I played around with the same idea these days!

But your version seems a little bit faster than mine.
Perhaps take out one SoPatience, since 4 should be enough to draw one early. And 3 Hopes would be enough, too. It take a while until you have enough light quanta, and when you have one Hope all other copies are useless.
Possibilities for adding would be a third Feral Bond, a cheap Reflective Shield against these Psion-type rushes, or a Purify. But... I think Purify isn't needed. There is enough healing in this deck... I even think about Desiccation for having some own CC.
For the name... I have a great idea
"Virtues of Light"
- Hope: Never give up and stay strong. Noone can take away your hopes.
- Tenacity: The slow horse reaches the mill. Just stay calm and wait for the right moment.
- Compassion: Don't hurt the others. If you have to defeat someone, do it short and without pain.
- Benevolence: Gather the light, shine bright and donate life.
...or something like that...