Chain of elements is just too expensive to be practical I think. Maybe make it a


spell and lower the cost?
Now that I look at it, most of the others are probably too high cost as well.
Consider fire:
cost dmg cards
12 1 1
24 2 2
36 4 3
48 8 4
60 16 5
72 32 6
Unless you're willing to shell out 60

, you're better off just using RoF ...
I'd say aim for balancing these against a chain length of 3 or 4 and comparing to other card types.
E.g. RoF - 3 cards = 21 quanta, 9 damage (round to 8 if you're doubling)
So make this card cost say 5 or 6

quanta each and deal 2 damage as a base you should be good. You would then have
Chain of Fire Rain of Fire
cost dmg cards cost dmg cards
5 2 1 7 3 1
10 4 2 14 6 2
15 8 3 21 9 3
20 16 4 28 12 4
25 32 5 35 15 5
30 64 6 42 18 6
(note: after 12 or so damage, you will kill the majority of creatures anyway so the high damage is a moot point since players aren't affected)
Without serious card drawing potential, its really tricky to get more than 3 of a card stocked up in hand at one time...
Further, at 5 or 6 card combo levels, you can start pulling off OTK's so having them become very powerful at 5 or 6 in a chain is fairly reasonable
Try running this series past OldTrees in his thread
Ask the Idea GuruHe's very good at helping with analyzing and balancing for cool and exotic concepts.