We all know Soul Catcher, while nice and all in theory, is not really competitive. Relies on a combo and even if it works it's not quite fast enough to compete most of the time. To give it a chance to compete - and at the same time give way to a new kind of stall - have Soul Catcher heal a few HPs (like 2) whenever a creature is killed on top of the quanta. I believe that this would more or less counterbalance the speed of other rush decks (you stall a bit while you setup) while also fitting the theme of the card.
"But Soul Catcher would be totally overpowered this way!"
Umm.. no. If used with cats, each cat would heal 2 hp for each. It's probably just enough (with a good draw) to keep those phoenixes or frogs from eating you before you get your bonewall up. With a kittental stall (which is a trio), a full field of cats would heal 46-69 a turn. Considering the resources needed to get a full field of them and the many ways to remove creatures, especially weak ones, this would not be overpowered.
If used with fractal sparks/viruses, you heal 16 for each catcher (assuming 8 sparks). But fractal is expensive and this is a one time heal.
If used with CC, you risk the chance of your opponent not having any (killable) creatures, which means the death part of your deck is completely dead - with soul catcher you rarely have bone pillars.
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