Grabbow 6-7/10, Nymphs/Spirits 6-8/10, Adrenastaves 6-8/10, Adrenapsions 4-5/10, Frogtal 9/10 (needs testing with dims), Gravy Duo 5-6/10, Adrenavamps 6/10, PUgons 7/10 (needs testing with dims), Light Duo 3/10 (2or3TK should fix this to like 7/10), Fire Duo 5/10.
•Life's other matchups are air (life +3 ups), aether, light, but no general. With their last round being bad and getting +3 ups here, expect them to not slough off against us.
•Could be a really good matchup for us, unless we make a mindgate mistake and get "that one deck that counters this". Their +3ups won't change this matchup much at all, same results or they will have a bit less issue with rng matchups. Some data provided in values could be slightly less as I took from used decks as-is.
•XYAN'S OPINION: Lightstall or PUgons (lightstall if adrenapsions expected, PUgons if they somehow kept nymphs/spirits and play it again, if silence isnt discarded somehow then it could give either trouble) > Wings > Grabbow. Honestly, adrenapsions is a likely deck especially since it counters wings, while the counters to lightstall are very unlikely. Only dispute here is whether or not Lightstall is needed elsewhere.
Death pos. (deckname) ralouf vs [Darkness] bogtro (+3 ups)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-death/death-s-t-d-c-p/msg1107606/#msg1107606Xyan's notes on vs Darkness:
•Less likely decks are:
◦Vamptal (maybe, lost R4 so 2/3 of key combo cards will be discarded)
◦Death Duo (maybe, only decent as choice vs monodeath and dark duo)
◦Devquakebow (maybe, has lost a lot including R4 but could still be done with 3-4 EQs saved)
◦Reverse Duo (we have too many strong decks vs this)
◦Wings Duo (we have too many strong decks vs this)
◦Dragon Blitz (we have too many strong decks vs this)
•More Likely decks are:
◦Grabbow (least likely thanks to loss we gave it)
◦Vamptal (strong vs us but see above)
◦Devquakebow (strong vs us but see above)
◦Monodark (maybe)
◦Devtal (obvious)
◦Entropy Duo (every single matchup possibility we have that they know of is rng-based)
◦Death Duo (only if they plan on us using monodeath or dark duo).
•Access to decks from salvage R4 are:
◦PUgons (at most 3 dims based on discard, but unlikely to have dims)
◦more grabbow, CC for air duo (could be enough to make wings a likely deck)
◦Mods likely to cause issues are: dims (likely to be discarded) into devtal or PUgons, any combination of devs/disco/EQ, or simply inclusion of devs.
•Our options are based on mindgating:
◦A) we mindgate they do not use grabbow or PUgons+fractal or reverse duo.
◾Here we use lightstall, which includes the following matchup values vs all of dark's decks (5/10 = game is based completely on rng, 6/10 = based on rng with small advantage to us): Death Duo 9/10, Dragon Blitz and PUgons+fractal 1/10, Reverse duo 0/10, Grabbow 2-6/10 based on version, Devquake/Devquakebow 6-7/10, Vamptal 8/10 (needs confirmation), MonoDark 5/10, Wings Duo 6/10 (if with salvaged cc 7/10), Devtal 8/10 (needs confirmation), Aether Duo 8/10 (needs confirmation), Entropy Duo 6/10.
◦B) we mindgate they do not use Devquakes or discos.
◾Here we use bonebolt (needs testing vs their salvage possible PUgons+fractal), which includes the following matchup values vs all of dark's decks: Death Duo 8-9/10, Dragon Blitz 8/10, Reverse Duo 9/10, Grabbow 6/10, Devquake/Devquakebow 2-3/10, Vamptal 6/10, MonoDark 4/10, Wings Duo 8/10, Devtal 4-5/10, Aether Duo 9/10, Entropy Duo 3-4/10.
◦C) we mindgate they do not use Vamptal with dims, or dims elsewhere or wings with cc.
