courtesy of the first generation masters^.^
- One of the main combo elements (pair it with other elements)
- Fireflies generate 1

per turn, elite fireflies(upgraded fireflies) generate 1

per turn
- Owns the ability dive (double attack for the turn, resets after every use)
- Amazing creature control
Notable cards

Firefly Queen: Generates a Firefly on command (once per turn for 2 life quanta)

Unstable Gas: A permanent that explodes once activated on the field, dealing 1 damage to ALL creatures (other than immaterialized) and 20 to your opponent

Wyrm: Uses the dive ability, pairs well with parallel universe (use dive--> pu the new dived creature for one that has the attack of the PU'd dived creature and has dive, can chain for some massive offense)
- There are many possibilyties to make Duo decks with Life.
- Mono-Decks are not that good, but they have cheap, good Creatures and lots of healing.
- The Element with the most healing.
Notable cards

Giant frog: Has 5 attack for a cheap price.

Empathic Bond: Heals you for 1hp for each creature on your side. Good for decks with many creatures.

Druidic Staff: Heals you for 5hp, every turn.

Adrenaline: Gives the Creatures more attacks per turn (some abilities will be used multiple times, too).
- Fast mono deck with immense strength
- Exceptional creature control
- Shatteringly low health on creatures
- Did I mention how strong it is?
Notable Cards

Fire Shield: Only shield in the game that damages attacking creatures

Rain of Fire: Dealing 3 damage to each opposing creature makes it one of the strongest creature control cards

Immolation: Only card in the game to give a sudden boost in quanta, and only card that requires a creature to be sacrificed

Fahrenheit: Only weapon whose damage changes based on quanta. In this case, fire quanta
- Strong fast mono deck with arguably the best dragons, thanks to their great HP AND attack
- Is a great support element, with it's blessings
- One of the only elements (along with water) That have 2 rare cards.
Notable cards

Hope. Arguably the best shield in the game, with just 3 RoL's you can get the best protection possible. Note: Fractal'd RoL's with this in makes opponents rage quit in pvp if they have no mass control.

Miracle (rare) Definitely the best healing card in the game, getting you up to 99 HP or even more!

Ray of Light A very good card since it's free and, even better, it produces light quanta every turn.

Morning Glory (rare) A weapon which hits for a whooping 8 damage every turn and it can't even be stolen. You wouldn't want to have 6 of these flying at you!
- Strong as a monodeck if your opponent has no permanent control
- Pairs well with more elements than any other element -- Aether or Air for control, Death for speed poison, Earth for denial.
- One of only two elements with two rare cards to it's name.
Notable Cards

Arctic Squid: the only creature that can lock down 3 (4 if upgraded) other creatures single-handedly. There's a reason it's rare.

Physalia: One quanta for a 2/2 critter that can poison your opponent with basically nothing he can do about it. NASTY.

Permafrost Shield: Freezes creatures often enough that it's basically akin to Dusk Shield or Procrastination in effect, except that it ALSO prevents 2 damage from each attacker. Basically one of the best overall defenses in the game.

Nymph's Tears: The only way outside of ultra-rare Oracle giveaways to access the power of the Nymphs, Nymph's Tears take Water decks waay outside the box.
- Makes a very strong mono deck (Use it alone without other elements) with a powerful defense and an invincible offense.
- Most of its creatures are IMMATERIAL, which means they cannot be targeted by creatures or spells or harmed by them.
Notable Cards

Quintessence makes your target creature Immaterial, like an Invincibility Potion. Now, it cannot be directly damaged at all. Invaluable in a Rainbow deck.

Parallel Universe creates a COPY of the target creature, whether it be your opponents' or yours, instantly creating a powerful creature on your side of the field. Use your opponents' epic creatures against him

Dimensional Shield stops you from taking all form of physical damage - including weapons and creatures - for 3 whole turns, allowing for stalling and preparing. Popular in Rainbow and Mono decks.

