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[guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1034625#msg1034625
« on: January 23, 2013, 04:57:57 am »
:aetherbig The Way of Fractal  :aetherbig

Fractal is an expensive yet very powerful card that was included into the game in Elements 1.21. The effect of this spell is filling your hand with the selected creature. This being said, there is a wide variety of strategies involving this card.

Fractal decks are immune to non-massive creature control and can also offer a burst damage when it is casted. Aside from that, Aether element has various useful additions that come helpful, like Lightning and Silence.

Fractal decks don't tend to be rushes, but they always have a strategy behind them that makes them particularly fun.

What creatures can I play Fractal with?
Phase Spider is a cheap  :aether creature. It's ability is removing the Airborne passive skill of flying creatures, like Vultures and Dragons. 
It only costs 3  :aether quantum, what makes it a viable creature to be fractalled. Fractalling an  :aether creature, although, requieres some timing and practice, specially when you are based also in Dimensional Shields as main defense source.
Although, Fractal + Phase Spiders can be used as a decent attacking source while defending with  :air Wings shield. Combined, they are a competitive and strong combination.
Psion is another Aether creature with the ability of dealing Spell damage, making it shield-bypassing (not :light Reflective and :life Jade shields, though). It costs 4  :aether quanta and some people tend to fractal them, specially when there is expected a shield-based deck in any kind of environment.
Fractalling Sparks makes you deal fast bursts of damage, as they cost no quanta at all.
This combo can be played easily with  :aether Dimensional Shields if you have good timing, but the real synergy comes when  :death cards appear:
  :death Bone Wall uses the deaths of the Sparks to grow and make a decent defense, Boneyard can generate Skeletons to get a constant attacking source, Vultures gain attack and HP with each death and Soul Catchers can be used to feed all those cards, even with the possibility of getting a final bunch of Bone Dragons for the final hit.
When Fractal is used in Schrodinger's Cat, the opponent uses to know what they will face: an enormus  :death  Bone Wall and fat Vultures. Basically, once you managed to play the shield, it is practically unbreakable unless anything strange comes in.
This card gains +1 attack and HP with each death, so  :entropy Schrodinger's Cat's,  :aether Sparks and  :death Virus use to be present when Vultures appear. Fractalling Vultures are generally powered by  :death Soul Catchers and is a good way of getting a decent amount of high attakers.Virus is an extremely cheap card that costs 1  :death quanta and offers the possibility of poisoning an opponent's creature. Fractalling them makes you have tons of CC in the field, so in a few turns the oponent finds himself without creatures.
When Virus are fractalled, they usually come with Vultures or Bone Dragons if you are running Soul Catchers.
The build seems similar to Fractal + Spark, but keep in mind that you will need  :death quanta to start!
Deathstalker is another cheap  :death creature, which deals 2 poison damage per hit. When Fractalled, combined with  :darkness Nightfall, they make a burst of damage and poison the oponent won't forget till the end of the game.Horned Frog is a cheap and efficient attacker, often used in Frogtal decks in Wars, the biggest PVP event. The advantages of getting  :life element in your decks are the healing sources, like Heal and Emphatic Bond. Frogs offer a better attack ratio when upgraded, making being one of the most efficient attackers with 5 attack and 3 HP for 2  :life cost.
Wardens are good at stalling, as they can prevent any creature from attacking. Getting many of them can totally lock the oponent's field while you attack (or not) with anything else you want. Shard of Patience may be the best friend of this strategy.As Graviton Mercenary has been buffed in 1.32, it is now a viable fractal target. It doesn't have any ability on its own, but  :gravity can help you with Chimera, Gravity Pull and other useful in-element cards.
Fractal + Minor Phoenix, also known as Fractix, is a powerful combination that lets you get many cheap, good and practically immortal attackers combined with a high amount of CC and PC  :fire element has.With a decent quanta structure, some  :water Shard of Patience and maybe some Inundations, they can make a pretty decent rush.
You can also put some  :death quanta in and make a funny poisonous Fractal deck.
This is a classic combo, which gets powerful when packing  :light Hope shields.
It ends basically blocking 100% of your opponent's damage, and after that you can fractal any  :light attacking creature to make some damage. You will have plenty of quanta because of the RoLs' Bioluminisence skill.
The same effect can be made unupped by fractalling Photons and playing Luciferin spell, which gives Bioluminisence to every non-skilled creature.
Dragonfly is a creature that costs only 1  :air quanta and has the ability to generate 1  :air quanta every turn, since 1.27 patch.
They are a good option for Fractal decks as they offer same damage while generating massive amounts of quanta to finishing with a Fractalled Dragon strike, while Air element is good for stalling with Fog shield and Shockwaves.
Firefly is not the most efficient attacker, but they can offer a great advantage in the game. As it generates  :light every turn, you can quickly fractal them to end with a Hope shield, blocking all your opponent's damage while you kill him with lots of 3-damage attackers.Eggtal is used mostly in fun decks, where you will surely end with tons of different creatures. Weeeeee!  :)
This card was introduced in Elements 1.27 and is considered a killing machine. As it is expensive, usually Ghostals rely on a big, stall with Dimensional Shields and a pair of  :aether Silences played with the Fractal to prevent your opponent kill the ghosts or play a good shield too early.Devourer is an extremely annoying card when playing in unupped environment. With Fractal, they can make a total lock down of your oponent's quanta gain.
This strategy lacks on attack power, so Vampire (and sometimes a pair of Nightfalls) is a good option as an attacker. As another option, as Devourers will give you much  :darkness quanta, you can pack a pair of Black Dragons for a late Fractal.

