PlayerOa - 2
nensuru - 0
Perfect Quartet:
- All decks has to be exactly 40 cards
- All decks has to use four elements - no more, no less. No other cards.
- Every element need to be represented in the deck with exactly ten cards (ten cards of each of the four elements)
- Unupped, best of three
- You cannot use the same elements twice (if you use , , , and in your first deck, you cannot use those elements in match two. If it is 1-1 after two matches, you have to use the four remaining elements)
- Banned cards: Discord, Earthquake, Immolation, Nova, Black Hole
[no decks, as I will probably use these decks more]
In game one a lone Fahrenheit won me the game.
In game two I got a Water Nymph horde quite fast, and antimatters sealed me the win.