◾Here we use a Grabbow (I will show differences as [#1/#2/#3]/10), which includes the following matchup values vs all of dark's decks: Death Duo 6/10, Dragon Blitz or PUgons without dims [8/7/6]/10, Reverse Duo 5-6/10, Grabbow 5-7/10, Devquake/Devquakebow 7-8/10, Vamptal [2-3/4/3-4]/10, MonoDark [6/6/5]/10, Wings Duo 4-5/10, Devtal 7/10, Aether Duo 6/10, Entropy Duo [6/6/5]/10.
◦D) we mindgate they do not use Devquakebow or Death Duo.
◾Here we use Dark Duo again, which includes the following matchup values vs all of dark's decks: Death duo 3/10, Dragon Blitz or PUgons 7/10, Reverse Duo 7/10, Grabbow 5-7/10, Devquake/Devquakebow 4-5/10, Vamptal 5/10, MonoDark 5/10, Wings duo 5/10 (if there is cc would have to go for OTK or steal OE and slow play damage and probably a 4/10), Devtal 6/10, Aether Duo 5/10, Entropy Duo 5/10.
•Darkness's other matchups are air (dark +3 ups), aether general (dark +3 ups), light, time.
•This matchup has overlapping situations for certain choices, but still needs discussion of what we would like to play, however this is very flexible situation if we need decks elsewhere. Them getting +3 ups means ratings could be a tad bit lower (did research based on previously used decks as-is)
•XYAN'S OPINION: Grabbow #2 (1 then 3) > Dark duo >> Bonebolt > Light duo. Due to my other opinions, Grabbow #2 is my solid choice. I just hope vamptal (discard threat from their loss), dims (but 2 explo helps), or wings with cc (i personally doubt) don't show up, or the 4-5/10s are enough to pull through it. If discussion finds this to be the wrong mindgate choice, this could take dark duo and gravity could take grabbow.
Death pos. (deckname) xn0ize (+3 ups) vs [Aether] mrpaper
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-death/death-s-t-d-c-p/msg1107606/#msg1107606Xyan's notes on vs Aether:
•Less likely decks are:
◦fractix (loss R4 could mean discard, we have many decks it is weak against except if it has dims)
◦AMPUgons (2 losses with 1 in R3 could mean discard)
◦PUgrabbow (maybe due to number of decks we have strong vs it)
◦DeathDuo (maybe due to number of decks we have strong vs it)
◦Mono Aether (they will throw psiontal at us instead of this).
•More Likely decks are:
◦psiontal (beat us and we have no clear answer)
◦hope (not seen recently and pandebonium could be seen as gone easy)
◦lightstall (worse situation than psiontal)
◦gravy duo (almost as bad situation as psiontal).
•Access to decks from salvage R4 are:
◦death duo
◦light stall
◦Mods likely to cause issues are: any deck adding dims, PU to counter PUgons.
•Our options are based on mindgating:
◦A) we mindgate psiontal/dims/gravyduo.
◾Here we use a grabbow (1 or 2 in this matchup thanks to 2 deflags, but still unlikely to beat the mindgate), which includes the following matchup values vs all of aether's decks (5/10 = game is based completely on rng, 6/10 = based on rng with small advantage to us): Psiontal dims 4/10, Psiontal no dims 6/10, PUgrabbow 6-8/10 based on version, AMPUgons 1/10, hope 3/10, death duo 5/10, gravy duo 5-6/10, MonoAether 5/10, Lightstall 2/10, and Fractix 7/10.
◦B) we mindgate hope/lightstall.
◾Here we use light duo, which includes the following matchup values vs all of aether's decks: Psiontal 3/10 (thought 5/10 but seems to be should-be-loss), PUgrabbow 4-6/10, AMPUgons 9/10, hope 9/10 (may be wrong based on fractal use), death duo 9/10, gravy duo 3/10, MonoAether 6/10, Lightstall 10/10 (assuming our deck size > theirs), and Fractix 6/10.
◦C) due to the limited nature of the decks to use for other two options and the success chance of those option, we make a suicide deck.
◾This option sucks though cause it is one of our EC matchups