Charger's inner Momentum makes decent rushes, specially in restricted environments like War. Its ramp damage and skill bypassing walks through Hope decks and their high HP make them resistent to many CC cards. In some environments, the Charger is the only upgraded card in the deck.
Minor Vampire, besides fractalled in late-game in Devtals (see above), is used as main creature to have a deck not with a tremendous total damage but with a damage advantage over your opponent. In a simple Rush vs Rush example, the opponent's damage has to be more than the double of the damage you make to have an advantage over you.
Lightnings are seen a lot in this decks, as they can serve as CC to get this damage advantage or as damage support against your opponent. Steals are a good addition to get rid of any shield, as 1 damage reduction can make a huge difference against your little 2-damage attackers.
Golden Dragon is used a lot as a finisher in RoL + Hope decks and in  :light stalls to use your excess of  :light quanta. It also prevents decking out and being out-damaged in late game. In Light stalls, at most 2 Dragons and 2 Fractals is the usual build.Bone Dragon is fractalled as a finisher too, in Bone Bolt decks (Bone Wall + Poison + :air CC or  :fire CC or  :aether CC). 2 Dragons and 2 Fractals is the usual build, but some people prefer Mummies instead to be less countered by single-targetting CC.

Using Fractal the right way
Are Fractal games fast?
Generally they aren't. At least, they won't start as fast as other decks, although some decks are able to make bursts of damage starting from turn 3-4. As it consumes the remaining  :aether quanta, you probably won't be able to play a fractal every 1 or 2 turns, except when you are fractalling 0-1 cost creatures so you can pack a bunch of  :aether pillars.

Fractal consumes ALL the remaining  :aether quanta! is it viable to use it with other  :aether creatures?
Yes. There is not much problem if you are running Spiders (with or without Wings) and Psions other than knowing that they will be a bit slower than other cards as you will have to wait until the next turn to play them.

What about stalling with Dimensional Shields?
Using Dimensional Shields, however, requieres a bit of timing if you don't want to break the shield chain. It's not that hard, just looking if you must wait a pair of turns to play the next shield before playing the Fractal or if you sacrifice a turn of your opponent hitting you in order to play an early Fractal.

How many Fractals shoud I get in my deck?
If you are fractaling many cheap creatures and want to play them ASAP, then no more than 4-5. Packing 6 gives you high chances of getting them clogging your hand resulting in less fractaled creatures, as getting more Fractals you could play in the while game. If you want to stall and play expensive attackers in late game, then 2 should be enough to get 1 by the moment you want to make a burst of damage.

How many fractalling creatures should I pack in my deck?
About the creatures you want as many creatures as you can ASAP, you should pack no less than 5 to ensure you will get one early. If you want to fractal any creature in late game - like Minor Vampires after quanta locking your opponent with Devourers or Ghost of the Past or any Dragon or expensive creature after getting much quanta to play them - then you can only pack 2 of them and you will probably get one for the moment you want it.

What would be a possible limit to the quanta cost of the fractalled creature?
It depends on your strategy. If you are going with little stall or no stalling at all, I would say 5 quanta cost is extremely expensive. Although, can stall with Dimensional Shields (maybe fractalling quanta generating creatures like Dragonflies, Gnome Riders and Brimstone Eaters) in order to get late dragons or high attackers without any quanta limit in their cost.

