Fire especially. But yeah, just pick the 6 most hard hitting efficient creatures of an element, add 6 SoBe, then fill with towers. You get an extremely fast powerful deck. I haven't tested with anything but AI3, but against AI3, I haven't lost once, and tend to get 4-6TTW. I'm not sure if this will work against H-Bs and FGs, since this deck is all about speed, and getting your dragons before your opponent gets quanta. Of course, after the first few turns, if they have control, that can put quite a damper on you, but for AI3, it takes them nearly at least 3 turns to get enough quanta for control, especially if you go first. If you go first, you can nearly guarantee at least one dragon the next turn. The Fahrenheit included in the

deck is just to add to damage. Only one Fahrenheit is added, so it doesn't clog your hand when you use SoBe. Chaining SoBe is so satisfying. But yeah, the play style is so simple. If you have any towers, play all towers. If you have any SoBes, play it, then check if you have any towers, play all your towers and SoBes you have, place down Fahrenheit if you have it, and just drop dragons down whenever you can. Enjoy a fast win!