3) Provide a "pseudo-quanta" type for thematic use under various elements
Pseudoquanta has a specific meaning. It means an alternate cost mechanic that uses existing types of quanta. (Ex: Mark quanta)
PS: Why did you change blood from hp costs to a 13th quanta pool (despite being held in a pillar stack)?
Blood essentially is hp cost since it gets generated by draining HP... The pillar mechanics and pool like storage help overcome the problems assosciated with pacing HP costs. Namely, if a card or ability can pull from player HP directly, it encourages high costs to be played right at the start of the game. This is the reverse of current game pacing which restricts high costs to late game.
E.g. if something costs 20 HP it is easier to play in the start of a match, when the player has HP to spare, than at the end when they may not even have 20 HP left.
The idea is that the "Blood" pool will speed up pace at the cost of HP without inverting it.
Essentially, the pillars convert the player's HP into

in a controled manner so that the player can't simply throw all their HP into a major spell immediately, but they will get access faster than with standard pillars (at the cost of effectively spending HP).
In a sense, the "Blood" pool is equivalent to

rather than a new quanta type, since it is usable to pay any one quanta cost.
Localizing the quanta like "Blood" onto cards rather than in a pool will also have other ramifications (e.g. bypasses typical quanta control, but is highly vulnerable to PC ... and maybe CC if creature versions are made). Further, if players have multiple cards storing Blood, their "pool" is fragmented. This would mean that even if they had enough altogether to cast a large spell, they would not be able to do so unless the amount needed resided in the same card... (but doing so leaves them more vulnerable to disruption if the card is destroyed, stunned, etc.)
...The fact that Blood must reside in a card will also mean that there will be a new mechanic "niche" for moving counters / Blood from one card to another
Lastly, since Blood resides on a card like a counter, it could be used in other areas as well (particularly if cards are present to move Blood from card to card). E.g. there could be creatures that have att|hp that scales with the amount of Blood on the card.
"Blood" then, becomes more of a "Resource" than an actual quanta type