Lobotomizer is a weapon that both deals 5 damage to your opponent every turn as well as making the target creature lose his active ability. Creatures in the game can destroy, heal, kill your creatures, duplicate, deal extra damage, or do lots of other negative things to you using their abilities; this weapon can remove such abilities.
- very strong mono deck when upgraded
- capable of powering a rainbow deck via Supernova
- great creature control, tempo control, and quantum control
Notable Cards

Fallen Elf/Druid: one of the best creatures in the game, the Druid makes huge mutants with killer abilities, putting huge pressure on your opponent. The Elf is amazing at turning opposing threats into lousy Abominations.

Discord: quite underrated. When upgraded, the Scramble ability works more often, crippling non-rainbow decks.

Antimatter: whatever attack power the creature had, it now heals you instead, which means a life swing of twice the value of its attack power, which is insane.

Maxwell's Demon: the Paradox ability is pretty strong, capable of taking out Shriekers, Elite Chargers, and the like.
- Is the only element with card draw control
- Is heavily used by most rainbows
- A great support element
- One of the few mono decks that can work well over 30 cards due to card drawing
Notable Cards:

Sundial: Stalls for a single turn, and if you have light quanta, you can draw another card! Staple in some rainbow decks.

Electrum Hourglass: The best card drawer in the game, allows you to burn through your deck very quickly for that sole card you need. Gives you a huge advantage over other players.

Eternity: The only card that can keep you from decking out by continuously rewinding your own creature, and if you have several of them out you can practically lock your opponent down.

Precognition: This essentially allows for 24 card decks since they're basically a free card, so bad draws can be cut down by a lot. And on top of that, you get a large advantage by seeing your opponent's hand.
- One of the most versatile elements in the game.
- Capable of damage, healing, creature control, permanent control, and denial.
- Makes arguably one of the best Mono decks.
- The main theme of Darkness is taking your opponent's power (HP, permanents, quanta) to strengthen yourself.
Notable Cards:

Devourer: The only creature capable of quantum denial (unless you count Gravity Nymph), it absorbs one random quantum from your opponent each turn and gives you 1 .

Steal: The best permanent control in the game. Use your opponent's permanents against him.

Liquid Shadow: This card lobotomizes a creature, poisons it, but gives it Vampirism. It can be used on high-ATK creatures to heal yourself, or used as creature control against your opponent.

Nightfall: This card gives +1/+1, or +2/+1 when upgraded, to all Darkness and Death creatures on the board. Useful in conjunction with Vampires, or a field of Skeletons.
- Very unique abilities encompassing offence, defence, quanta denial and healing.
- Capable of ignoring shields.
- Several cards have great utility in non-specialised Gravity decks.
Notable Cards

Sapphire/Elite Charger: Only creature in the game with inherent momentum. Great against decks that rely on stalling with shields to set up.

(Elite) Armagio: Only creature in the game with a real defensive ability (Gravity Pull on itself). It has the health to take the hits as well.

(Elite) Otyugh: Arguably the greatest creature control in the game. Utilised in all the best rainbow decks for FG farming.

Black Hole: Quanta denial and healing on a mass scale, especially against rainbow decks. A very unique card that, if combined with Discord, could be the bane of any deck.
- Holds the ability to poison an opponent, dealing direct damage each turn
- Only Element to capitalize on the deaths of creatures
- Has slow but inevitable creature control
Notable Cards

Deadly Poison: Direct 3 poison damage, plus it accumulates. This for 2 quanta is an amazing deal.

Arsenic (Elite): Steady 4 damage, and inflicts 1 poison damage each turn. Since the poison stacks, it can easily instigate 15 direct damage a turn.

Aflatoxin: This card is unique in that it deals 2 poison damage to a target creature. When that creature dies, it spams cells that fill up a user's creature slots.

Boneyard: One of two cards directed at creature spam. Boneyards are often used with Otyughs in Rainbow decks for deadly effect.
- main focus is increasing health
- the burrow ability makes your creature untargetable, but halfs the attack.
- can run well with other elements
Notable cards

graboid: enters play burrowed, which means it's attack isnt halved and its untargetable. however, it cant uburrow, but can evolve into a shrieker

enchant artifact: makes the target permanent untargetable, good for keeping the more important permanents, such as weapons and shields, in play

plate armor: increases target creature's max health, good for helping your otys' eating disorder