I'm still fairly new to Elements, and this my first post on the forums, so let me know if there's something wrong or incorrect here, please. With that aside, let's move on to how I came about this deck.
After having started Elements, and making 4-5 accounts, I was brave enough to ask for help on the Kongregate chat. The kind folks happily linked the rather awesome newbie guide which showed how to make decent AI3 grinders from your starting deck. But I wasn't satisfied with the score, and I heard tell of PvP offering (relatively) more substantial rewards than AI3. So I browsed the forum, learned the basics of deck making, and went about making my "own" deck for PvP. I stumbled across adrenaline and vampires, quite by accident, and was astounded at the effect that 2-3 adrenaline vampires could have on both you and your opponents health. I quickly built upon the idea to make the deck below.
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5bs 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5c7 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5uk 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5um 5up 5up 5up 5uq 5uq 5ur 5ur 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 5ut 8pt
I read the "READ THIS FIRST" post beforehand, and as such I searched for decks containing Adrenaline, Devourers, and Vampires. I found a relatively similiar deck from a War event or somesuch, but it wasn't the same, in fact it was a good bit different than this deck, so I'm going to go ahead and post it.
The idea should be clear to pretty much everyone; Nightfall + Vampires = 3 attack, one of the optimal targets for Adrenaline.
A couple things to note:
This works great for PvP depending on what other decks are currently in PvP1. With the addition of devourers to the deck, you have basically 2 options for winning the fight:
1. Play Nightfall, Vampire Stiletto, Pillars, and Devourers as you get them. Save Vampires and Adrenalines until you can play 2-3 vampires and Adrenaline them in the same turn, unless your enemy has no CC, or you need healing earlier.
2. Deprival. Does your enemy have only a few pillars? Drop your devourers, Adrenaline them for 2x more quanta denial, and steal his pillars. This method is slower than the first method, but is far more likely to result in a rage quit. After all, who enjoys sitting around dying from 1 damage creatures (Nightfall + devourer) while watching all their quanta get eaten?
1. Mono fire decks. Just give up, and hand them the win. A single RoF will obliterate all your creatures, leaving you helpless. A good player won't waste CC on devourers, and will wait for your vampires.
2. Antimatter. Nothing to say other than Antimatter + Vampire + Adrenaline = ouch.
3. Fractal devourers. This deck can obliterate fractal devourers more than half the time, but if they get out an early fractal or you get a slow start, its over.
4. A hope shield of 3 or more is completely impossible to beat.
I realize its a 35 card deck, and that the mark is Darkness. This is entirely intentional. This deck requires very little quanta to function, but the quanta it does need is absolutely required. You could add in an Emerald Pillar to help balance Life quanta if you desire, but I think it runs better without an extra tower.
I'm done rambling now. Please, share your thoughts, suggestions, and opinions!