You have to have 200 posts in order to write a farewell message? What?
No. This is just wrong. I've met people here that I like, and I'd really like to know I'm leaving and the fact that I don't have 200 posts doesn't mean I'm not a somebody and have not left an impression on this community.
But if you guys truly think it is so, than feel free to delete my post. In any case, Farewell.
It's kind of sad, though. No, not the fact that I'm leaving. The fact that I'm leaving after a month of grinding for a lobo. And yet, no lobo. I never really finished my RoL/Hope.
I am leaving because... well I have left a long time ago. I don't feel this community as a community anymore as I have no more time to spend on it. I have taken up actionscript programming and I'm looking forward to publishing flash games to the internet, so, well... I get a lot of money.
There is a chance for me to come back, but after the fact that my will is crushed after such a long period of grinding..... Let's say the percent chance for that is less than 1.
I don't know what else to say. I hope quantum factory eventually gets in the game. Too bad I won't be able to make a better artwork for it. Goodbye everyone!
:Epic music plays:
Here my journey starts! I have no home to return to, and I only have one chance. If I fail I will be left behind! If I succeed I will be on top of the world! It is everything or nothing, comrades!
Off I go, to new heights! For fame and glory! For riches and well.... more riches! FOR SPARTA! TO FLASH GAMING INDUSTRY!
:Epic music ends epically almost as epic as my epic speech:
~And so, it began.~