Challenge: Semi M:TG v.2
Opponents & results: ARTHANASIOS 2 - rosutosefi 1
Game 1: Winner= ARTHANASIOS
ARTHAN's Deck:
Great RNG for me (getting Elite Cockatrice and Fractal in the starting hand, along with Emerald Bond and enough mana to perform the cokcatral soon) and bad RNG for Rosutosefi, easy win.
Game 2: Winner= Rosutosefi
Pharaoh came late, and using Eternity against Overriden Crusader and Flying Titan wasn't enough for Rosutosefi's unstoppable force, quite easy and fast win for him.
Game 3: Winner= ARTHANASIOS (but Desync occured)
After losing with my Pharaoh deck, I decided to try my first deck again, but I replaced Dim Shields with Lobotomisers. I started well, having again an Elite Cockatrice, a Fractal and two Lobotomisers in my starting hand, along with Heal, Empathic Bond and pendulums. However, a desync occured, but Rosutosefi said that AI's Lobos defeated his Crusaders, so I overall won the challenge. GGs rosutosefi!