
Offline WerdbootyTopic starter

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5 :life

Generates a Common Ancestor for each creature quanta-type in play.
4 :life

Generates a Common Ancestor for each creature quanta-type in play.

theswedish (source image)
Werdbooty (with plenty of help from the Elements community)
Common Ancestor will only be available through Coalescence. Each Common Ancestor's quanta-type is based on which elements are involved in its generation. So, if I have 2 :water creatures, 2 :time creatures, and a :fire creature, the spell will generate 3 Common Ancestors (one :water, one :time, and one :fire). See Common Ancestor for more information.

Common Ancestor
4 of its Element
0 | 0
Common Ancestor gets +1|+1 for every other creature of its element when played.
Common Ancestor
3 of its Element
0 | 0
Common Ancestor gets +1|+1 for every other creature of its element when played.

busangane (source image)
Promotes synergy between :life & :entropy. If it gets hit with any kind of mutation (spell or ability based) it turns into an Abomination every time (or maybe a Micro-Abomination?). Other than that, a fairly straightforward creature, I think.

Spoiler for Card History:
Spoiler for Coalescence (version one):
4 :life

Generates a 2|2 Common Ancestor for each creature quanta-type in play.
2 :life

Generates a 2|2 Common Ancestor for each creature quanta-type in play.

theswedish (source image)
I think this is balanced, although the upped might get a +1 :life boost to cost.

Common Ancestor will only be available through Coalescence. Each Common Ancestor's quanta-type is based on which elements are involved in its generation. So, if I have 2 :water creatures, 2 :time creatures, and a :fire creature, the spell will generate 3 Common Ancestors (one :water, one :time, and one :fire). See Common Ancestor for more information.

The effect applies to your opponent as well, so it would be best to play this before they get any creatures out (of course, there's always the possibility that the number of Ancestors summoned to your side is based on your opponent's creature quanta-types, as well as your own). Plays well with Feral Bond.

Spoiler for Common Ancestor (version one):
Common Ancestor
2 | 2
If Common Ancestor is mutated, it turns into an Abomination.
Common Ancestor
2 | 2
If Common Ancestor is mutated, it turns into an Abomination.

busangane (source image)
Promotes synergy between :life & :entropy. If it gets hit with any kind of mutation (spell or ability based) it turns into an Abomination every time (or maybe a Micro-Abomination?). Other than that, a fairly straightforward creature, I think.

Spoiler for Coalescence (version two):
4 :life

Generates a 1|1 Common Ancestor for each creature quanta-type in play.
4 :life

Generates a 2|2 Common Ancestor for each creature quanta-type in play.

theswedish (source image)
Werdbooty (with plenty of credit to the Elements community)
I think this is balanced, although the upped might get a +1 :life boost to cost. Costs might still be a little low all around (for both Coalescence & Common Ancestor).

Common Ancestor will only be available through Coalescence. Each Common Ancestor's quanta-type is based on which elements are involved in its generation. So, if I have 2 :water creatures, 2 :time creatures, and a :fire creature, the spell will generate 3 Common Ancestors (one :water, one :time, and one :fire). See Common Ancestor for more information.

The effect applies to your opponent as well, so it would be best to play this before they get any creatures out (of course, there's always the possibility that the number of Ancestors summoned to your side is based on your opponent's creature quanta-types, as well as your own). Plays well with Feral Bond & Fractal.

Spoiler for Common Ancestor (version two):
Common Ancestor
4 of its Element
1 | 1
Common Ancestor gets +1|+1 for every other creature of its element when played.
Common Ancestor
4 of its Element
2 | 2
Common Ancestor gets +1|+1 for every other creature of its element when played.

busangane (source image)
Werdbooty (with plenty of credit to the Elements community)
Promotes synergy between :life & :entropy. If it gets hit with any kind of mutation (spell or ability based) it turns into an Abomination every time (or maybe a Micro-Abomination?). Other than that, a fairly straightforward creature, I think.

« Last Edit: July 17, 2012, 01:55:40 pm by Werdbooty »
"A kind of synthesis, but with some elements that perhaps you wouldn't have expected in advance. I always like that when that happens, when something comes that is more than the sum of the parts." —Evan Parker

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Re: Coalescence | Common Ancestor (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #1 on: July 08, 2012, 04:04:15 pm »
Title of the thread should be:

Coalescence | Coalescence / Common Ancestor | Common Ancestor

This seems too easily splashable into Rainbow decks and just adds to potential damage.  I'd make both cost it cost 3|4 respectively and have the unupgraded generate 1|1 and the upgraded generate 2|2.  But that's my two :electrum .

Offline WerdbootyTopic starter

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Re: Coalescence | Common Ancestor (Semi-Permalink)
« Reply #2 on: July 08, 2012, 04:08:57 pm »
Title of the thread should be:

Coalescence | Coalescence / Common Ancestor | Common Ancestor

This seems too easily splashable into Rainbow decks and just adds to potential damage.  I'd make both cost it cost 3|4 respectively and have the unupgraded generate 1|1 and the upgraded generate 2|2.  But that's my two :electrum .

Yeah, I originally had the title as you said, but I opted to shorten it as the card upgrade names didn't change. At any rate, updated to avoid confusion.

As for balancing, I think I like your idea better. I didn't want to make it too cost heavy, but honestly, it never occurred to me to lower the un-upped Ancestor to a 1|1 (I kept thinking of bringing the upped version to a 3|3 - your way makes more sense). I'm still a little unsure of the balancing for the costs, though.
"A kind of synthesis, but with some elements that perhaps you wouldn't have expected in advance. I always like that when that happens, when something comes that is more than the sum of the parts." —Evan Parker

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I was considering it's use in a rainbow, where it'd most likely be used.  Which means having to consider spamming Novas or SNovas.

Offline WerdbootyTopic starter

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I was considering it's use in a rainbow, where it'd most likely be used.  Which means having to consider spamming Novas or SNovas.

I did have rainbow in mind but wanted it to be at least somewhat viable in a duo or mono deck. Never thought of the nova limit. Good catch. Looks like I have some revamping to do.
"A kind of synthesis, but with some elements that perhaps you wouldn't have expected in advance. I always like that when that happens, when something comes that is more than the sum of the parts." —Evan Parker

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If you want to make it viable in non-rainbow, what if it got +1|+1 for every [other] card with the same element as it, with it starting at 0|0?

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If you want to make it viable in non-rainbow, what if it got +1|+1 for every [other] card with the same element as it, with it starting at 0|0?
So each would start at 1|1 (since there was at least one creature of its type.)

X=number of creatures

Rainbow would get X 1|1s then improve (with the second casting) to 2X 2|2s [Value: +X, +3X, +5X]
Mono would get 1 X|X then improve to 2 X+1|X+1s [Value: +X, +X+2, +X+4]
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 :darkness creature + this + fractal + eclipse?

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:darkness creature + this + fractal + eclipse?
Common Ancestor should have a casting cost.
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"Nothing exists that cannot be countered." -OldTrees on indirect counters
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Fractal ancestor.
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Make it cost 4 of it's element?

Offline OldTrees

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Make it cost 4 of it's element?
That would be fair for your suggested variant.
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"Nothing exists that cannot be countered." -OldTrees on indirect counters
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