, but it may come down to discard cards we don't want to discard or discard cards we would prefer discarding.
•Aether's other opponents are dark(+3 ups), earth, fire, life, gravity(+3 ups), but no general.
•THIS MATCHUP NEEDS SERIOUS DISCUSSION, especially since +3 ups wont help being hard countered.
•XYAN'S OPINION: Lightstall or Grabbow (1 or 2) >> suicide deck. Based on how deckchoices are affected elsewhere, either of these decks played could mean discarding the deck (thankfully grabbow would have to go 0-3 to completely lose it). Option B is the unlikely mindgate with good success if correct, while option A is the really likely one while still having many issues. We should discuss this last as there is the option C here.
Death pos. (deckname) CuCN vs [Gravity] Gen. Laxadarap
Tuesday 1:00 GMT
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/team-death/death-s-t-d-c-p/msg1107606/#msg1107606Xyan's notes on vs Gravity:
•Less likely decks are:
◦Any air duo except catatitans (several losses including R3 and R4, we have too many strong decks vs all of gravity's mods for this)
◦Overdrive Amargs (we have too many strong decks vs this)
◦DBHbow and DBH, without chargers (we have too many strong decks vs this)
◦Grabbow (they have fuel for 1 I believe, and the matchup is too weak here compared to vs another element)
◦Oty-wall (we have too many strong decks vs this)
•More likely decks are:
◦Chargertal (anything but R1 mod is strong, but not solid vs everything we have due to lots of rng matchups, dimshields)
◦Gaurdtal (similar to chargertal if using dim shields)
◦Catatitans (obvious, most threatening but least likely mod is R2 catatitans, other mods are only good against our stalls)
◦DBHbow and DBH with chargers (obvious but lots of rng matchups)
◦Grabbow with purify (if they are comfortable with chance that our previous matchup fares well for them again)
◦Time Duo (rush that beats our stalls and slows most of our rushes enough)
•Access to decks from salvage R4 are:
◦Grabbow fuel x2
◦Time Duo fuel
◦Steams, crawlers, deflags, rage pots, damage cards from light, nymph queen (all likely conversion fuel)
◦AW (catatitans fuel), druid staves, adrenaline (these two likely conversion fuel)
•Our options are based on mindgating:
◦A) we mindgate they do not use oty-wall or chargertal (chargertal is only mostly rng at worst though).
◾Here we use dark duo, which includes the following matchup values vs all of gravity's decks (5/10 = game is based completely on rng, 6/10 = based on rng with small advantage to us): Oty-eyes 9/10, Overdrive Amargs 9/10, Chargertal 4-7/10, Guardtal 6/10, Catatitans 8/10, DBHgrabbow 6/10, Oty-wall 3-5/10, Wing Chargers 7/10, DBH 5/10, Grabbow 6-7/10, Time Duo 6/10, Air CC 9/10.
◦B) we mindgate they do not use guardtal or chargertal.
◾Here we use MonoDeath, which includes the following matchup values vs all of gravity's decks: Oty-eyes 10/10, Overdrive Amargs 9/10, Chargertal 2-6/10, Guardtal 3/10, Catatitans 6-8/10, DBHGrabbow 8/10, Oty-wall 6-8/10, Wing Chargers 7/10, DBH 6-8/10, Grabbow 5-7/10, Time Duo 6/10, Air CC 9/10.
◦C) we mindgate they do not use R2catatitans or time duo or R2Grabbow.
◾Here we use a Grabbow (I will show differences with [#1/#2/#3]/10), which includes the following matchup values vs all of gravity's decks: Oty-eyes 9/10, Overdrive Amargs 9/10, Chargertal [4-7/5-7/4-7]/10, Guardtal [4/5/5]/10, Catatitans [8/7/7]/10 (R2 is [4/4/3]/10), DBHGrabbow 5/10, Oty-wall 6-7/10, Wing Chargers [5/6/5]/10, DBH [5-6/4-6/4-6]/10, Grabbow 4-7/10, Time Duo [4/3/3]/10, Air CC 8/10.
•Gravity's other matchups are light general (+3 ups), water general (gravity +3 ups), entropy general, fire, aether (gravity +3 ups). I doubt we are anywhere near top priority.
•This matchup isn't as bad as others since we have an option whose worst result with a likely deck is pure rng at worst. Still needs discussion because that such option is an option in other matchups that may be needed. Their 9 ups could make the values I shared a bit less, but if we do LT here the only matchup that will still be at an upped-disadvantage is chargertal basically.
•XYAN'S OPINION: Dark duo > Grabbow #2 (1 or 3 2nd choice) >> MonoDeath. Due to my other opinions, Dark duo is my solid choice. Even if R2 or R4 chargertal or R4 oty-wall shows up, we still have just as much of a chance as them thanks to rng (and not feeding the otys!!!!), plus other chargertals are moderately in our favor. If discussion finds this to be the wrong mindgate choice, this could take grabbow, and dark could take dark duo.
Round 5 Decks to discuss/compare/contrast/enjoy:
