The only other creature is malignant cell, so it shouldn't be that bad, but fractal malignant cell plus this is certainly viable.
Especially with each Malignant costing 7
. But you also forget Shard of Focus.
Oh whoops. Right. That could be dangerous then. Use precogs and HGs to thin out a deck, then play draconian emblem while you have six SoFs in your hand. You might think 7

for a dragon is a lot, but it's actually very, very cheap. 2 QTs can power that, and a single nova powers nearly 2. 7 random quanta for a high attack (I had the average down for dragons, but I forgot where) creature is a very good deal.
Another thing I see with this is to use it in a dragon deck. That allows your usually 10 quanta + dragons to be played down with only 7, a thirty percent summoning decrease.