What other cards fit well with Fractal?
Sometimes it's good to have some cards supporting your main strategy, for example:
Silence can fit well when fractalling big creatures, preventing your opponent from playing shields and CC and making another big hit.
If you are stalling with Dimensional Shields, Mind Flayers can be useful to prevent Momentum and other annoying skills.
When running Deathstalkers or a devtal with Minor Vampires , which have many low-attack creatures, a pair of Steals can help at removing a shield that nullifies the decks.
When fractalling Horned Frogs or Cockatrices, Heal and Emphatic Bond can help you survive long enough.
If you are playing with Phase Spiders, as mentioned before, Wings make a good synergy with them.
When fractalling Ray of Light, Fireflies or playing with Luciferin, Miracles are great additions, as there can be some momentumed creatures, poison, growing creatures or just dragons that make some damage in case you couldn't make a Hope shield big enough to protect you from 100% of the opponent's creatures.
When playing with  :death usually Arsenic and Poison are good damage dealers, as poison is hard to cure.
You can find many cards that can fit well in your deck, but beware: Fractal decks use to consume much quanta and you don't want to risk yourself having much wasted space.

Balancing trio decks with Fractal
Quanta balancing trios is almost always a pain.
The most easy one to build can be the Firefly + Hope combo, as Firefly generates the  :light needed without any help from other cards.
If you want to play with Luciferin in order to get Hope and/or Miracles, 5 is a good number for them, so you can play one pretty early after the first Fractal and the other ones after the consecutive Fractals.
In the other trios, you will notice there is a non- :aether element much more consumed than the other one:
Running Chrysaoras, you can easily power them with the mark and get the  :aether and  :death quantum with pillars and pendulums.
If running a deck with Deathstalkers, a good option is powering a Nightfall with your mark and don't include much more  :darkness consumption, as you will want the rest of your pillars/pendulums for Fractal, stalkers and maybe some  :death CC cards as well, like Plague and Skull Shield.
You can always have a more defensive style, like getting more  :aether for Dimensional Shields and getting a bunch of Deathstalkers/Chrysaoras in mid-game.
What is NOT recommended is making a deck with 3 different elements powered by pillars or pendulums. That makes trio decks wonky, as you have high chances of not getting the desired quanta by the moment you need it.

How can I make my Fractal deck faster?
The secret is the Quanta balance: Basically, get as many Aether quanta generation as you can.
If you are going to fractal 0-cost creatures, like Sparks and Photons, there is not much Science:  :aether mark and  :aether pillars.
If you want to combine Sparks with  :death cards, you can use 5-6 Soul Catchers to get all the  :death quanta you need and use the remaining space in your deck for  :aether pillars and any other complement you want.
If running 1-cost creatures that generate their own quanta, probably getting their element with your mark will be enough to start the first Fractal and after you play a couple of them they will generate enough to play anything of their element, even fractalling expensive attackers if their element.
Running Virus can combine the 2 last lines mentioned above:  :death mark, Soul Catchers and  :aether pillars.
If you want to fractal any mid-cost creature, try balancing your quanta to get the first Fractal ASAP but also getting enough quanta of the other element to play the creatures. Sometimes, so ensure a consistent fractal timing, it's a good option get all pendulums and balance "half and half" the quanta consumption between the elements. Pick the mark as the most consummating element.
If you want to stall with Dim Shields until you get expensive attackers, you can try with  :aether mark and some pendulums to ensure a safety shield chain and then just the off-element's pillars.

Is that all I can use with Fractal?
Of course not! Fractal is full of other synergies or deck strategies, but I couldn't just mention every single one of them. For example, you can fractal Deja-Vu, Horned Frogs or Graviton Mercenary to cast Luciferin and play Hope later, or fractal Sapphire Chargers to have some momentumed attackers, or fractal Mummies while packing Plagues and Bone Walls, or fractalling Gnome Riders to later play Hermatite Golems and Stone Skins. Fractal is free to everyone's imagination.

Fractal offer a wide variety of possible strategies, every single one with a strategy behind them and full of possible personal additions. Getting into Fractal decks being relatively new to the game can take you a pair of fail attempts in the beginning, but they are totally worth it!
« Last Edit: June 12, 2014, 12:01:54 am by Chapuz »
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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1034630#msg1034630
« Reply #1 on: January 23, 2013, 05:12:20 am »
:O Nice guide, Chapuz!