•Grabbow #1 (1 Lycan; 0 NM)
http://dek.im/d/4vhz54vjz452gz152qz152rz1542z35905c15f661qz37137dm8pm•Grabbow #2 (0 Lycan; 1 NM)
http://dek.im/d/z54vjz452gz152qz152rz152tz1542z35905c15f65v161qz17137dm8pm•Grabbow #3
http://dek.im/d/z44vjz352gz152q52rz254255tz35905c15f65v161qz471371b8pm•PU-gons +Fractal
◦6 L'ning
http://dek.im/d/z352g52hzB542z261qz461tz2622z27138pu◦6 Dim's
http://dek.im/d/z952gz552oz252qz352r534z57q98pq•Dark Duo
http://dek.im/d/z652gz352h52rz552tz4542z25up5v17137t87tb8pt◾eclipse? spiders? -1 Improved Dusk -1 Mummy +1 Eclipse +1 Dusk Mantle spiders even possible with our other decks? if we end up using it as Lt or Gen then -Mummy +Spiders (Gen would have some Dark stuff upped too I think)
•Wings +OE Duo
http://dek.im/d/z552gz252oz552pz252qz452rz4542z27188pk•Light/Death Stall
http://dek.im/d/z152lz452pz152qzG542z25liz55lmz57q98pq◾will have mod of card number based on biggest deck it could face in matchup
•Water/Death Stall
•Light/Time Trio anti-deckout stall
http://dek.im/d/52jz152lz552pz7542z25liz55lmz15roz55t28pq◾this could still take suggestions, also what 3 ups?
•Refer to Light/Death stall above.
•Leftovers or "suicide" Mono-death?
PDSTC Note: Per Helston, Penalty <then> Discard <then> Salvage <then> Transmute <then> Conversion (on Main Vault).
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/war/war-7-rules/msg1105004/#msg1105004Main Vault
◦Any card into in-element Pillar or Pendulum (at 1-to-1 ratio limit 24 per round)
◦Up to 2 cards of Salvage into in-element (at 1-to-1 ratio limit maximum 6 of that card)
Spoils Vault
◦Any off-element into in-element (at 1-to-1 ratio limit maximum 12 of that card)
◦Any off-element into off-element (at 2-to-1 ratio limit maximum 6 of that card)
Vault links:
Spoils standings (top 4 make it to round 9): (vault number)
1. Aether - 108 (387)
2. Time - 90 (287)
3. Darkness - 78 (219)
4. Entropy - 78 (200)
5. Death - 72 (257)
6. Air - 72 (214)
7. Gravity - 69 (263)
8. Earth - 63 (210)
9. Life - 60 (170)
10. Fire - 54 (255)
11. Water - 39 (61)
12. Light - 27 (119)
*Decks Note* Most decks can have Dragon(s) in place of missing Nymphs if you do not have the Nymphs. Also, I consider the following for importance on Death Card upgrades is Recluse > Arsenic > Deadly Poison > Bonewall {This list is flexible depending on the deck type and purpose of the build.}
Simulator for basic deck testing:
http://elementscommunity.org/tools/xenocidius/simulator/STALLS (3-2)
•PDials (0-1) R3 L;
◦6 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z952g52hz552oz152qz352r534z57q98pq•wings deck (2-2) R1 L; R2 L; R3 W (by forfeit); R4 W
◦3 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z652gz252hz252jz252qz65425oiz45ooz27138pr•bonebolt (0-1) R2 L;
◦0 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z752gz552oz152qz452r534z2542z561q6228pu•pandebonium (1-2) R1 L; R2 W; R4 L;
◦0 ups -
◦3 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z552gz252oz552pz252qz452rz4542z27188pk•PU-gons (3-0) R1 W; R2 W; R3 W;
◦0 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z252gz352hz152q534zA542z361rz561t8puDOMIN / CTRL / DENIAL (1-4)
•Darkness duo (1-2) R1 L; R3 L; R4 W;
◦3 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z552gz152hz552tz75425uoz25up5v17137ta7tb8pt◦6 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z552gz252hz452tz5542z25up5v1z27137t87ta7tb8pt•Discotek (0-2) R1 L; R3 L; <discarded after R3>
◦3 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z34vlz852gz252hz552oz4542z27138pjRUSH (5-2)
•Monodeath (0-2) R2 L; R4 L;
◦3 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z652gz252hz552oz152qz152rz6542z27138pk•Grabbow (5-0) R1 W; R2 W; R3 W; R4 #1 W; R4 #2 W;
◦3 ups -
http://dek.im/d/4vhz44vjz452gz152q52rz352tz1542z35905c15on61q71371b7dm8pm•Aether Duo Fracluse (0-0)
◦2 ups -
http://dek.im/d/z352g52hz252qzC542z561tz1622z17138pu◦new version with lightnings/dims -
http://dek.im/d/z352g52hz8542z261qz461tz2622z263az27138pu◦new version with dims -
http://dek.im/d/z352g52hz9542z561tz3622z263az27138pu◦new version with lightnings -
Round 4 matchups
* Please begin coordinating your match with the player listed below!! *
* (15:00 GMT Monday ~ 15:00 GMT Thursday are match playing phase) *
Death Gen. (Wings + OE Duo 9-ups R4) rob77dp vs [Life] mathman101
WIN 3-0 (+20 salvage +6 spoils)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-249/(death-gen)-rob77dp-3-0-mathman101-(life-sld)/Death Sld. (Pandebonium R4) xyan vs [Aether] mrpaper
LOSS 1-3 (-27 discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-249/mrpaper-sld-(aether)-3-1-(death)-xyan-sld/This is probably bye-bye Pandebonium...

