I'd also change the FFQ for perhaps fog shield and/or shockwave. A lot of rainbow decks I see lack reliable CC. Also, if it was me, I'd personally use an HG instead of an egg.
Yes HG looks way better than fate egg even if it's less fun obv.
I got your point about using golem and I'm fine with that, also using golem let more time quanta free for HG.
I don't think that this explosion is needed, you already have 2 steal for PC it seems enough, I'll suggest a lava destroyer instead.
You should uppgrade that mind fleyer because the upped version owns with adren.
I'd use bonewall over flesh recluse but it depend which deck you'll face. Bone wall is still awesome and will make you win a lot of games, also if you play the wall advise you to use maxwell demon to feed the stack of bone, instead of pandemonium, which is too random for me ^^
I'll try to replace explosion but with minor phoenix instead. The Golem often dies very quick because of CC while the phoenix can be used as decoy and always be revived (and can be used to power oty and bone wall). In addition, i already have forest spectre as a growth creature.
I'll also test how a fog shield and owl's eye do when replaced with FFQ. (maybe I should upgrade both of them first)
I was thinking about upgrading the mind flayer too. Though he has his advantages in both versions. A quick mind flayer can be very important against some decks while against others you may prefer to have extra atk and hp. Personally, I don't think the difference between upgraded and unupped is that relevant. An unupped still can do 8 dmg which isn't that bad imo

Now according to your suggestions here's the version I'll try these days:
Hover over cards for details, click for permalink
5c7 5if 5ol 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6qq 6s1 6tt 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 6u3 71b 71b 74b 77a 77a 7ah 7dr 7ds 7ju 7n0 7q5 7t9 7t9 80b 8pj
I guess it's more a standard rainbow farmer, now that the "fun cards" are away but I need some money

I'll report the results later, thanks for your comments

Edit: Using improved Fog:
Stats so far:
32 wins - 10 losses
3 spins