Suggestion - add Chargers? (Something I've had fun with before)
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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1034634#msg1034634
« Reply #2 on: January 23, 2013, 05:15:13 am »
Very clever guide, but I thought we were on team Time??

Anyhow, don't forget Wardens, I did make a deckout deck with that ;)

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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1034639#msg1034639
« Reply #3 on: January 23, 2013, 05:41:57 am »
I feel like I should have been consulted about this guide...  ::)

Offline ChapuzTopic starter

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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1034640#msg1034640
« Reply #4 on: January 23, 2013, 05:47:15 am »
Thanks for the feedback!

Suggestion - add Chargers? (Something I've had fun with before)
Anyhow, don't forget Wardens, I did make a deckout deck with that ;)
I had them in the list and just skipped them because of a simple reason: It's 2:30am. Added them!

I feel like I should have been consulted about this guide...  ::)
I was totally going to do it, but I made it in less time than what I thought and you were not in the chat by that time, so I made it without any Grand Master's help.
Any feedback will be appreciated! Better by forum PMs, specially if it gets pretty long.
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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1035630#msg1035630
« Reply #5 on: January 26, 2013, 10:41:11 am »
The Way of Fractal

Fractal offer a wide variety of possible strategies, every single one with a strategy behind them and full of possible personal additions. Getting into Fractal decks being relatively new to the game can take you a pair of fail attempts in the beginning, but they totally worth it!

I've actually already  been enjoying your OTK guide and your limitless speed saved my FG grinding after Instosis was nerfed. About time to say thanks at least three times:

Thanks, thank you very much, thanks and great work!

I've recently been thinking about a fractal-Gnome Gemfinder deck. Would'nt that be worth a thought? Especially with stone skin?

so far... VanWinkle
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 10:48:06 am by VanWinkle »

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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1035645#msg1035645
« Reply #6 on: January 26, 2013, 11:23:54 am »
Nice guide from the looks of it, now I'll read it and edit this later...

also, the above post already found a typo xD
"but they totally worth it!" you forgot an 'are' there.

Okay, I read it. So basically this is more just a list of creatures that you can fractal? In that case, why not include the names for all of the combos. Devourer doesn't have Devtal in the description, but Phoenix has its name, so why not be consistent?
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 11:40:53 am by TribalTrouble »


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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1035650#msg1035650
« Reply #7 on: January 26, 2013, 11:39:23 am »
Suggestion: Put EVERY single targetable ETG critter. Furthermore, make a Way of Mitosis topic which will be almost exactly the same! :P
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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1035672#msg1035672
« Reply #8 on: January 26, 2013, 12:40:20 pm »
While this is a nice guide, I hope it is a work in progress as it is pretty incomplete. Among other things, there lacks several explanations of "How to use fractal" (The right way), and several other questions that would be asked by newbies that could improve their tactics and deckbuilding with fractal.

For example, in the aether cards (excluding fractal) it would be good to note that the decks are slower than other fractal decks due to the fact that you will have absolutely zero aether quanta after utilizing fractal; there could also be some improvements in the tutorial all around such as "Common decks with fractal", or "How many copies of fractal should I take in my deck?"; "How many of the creatures I'm going to fractal should I take in my deck?"; "What would be a possible limit to the quanta cost of the creature targeted?" ; "How could I make my fractal deck faster?"; "How to balance a trio with fractal" (I feel this is the one that is most needed as there are no tips given and somel of your suggestions include trios, such as Deathstalker); "What cards go well with Fractal?" (Excluding creatures of course) and other small things like that.

As of now, I feel this guide is more of a "What to Fractal" instead of "The Way of Fractal".
« Last Edit: January 26, 2013, 12:42:47 pm by Dm1321 »

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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1035711#msg1035711
« Reply #9 on: January 26, 2013, 03:30:17 pm »
I fully agree with the above post. As I said, currently, it is mostly just a list.

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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1035715#msg1035715
« Reply #10 on: January 26, 2013, 04:00:45 pm »
Added a pretty detailed guide under the big table. Again, thanks for the feedback.
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Re: [guide] The Way of Fractal https://elementscommunity.org/forum/index.php?topic=46202.msg1037994#msg1037994
« Reply #11 on: February 03, 2013, 12:38:03 am »
As for the Warden, I think the best friend would be a hermatite/steel golem because making it a trio (with SoP) seems a bit troublesome to me.
In that regard I have to second VanWinkle that Gemfinders should be mentioned as well because they can make it possible to use towers instead of pends.

Other than that, great work! :)
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