Death Lt. (Dark Duo 6-ups R4) Fippe94 vs [Darkness LT] bogtro
WIN 3-1 (+20 salvage +6 spoils)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-249/(death-lt)-fippe94-3-1-bogtro-(darkness-lt)/Death Sld. (Grabbow #2 R4) ralouf (sub'd by Fippe) vs [Time] PoLdeR
WIN 3-0 (+20 salvage +6 spoils)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-249/(death-sld)(subbed-by-fippe94)-ralouf-3-0-polder-(time-sld)/Gogogo 3 grabbows 2 pdials and 2 pugons, no need for any other decks
Death Sld. (Grabbow #1 R4) xn0ize vs [Water] Drake_XIV
WIN 3-2 (+20 salvage +6 spoils)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-4-249/(death-soldier)-xn0ize-3-2-drake_xiv-(-water-soldier)/Death Sld. (Mono-death 9-ups R4) CuCN vs [Fire] Gen. inthisroom
LOSS 0-3 (-27 discard)
Round 3 matchups
Death Gen (Dark Duo 9-ups R3) rob77dp vs [Air] Chapuz - LOSS 0-3 (-18 discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-248/%28air-sld%29-chapuz-3-0-rob77dp-%28death-gen%29/Death Sld (PU-gons w/ Fractal R3) xyan vs [Light] MegroN - WIN 3-0 (+18 *salvage +6 spoils)
* Salvage from our DEATH DECK!
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-248/%28death-sld%29-xyan-3-%28light-sld%29-megron-0/Death Sld (Discotek 5-ups R3) Fippe94 vs [Gravity] w4sh1ng7on - LOSS 2-3 (-18 discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-248/%28gravity-sld%29-w4sh1ng7on-3-2-fippe94-%28death-sld%29/Death Sld (Wings + OE Duo R3) ralouf vs [Earth] LT Afdarenty - WIN 3-0** (+18 salvage +6 spoils)
** Investigation and ruling by WM's is illegal deck use by Earth per Rule 3.4 'Note'. (
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-248/%28earth-sld%29-afdarenty-%28omegareaper7%29-3-1-%28death-sld%29-ralouf/Death Sld (Grabbow 5-ups R3) xn0ize vs [Water] Scaramanga - WIN 3-2 (+18 salvage +6 spoils)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/round-3-248/%28death-soldier%29-xn0ize-3-2-scaramanga-%28-water-soldier%29/Death Lt (PDials w/Sanct's R3) CuCN vs [Entropy] majofa - LOSS 1-3 (-18 discard)
Round 2 matchups
Death Gen. (rob77dp) Grabbow 9-ups R2 vs omegareaper

