As long as SG and TStar isn't around, we'd be forced to either wait or give up on making threads secret section wise. We can get around this by doing PMs.
What do you mean by this, exactly?
Anyone who doesn't have current Secret Section permission is most likely not going to get it anytime soon. Therefore unless the person who takes over already has it, they will most likely not be seeing the Sections if we continue the event as far as not waiting awhile goes.
Therefore if we don't have one who can view the secret sections, we can PM everything. PM decks, spells, and round events and sending PMs whenever anything changes. Obviously this system is less than desired but its one that has a low chance of being abused.
Another option is setting up a for each house by the headmaster where we post things each round. Everything would be recorded in the messages as to not allow tampering.
I could be off base about the secret section thing, so *shrug*.
If people can get access, I heavily discourage anyone from this event doing it.