April Fools Day 2010
Elements the GameHoly Cowhttp://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4692.0.html
This joke was done by Zanz.
When you went to see the Oracle on April 1st, you would always get a
Holy Cow as your pet. Holy Cow had an ability called "Moo" which sounded cool but didn't actually do anything.
Elements ForumMagic the Elementshttp://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php/topic,4698.0.html
Idea was to post a fake quote by Zanz, where he explains how Wizzards of the Coast has bought Elements.
When I first came up with this idea, I thought it would be too far-fetched and nobody would fall for it. Luckily I was wrong.

It took me maybe 45 minutes to write the thing, another 15 minutes to do the logo. I used Google to get the name "Peter Adkison" and "Renton". The team leader "Brian" I chose by random. I tried to mix in some plausible sounding things so that the totally ridiculous things like changing Pillars to Lands wouldn't be so obvious lies.

Elements ChatElements Elements Elements?
Idea was to use the "bad word filter" in our chat, but instead of using bad words, I would use the most popular words in English language. Also when filtering the words, I would use "elements" instead of "***".
I got a list of 300 most popular words and removed all the 1, 2 and 3 letter words. I also had to remove some words that conflicted with "elements".
Here is the final list:
So every time someone used one of these words, the chat would change it to "elements". This resulted in a 12 hour chaos in the chat room, with many interesting discussions and a lot of nerd rage.

Elements RadioElements Sounds Playing In LoopI replaced the regular songs with sounds and music from Elements the Game.
Hey, it's better than nothing