- WIN 3-1 (+12 salvage +6 spoils)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51815Death Sld. (xyan) Pandebonium R2 vs Avenger

- WIN 3-0 (+12 salvage +6 spoils)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51831Death Sld. (Fippe94) Mono-death 3-ups R2 vs w4sh1ng7on

- LOSS 2-3 (-12 discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51837Death Sld. (ralouf) Bonebolt R2 vs Spielkind

- LOSS 0-3 (-12 discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51795Death Lt. (xn0ize) Wings Duo R2 vs Gen PlayerOa

- LOSS 0-3 (-12 discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51820Death Sld. (CuCN) PU-gons R2 vs BeefSupreme

- WIN 3-1 (+1 relic +12 salvage +6 spoils)
Round 1 matchups
* Please begin coordinating your match with the player listed below!! *
Death Gen. (Discotek rob77dp) vs Regyptic

- LOSS 0-3 (-6 Discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51691Death (Wings xyan) vs skyironsword

- LOSS 2-3 (-6 Discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51597Death (Pandebonium Fippe94) vs AvusXIV

- LOSS 1-3 (-6 Discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51633Death (Dark Duo ralouf LT) vs Chapuz (sub by BeefSupreme)

- LOSS 1-3 (-6 Discard)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51693Death (PU-gons xn0ize) vs Drake_XIV

- WIN 3-2 (+6 Salvage +6 Spoils)
http://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,51627Death (Grabbow CuCN) vs ji412jo

- WIN 3-0 (+2 relics +6 Salvage +6 Spoils)
Write your name with your own color in this list so everyone knows each other's colors.
I added times (UTC) from the war apps
•xn0ize 13-17 1 nymph.
•ralouf 19-00 5 death marks 3 nymphs
•CuCN 01-08 no marks 1 nymph
•Fippe94 15-22 no marks, 1 death nymph
•xyan 16-04 no marks or nymphs

•rob77dp 03-06 0 death marks, 2 grey nymph