While everyone is thinking about the possibility of fractal, I think virus can be one of the best choices. Hope there are no similar deck posted before.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
52i 52i 622 622 622 622 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 710 712 712 712 714 714 717 717 71b 71b 71b 71b 808 808 808 808 808 8pu
The upgrade of fractal are not necessary.
And I remain two virus non-upped as their cost is only 1.
In some situation it works better than retrovirus.
The build will be unbeatable as you can control the number of bonewalls by clicking on your virus, while at the same time decrease their living numbers.
Although immaterial can survive, they can't breakthrough as long as you have virus on hand. Momentum can be a risk, but virus can take them down. (although momentum massive dragon, but no flying titan pls)
the shots below are about diving glory and gemini.




The weakness is obvious, firebolt, poison, all shields, creature controls, etc.
Once the condors down, there will be no offensive power if opponent has a simple shield.
Put in Twin Parallel if you want to breakthrough miracle and empathic bond.
Arsenic is also optional to replace 1 graveyard, as too many graveyards may consume all the creature slots.
I can't say this build is effective in FGs compare with other god farmers, but it can also be played in different levels such as PvP and obtain a good result, as bonewall is one of the unbeatable stuffs in the game.