4 Ball Lightnings, 1 Vulture, in that order. Vulture should have Scavenger activate 4 times before he attacks, thus I should do 24 damage this turn.

But I only do 23 damage. ???
It appears as though the death effect and/or the scavenger ability is not getting activated until after the Vulture has attacked. I do not know whether the creature positions are important, though I will try to test in trainer to find out.
EDIT: After testing in the trainer, I found that I could only replicate the bug vs Turtle Shield. But in that scenario, it happens every time.
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This should do 64 dmg.

Instead, it does 61. You can see that the first Vulture isn't delayed...because he never attacked despite having a BL die in creature slot 1. You can also see that Vulture #3 only did 9 dmg, despite having 10 atk.